It’s a busy day here in the CatBox. WWWendy is stopping by, because she took my keys home by mistake last night. Store to Door is delivering groceries this afternoon, and I have to but them away. I feel very tired.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:42 (average 5:46). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump* Virus Update:
Cases: 215,395
Deaths: 5,113
Recovered: 8,892
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Issuing a new distancing guideline on Wednesday, Donald Trump said that he was now practicing distancing from all of his previous statements about the coronavirus.
“As of today, I will be keeping a great distance between myself and anything I said about covid-19 in the months of January, February, and March,” he said. “I will be staying at least six feet away from those statements, and probably more like ten thousand feet.”
Trump said that he could not predict how long his new practice of distancing would continue, but indicated, “Next week, I will probably be distancing myself from things I said this week. This could go on for a long time.”
Well Andy, I see you’re back to straight news. You described criminal Fuhrer Trump* perfectly! RESIST!!
From NY Times: Taking their cue from President Trump, Republicans at every level of the party are pushing ahead with plans to put on their national convention this summer and provide Mr. Trump the kind of gauzy coronation he seeks.
Democrats, by contrast, are mired in uncertainty. Access to their convention arena in Milwaukee is contingent on the state of the N.B.A. playoffs, and they won’t have an undisputed nominee until at least early June, while state parties scramble to rewrite rules governing delegate selection.
Even former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the likely Democratic nominee, has said “it’s hard to envision” his party’s convention taking place as planned in July. “The fact is it may have to be different,” he said during an appearance on MSNBC Tuesday night.
There may be a plus side to this. The cream of America’s National Socialist elite may contract Trump* virus through their own stupidity. While I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, it may well be what’s best for America. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Jim Croce – Time in a bottle – 1973
Since Lona Requested ballads, I found a playlist of ballads. Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
22 Responses to “Open Thread–4/2/2020”
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6:18 That pole going off to the right is so weathered that the end of it looks more like a rock, Another reason not to go go the right?
Ah, spring! The time of year (well, one of them) when days of rain feezing on the ground are followed by days with temperatures in the seventies F. Oh, well, that’s why (or partly why) I keep a little heater under my desk.
Cartoon – So true.
This is a long cartoon (it does fit on one web page), long enough that I hope we will all agree that reproducing one panel constitutes fair use. It puts a lot of things together which are “the same only different.” And it is scary. But it’s for pretty sure necessary.
I realize the UK has a long, LO-O-ONG tradition of choirboys who can really sing, but this family seems talented over and above that to me.
Map – Sigh.
TNY – The satire is in him admitting what he is doing. The real *Trump would never do that.
NYT – Can’t add to your response. That isn’t how I had envisioned firing, say, #MoscowMitch, but it would work.
Past – This is certainly one of, and may be the, most universal of what you’ve played to date. And – terribly poignant right now, isn’t it.
BBC Breakfast !! Awesome!!
Thanks, Joanne.
YVW. (Nameless teaching me how to embed Tweets kind of created a monster, but I do try to use it responsibly
Sure … go ahead and blame me!
Oops – see response below (#7)
The outfit that published that cartoon is only about a mile from me.
That makes sense. Oregon leads the way.
Their cartoons tend to be rather somber, but definitely on the mark. I started getting their newsletter recently.
I thought of getting it too, but my eyes are so bad!
Cartoon: oh, so very true!!
TVU: Yikes!! …every day the #’s go up and up.
NYer: Good one, Andy! That’s almost 2 miles. He should be wearing a face mask, and a hair net for those windy, blustering daily briefings too.
NYT: Good grief! I’m w/you on this one, and wouldn’t wish ill-will, but it’s all about what’s good for America!!
BFTP: Love this song!
Hi Wendy! Hope you get all your chores and things put away. Take good care, and get your rest. Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “The reason dt is saying with zero evidence, that health care workers are stealing masks to re-sell is because that is what he would do in this situation.” ~ Dean B. ~
2. Trump has agreed to accept a plane load of medical supplies for fight the covid virus from Putin. “Hopefully, someone will tell trump that he’s playing right into a propaganda ploy.” ~ Andrew Weiss~
3. re: covid19: “Trump responded late. People are dying, country falling apart at the hand of an individual with (approx) 3500 lawsuits and 6 bankruptcies. *Economist
4. “Trump doesn’t care about the medical crisis or the economic collapse. All that matters to him is that he’s getting airtime and the attention of the cable news networks.” ~ Jason E. ~
RIP Ellis Marsalis. Condolences to Wynton, Branford, Delfeayo, Jason, and the rest of the family, as well as to the extended jazz family of fans. A giant has passed.
“Toon: They do love to do that dance, don’t they.
New Yorker: Excellent. And, one major Trump ass kisser, Gov. DeSantis, of Fl. has just declared church series ann essential activity. What, is he in competition with that wonderful soul in Louisiana, Rev. Spell, who is continuing to invite his flock to their funerals?
NYT: The DNC has pushed their convention to August. Maybe the GOP will have Rev. Spell give the benediction, and go hug EVERYBODY!
BFTP: Croce was marvelous!
Make sure you get enough rest, TomCat.
Cartoon: The Republican dictionary has the most entries starting with mis(s).
Update: How much longer before the whole map is turned blood red?
TNY: This elicited a snigger from me first, then a shrug, Andy, because it’s a perfect description of Trump’s behaviour. And yet, Trump’s riding high in the polls, but America’s coronavirus curve hasn’t peaked yet; behaviour of millions of Americans that is even more troubling.
NYT: Republicans are as irresponsible as we expected them to be, and may they choke on it, but wouldn’t it be nice if Sanders and Klobuchar threw in the towel for the good of Democratic Party and the nation and put an end to this uncertainty?
BFTP: Such a beautiful and meaningful song. It always brought a tear to my eye when I played it, knowing that Jim Croce had little time left after recording this song. Now it does for personal reasons, of which you are one, TomCat.
Cartoon: Yep the type of dancers those R’s love.
TVU: Up to 966 here. Keeps growing so quickly.
NY: Wish he would practice a whole lot more social distancing. So much that he would be out of sight.
NYT: I too agree with your comment.
BFTP: Great song. Always enjoyed Jim Croce
Hope you had a good afternoon.
I had to go in for a check up with my Oncologist. She cut more of the stitches out. Then she mentioned I had an area that was rough, and asked me what it was? I told her, that I wasn’t aware of it. She thinks it might be scar area from the operation. So she took a biopsy and will let me know the outcome next week.I pray that it comes out okay.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
Scary (no pun intended). I hope her guess (just scar tissue) is right. Will be hoping and praying.
Fingers and toes (sorry I only have one foot) crossed, and more important,
May the results be good! 🙏
Bless you all. Appreciate your prayers. Bless you all. HUGS
Bless you all. Appreciate your prayers. Bless you all. HUGS
This one has not only CC, but CC color coded so you can place who is singing what line. (A necessity, with this one, but not everyone would think of it.) Thanks for the training!
Thanks and bleary-eyed TGIF Hugs to all!