Mar 142020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  The pain in my back is so severe today that I just broke down and took an oxycodone.  I hope it kicks-in quickly.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update or Open Thread from me.  We have a lot of goop-prep to do in addition to de-stinking the TomCat.  It snowed this morning.  It wasn’t much but it was the only this year.  Later: it’s snowing again!


Have a great weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 5:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump Virus Update:



Short Takes:

From The Hill: One model from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested that between 160 million and 210 million Americans could contract the disease over as long as a year. Based on mortality data and current hospital capacity, the number of deaths under the CDC’s scenarios ranged from 200,000 to as many as 1.7 million. 

It found as many as 21 million people might need hospitalization, a daunting figure in a nation with just about 925,000 hospital beds…

Another model built by experts at Resolve to Save Lives, a global health nonprofit, and the Council on Foreign Relations found the number of potential deaths could range from as few as 163,500, if the virus is no more deadly than seasonal influenza, to more than 1.6 million if the virus carries a mortality rate of just 1 percent.

Basically this mean that, thanks to Republicans’ inadequate response, due to their lust for power, somewhere between 163,000 and 1,700,000 Americans are likely to be murdered by Trump* Virus and the Republican Party.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Infection Rate Charts Forecast Steep Rise In US Coronavirus Cases

Jack Ma is also giving the US 500,000 test kits. He’s doing this in spite of the anti-Chinese racist rants coming from criminal Fuhrer Trump*, Faux Noise and the Republican Reich. Kudos to Jack for helping us. “Without testing you are blind,” Ho says, but the Republican party intentionally sabotaged our ability to test to “keep our numbers low” At least FEMA is in charge, because Trump* finally declared a national emergency. But will Trump* appoint Michael “Heck of a job, Brownie” Brown to head FEMA again?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): ROY ORBISON – CRYING – LIVE 1988


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread–3/14/2020”

  1. 6:03 In subtropical wetlands, vegetables eat you.

    I recently started subscribing to Merriam-Webster’s “Word of the Day,” and this week they had an article on “fascinate.” Seems it originally meant “to cast an evil spell over,” from Latin fascinum, evil spell. Given our current politics, I of course started looking to see if there was any possible connection to fasces, the bundle of sticks with an axe in the middle which descended into “fascism.” I couldn’t find any evidence, although it’s easy to imagine that both could have come from fasciare, to bind. Fesces definitely did, and spells, especially evil ones, are known to be binding.

    I saw this last night, WOW. Just wow.

    Cartoon – Yup. right with ya.

    Map – I don’t believe for an instant WV has no one sick. They just don’t know it yet. Or aren’t admitting it.

    Hill – I didn’t read this at The Hill, but I saw it elsewhere (the worst case part). The best case scenario I didn’t see till now. But even one death is too many.

    Rachel – Glad Rachel made the point about the shape of the curve vis-a-vis the raw numbers. I, like geeks, tend to take that for granted.

    Past. Oh, yes, I remember. The most interesting cover I ever heard (and I say “cover,” but I think it may have been a live broadcast, because I can’t find it, and dang! I wish I could) was a setting for counter-tenor accompanied by a string quartet. I love it that chamber musicians are not only commissioning new music but also turning to arrangements from the Great American Songbook and the like.

  2. Picture: Holy Moly. It’s 84 here, just got back from a birthday picnic, and folks were swimming in the river. 
    PI day: We (@the MS I used to work at) used to bring in lots of PI(ES) to celebrate this day. Delicious and tasty ones, too! I looked forward to PI day!! 
    TVU: I’m surprised ours hasn’t gone up. 
    Hill: Depressing, and in for the long haul too. 
    MSNBC: Love Rachel. Thankfully…this news is good to know. Thank you, Mr. Ma for your generosity in helping save lives. 
    BFTP: Gawd….what a great song!!! Again, played over and over…and over…

    Hope your back pain get alleviated by your med(s). Tell Wendy HI for me too. Hope that you have a good day, take good care and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “The Australian government minister, Peter Dutton, was also at the WH and tested positive for the C-virus. Bill Barr and Princess Sparkle also had close contact with him. ~ Alicia C. ~ 
    2. “Gonna say one more time: If but for BBMM, dt would already have been removed right now.” ~ Teresa P. ~ 
    3. “Patients w/the new coronavirus keep the pathogen in their respiratory track for as long as 37 days, a new study finds.” ~ Claire C. ~
    4. “dt only wants credit and praise and glory. He is never held responsible for anything wrong. Bad or incorrect… even for a simple mistake like a weather map. ~ Ross H. ~ 
    5. “Where do Trump supporters go when they contract coronavirus? To a Hoaxpital. ~ John C. ~ 

  3. Sorry abut your back, or any other pain.  sorry that Dumpshit is giving you, and us, such pain.
    PI Day rocks!
    W.V., like Alabama, until yesterday, shows no cases p because they have not been reported, yet.  My step-son lives in Ala., and mentioned that, earlier.
    ST: And, if most of those who die are Faux News fans/Trumpers, because they rely on Dumpy, or Pence, he’ll only bemoan the loss of his voters.
    MSNBC: Jack Ma is, I’m bigly willing to guess, the source of the 500,000 test kits Dumpsite mentioned yesterday, giving NO credit to their source.  
    BFTP: Orbison had quite a heck of a voice!  He recorded with Bob Dylan, within the Traveling Wilburys.

  4. Happy Pi Day! And happy Einstein’s Birthday!

  5. Photo: Snow. It’s been raining here for days and suppose to continue all next week. Plus it’s suppose to be a colder storm. Wish it would snow here. 
    Cartoon: Happy PI day. 
    TVU: Scary. The number of ones infected has grown in my city. 
    Hill: It is very depressing. We still aren’t ready to fight it. Who would of ever thought something like this could happen with no end in sight??
    MSNBC: Wonderful news. Appreciate Mr. Ma’s generous donation. Hope others rich ones will follow suit.
    BFTP: Great song.
    Sure hope your back gets to feeling better. Have you tried some ice or heat? 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. A fun Pi Day rebus … YUM!

  7. So sorry to hear that while you got your heartburn under control the pain in your back has taken its place, TomCat. I hope your doctors are not overwhelmed with COVID-19 yet and are coming up with a treatment plan soon. Part of that may well be pain management. I hope spring comes early this year and gives you a more cheery view from your room.

    3:45 Nasty looking things, aren’t they?

    Cartoon: Forgot all about Pi day today.

    Update: I see you can forget about Alaska now, TomCat. The extraordinarily low number of tests done n the US is so typical of the ‘head in the sand’ approach of Trump’s administration; if you don’t test, you keep your (known) numbers of infection low and you can keep on denying a pandemic. After all, denial is the only thing this administration has been preparing for by practising a lot.

    TH: It didn’t take the Chinese to do something with the models they were presented with, and they built hospitals for thousands of people in two weeks. They could do that because they were prepared. You’d think that would hurt Trump’s American Ego and he would have ordered building them in less than two weeks.
    BTW: Trump now says that he’s been tested and that it came back negative. Why should we believe The Man Of A Thousand Lies?

    MSNBC: One starts to wonder why we have governments at all.

    BFTP: Too many memories, I’m still crying over him…

    • I didn’t forger about Alaska.  But not it has Trump* Virus and Bloody Bullseye Barbie! 06

      I’m so sorry.  I should have thought before posting that song.

  8. Thanks and painful hugs to all. 19

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