I’m still out of new things to say about this treasure. Pat followed Politics Plus and commented for quite some time on the now defunct Care2 News Network, where she had been active for years, before she started commenting here at the site. A few months later, she won her first Big Mouth Award for the 78,000th comment in May 2016. She became a daily regular and won her second award for the 85,000th comment in December 2016 and her third for the 93,000th comment in October 2017. She won her fourth for 97,000 in March, 2018. She won her fifth for 101,000 in August 2018, her sixth for 102,000th in October 2018, her seventh in August 2019, and her eighth in December 2019. This is her ninth award. She is a progressive activist, an authentic Christian, a proud veteran, and a Michael Moore Fan. If you tell her to go to hell, she’s likely to answer, “I already live there.” The poor girl is still a Texan. On the other hand, she loves her Houston Texans. Her comments are still bright, witty and above all, compassionate. She always greets WWWendy on shower day! I don’t know what else I can say, but please add your kudos with more compliments. She more than deserves it.
14 Responses to “Pat B Has a BIG Mouth AGAIN!”
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Oh! my goodness! I’m humbled.
I am usually running my mouth non-stop, but I am speechless when it comes to getting an BB award.
Thanks so much, Tom, (and community) for YOUR hard work, great comments, and for your companionship
and in being a good neighbor. It sure does make a difference to me, and I sure do appreciate y’all.
Thank you again, Big ole Hugs from TX. !!!

“This treasure.” That does say it all doesn’t it. Has anyone ever asked her to write and article (or two or more) specifically on Texas, present or past or both? Pat, keep the comments coming. Your compassion and consideration nudges me to be better, and your TJI’s have become an addiction of which I need my daily fix. Thanks, Shipmate!
Congratulations Pat.
You certainly deserve this honor. Love the way you always add your tidbits of information in your posts.
They add that extra spark to your daily posts.
Keep up the great posting. Pat.
Thank you, Joanne and Colleen for your wonderful comments.

Ya’ll are so sweet.
This is the highlight of my days now, now that I’ve been retired for several years I can read more and learn more.
Thank you, Joanne for asking me to write about Texas, I may later on, but not now.
Well, Shipmates, I sure do appreciate you both, and Thank you! and Tom too!
Congratulations to you, over and over again!
Thanks, Mitch!
What would this site be w/out your input?
Sadly, much less than having you aboard!
My big hope is that you’re able to help turning Texas from red –> to Purple –> to BLUE!
This ninth reward is so well deserved, dear Pat. As I said in December, I’m sure the 10th won’t be far away, steadfast in those wonderful comments as you are. Keep it up, Pat, and TomCat will have to think of a very special award just for you.
Thank you, friends, for your kudos…y’all are the best!

You’re most welcome Pat.
To comment on JDs question, I would love to see Pat join the staff here, if JD, Nameless, and Squatch concur. When I am gone, any you guys own the site, I think Pat would be a great co-administrator.
Great minds.
OH, Tom. I don’t even want to think about that subject of you walking down that long road…

I will PM you … in due time. Hugs!!!
I’m sorry to say that, as much as we’d both prefer to evade it, that’s the road I’m on. This cancer gives me no long-term survival options, so I need to prepare for the future of this site. Hugs!