Mar 212020

During Trump’s self-proclaimed “Democratic HOAX” that has morphed into an actual PANDEMIC, the world needs a leader who can be taken BOTH literally AND seriously. Sadly, Trump fails on both counts.

We’ll try to find some enjoyment – hopefully at Trump’s expense. But let’s first begin with some FACTS & TRUTHS – both of which are clearly anathema to Donnie:

Now let’s enjoy some humorous takes on Trump’s gross mismanagement of COVID-19 beginning with a microscopic view of the virus that explains a lot:

One does have to wonder why Trump put Pence in charge of dealing with the Coronavirus (other than to ensure that they’d BOTH go down together). But apparently in his own unique way, Pence is on top of it:

It looks like Trump and Pence are finally taking the Pandemic seriously:

Here are a couple of Tweets that provide a PSA about the virus:


And this would be Mitt Romney’s favorite PSA:


Taking hoarding to a whole new level!  Maybe we can do this poor soul a favor and provide a few recipes using boxes and boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and dozens of bottles of 1000 Island Dressing.

If you’re wondering where Trumpkins are getting their medical care …

And if you’re looking for that unique gift to commemorate the Pandemic:

Ones that I particularly got a kick out of:

And to close, my favorite: There are two types of Costco shoppers with different approaches in preparing to hunker down:



  9 Responses to “Saturday Smiles: Lemonade Out of Lemons (COVID-19 Version)”

  1. Sheesh – sorry – I should have waited a half hour.

    All very funny –  but I think my favorite was “WHO let the dogs out.”  Just because.

  2. The trumpeter in chief insists on being in on the press briefings every day. I think he is still telling people that it’s no big deal. I just hope they all keep going out and mingling in large crowds. Culling the herd is good for the general populace.

    Have you all heard about Mar-A-Lago being a hot spot in Florida? Too good to be true?

    I love the morphing of the virus into little MAGA hats on a stick. Brilliant!

    All the people hoarding TP, paper towels and cleaning supplies must think they don’t have to eat or else they can eat paper and drink Lysol. I am utterly baffled by their behavior.

    I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy. We need your votes in November. Support Voting by Mail!

    Hugs from Barneveld, NY!

  3. CAP: Lies, lies and more lies. IANAD….but he is a danger to the American people. 
    Anyone see the RM show last night?
    Here it is:

    omg….the pics and gifs are hilarious! 
    what in tarnation are those folks buying out the store w/corn flakes and dressing? 
    re: the toilet paper hoarders…
    Vietnam Vet (Marine) Reveals How To Do Your Business With Just 1 Square Of Toilet Paper, srsly!

    Great and hilarious post, Nameless, Thank You! for the laughs. 

  4. Very Funny!

    No where can I get a toilet that flushes Trump*? 🚽

  5. Excellent!  
    A toilet that flushes Trump?  Dang, where is that lamp Aladdin had , when you need it?
    I just love those earings!

  6. Fantastic job, Joanne.
    I love the graphics/photos, they are hilarious. 
    CAP: I hate turning on the television in the morning. Each time I do, I see tRump standing there speaking such garbage. Praising himself. 
    As for these hoarders, I wish the stores would stop them by placing limits, so other people can buy their essentials. 
    Thanks Joanne

  7. Thank you for our weekly dose of humour, Nameless. Normally it is a much-needed respite of daily Trumpiness, it now had a top-up to keep us sane in these difficult times. Thank you.

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