Mar 052020

It’s a busy day, here at the CatBox.  Eating is getting easier, since I discovered that pills getting stuck in the tumor were the big problem.  I ground them with my mortar and pestle last night, and WWWendy mixed the powder with cottage cheese.  YUCK!  I’ve eaten better crunchies from my kitty box, but my ham and beans goop over rice went down without issue.  This morning I ground them and mixed them with apple juice.  They glopped up, but I got them down.  Store to Door is delivering groceries this afternoon, so I’ll mix tonight’s grind with apple sauce.  I scheduled an initial appointment with my new oncologist, Dr. Evelyn Brosnan on Thursday, March 17.  I’ve requested that they release the PET Scan results to me this week, but they may not.  Have a great day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:42 (average 8:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: As an elementary school art teacher in the Dallas, Texas area, Stacy Bailey introduced herself to her students with a “get to know your teacher” classroom presentation. The presentation included photos of her friends, dog, family members, and fiancée (now spouse), as reported by The Advocate. After the presentation, a parent complained about the image of her fiancée. Bailey was suspended from her position, assigned to another school, and nearly three years later, has been awarded a $100,000 settlement from the school district, as reported by NBC News. Why the complaint and all of this fall-out? Bailey’s fiancée, now-wife, is a woman. The district denies any wrongdoings.

The district says it received complaints from parents because Bailey was talking about her sexual orientation with children. A parent complained Bailey was “promoting the homosexual agenda,” as reported by the Texas Tribune. If you’re curious about what the picture involved, it reportedly showed Bailey and her now-wife, Julie Vasquez, in Finding Nemo costumes, making funny faces. Bailey allegedly explained Vasquez as her “future wife.” In September 2017, Bailey was placed on administrative leave…

…In 2018, after eight months of suspension, Bailey was assigned to teach at a different school in the district. Working with attorney Jason Smith, she sued the school district in federal court, alleging the district violated her constitutionally protected rights. In October 2019, Judge Sam Lindsay ruled in her favor. The settlement of $100,000 was awarded on Monday.

Kudos to Stacy Baily for overcoming Republican hatred of LGBTQ people. There is nothing unusual about straight teachers talking about their families. For the Republican Reich to allow one and deny the other is a Republican level of hypocrisy.  RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: A harrowing scene unfolded at the White House on Tuesday night as Donald Trump screamed at Mike Pence for “not praying hard enough” to make Joe Biden lose the Super Tuesday primary contests, sources said.

Witnesses to the vituperative dressing-down of the Vice-President reported that the evening started badly after Trump saw the returns from Virginia, which Biden won handily.

“Mike, you were supposed to tell God to make Sleepy Joe lose,” Trump snapped. “A lot of good your ‘praying’ did.”

Trump’s tirade against Pence grew in ferocity after Biden romped to victory in state after state, a string of victories that Trump blamed squarely on Pence’s inadequate praying efforts.

Dang, Andy! As much as I hate to admit it, I was screaming at pseudo-Christion Vice Fuhrer Mike “The HIV Guy” Pence for the exact same reason!  Were it not for Republican prayer incompetence, Bernie would have won!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Four Season & Frankie Valli hits live Sherry, Rag doll, Walk

Damn, ! was young then! Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

BREAKING From NY Times: Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts plans to drop out of the presidential race on Thursday and will inform her staff of her plans later this morning, according to a person close to her, ending a run defined by an avalanche of policy plans that aimed to pull the Democratic Party to the left and appealed to enough voters to make her briefly a front-runner last fall, but that proved unable to translate excitement from elite progressives into backing from the party’s more working-class and diverse base.

Though her support had eroded by Super Tuesday, in her final weeks as a candidate she effectively drove the centrist billionaire, former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, out of the race with debate performances that flashed her evident skills and political potential.

While I recognize the necessity, I have a one word response: Shit!  She has a great future.  Liz 2024!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread–3/5/2020”

  1. I’m not admitting how long this one took today.

    Progress isn’t always fun. Sometimes there’s pain, and sometimes it’s annoying. But it’s still progress. Sounds like you are making some.

    Cartoon – So true.

    DKos – I was glad to see she had prevailed. The mention of family, the pictures on the desk, the ring – all of these are things homophobes want to deny to gay people and falsely claim they are not rights. I have been trying to point this out for decades, particularly when someone says something like “I don’t force my straightness on people.” While wearing the ring, no less.

    TNY – Now, now. Sometimes God says “No.” I’m no happier than you are, but it is what it is. Also, it ain’t over till it’s over.

    Past – Even if I had missed them at the time, I couldn’t have forgotten them after “Jersey Boys.” I wonder whether their stuff lodged in my subconscious and became part of the reason I welcome the return of counter-tenors to the opera stage.

    Breaking – She had to pick one or the other, and I’m sure she thought long and hard. She will do anything she can to beat Trump – she’s not going anywhere – just not as a candidate … THIS year. One thing, I don’t appreciate the New York Times making it sound like Democrats are as stupid as Republicans. But then – The New York Times. Grrr.

  2. Yep, that’s the Rethuglicanazi environmental plan all right: Rape and pillage the planet, then hide in your bunkers when everything goes to sh*t. But, what will you find when you come out? What happens when the caviar runs out? And will you really be able to keep your sanity while locked up with your whiny, spoiled kids and hyperactive Bichon Frises? And how will you survive without your servants? Yep, they ain’t welcome in your hidey-holes.

    Ever heard of cabin fever? That usually doesn’t take too long to set in. Soon you’ll be throwing board game pieces and books all over the place. Let’s see how long it is after you seal yourselves in before you’re at each other’s throats.

  3. TC, it is wonderful that you found a way to get round the damned tumor!
    DK: Good for Ms.Bailey.  This is similar to an article in the NYT, about bigotry:
    New Yorker: Of course!
    NYT: What comes next is going to be interesting.  Joanne, when you said that Liz had to “pick one or the other,” did you mean to stay the course, or drop out.  Did I miss something about her picking someone to endorse? I ave been all for Liz, and was not happy with her super Tuesday showing, signaling that it was time to close shop.  Would love to see her in the next Cabinet, but it can’t happen with McTurtle-traitor in charge.
    BFTP: Nice!

  4. Cartoon: Word. 
    DK: So glad that she won the settlement. This reminds me of the cartoon the other day with Rodney King and law enforcement…..all the while Mr. King saying…”Why can’t we all get along.” Words to live by, imho. 
    NYer: Ever notice that it’s NEVER dt’s fault for anything, and he places the blame at another person? He whines too much for being such a fat as- crybaby! 
    BFTP: Listened to his music, and loved his songs. He’s from Jersey too! (originally). 
    Breaking: Ms. Warren isn’t going anywhere, and I appreciate that feeling…she’s a dynamo to the Nth. (for all !)

    Oh, that’s good news with you powdering your pills, and getting your food to stay down. YAY! Tell Wendy HI for me too. Hope that you have a great afternoon and evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Hopefully Bloomberg stays true to his word and continues with anti-trump ads. He truly does seem to want dt out of the WH, with at least 63 million other Americans.” ~ Sharma G. ~ 
    2. re: dt – “Escaping to Moscow wouldn’t go well for him. You don’t think Putin cares for Donald, do you? NO one likes a traitor. No one.” ~ Teresa P. ~ 
    3. “dt is not running to be re-elected. He’s running to stay out of prison. ~ Jill M. ~ 
    4. re: dt & his sycophants reporting from the WH about the COVID-19 — dt blaming Obama for a delay in having COVID-19 testing kits available. “This will go down in history as a prime example of kakistocracy and corruption.” ~ Norman Ornstein (Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute). 

    • #4 – More blaming requiring time travel.  COVID-19 means that the virus did not jump to humans until 2019.  Obama has been out of office for three years.  How is he supposed to have stocked up on tests for something that didn’t exist yet?

  5. PSA: A Medical Caveat

    Glad to hear the crushing is working out.  BUT, if you have any time-released medicines, I would check w/ the pharmacist that it’s OK to crush those.  A lot of time-released meds have tiny beads w/ laser-drilled holes that contain the meds.  They probably would NOT do well if crushed.

  6. Thanks for the response, Joann. I get you.  Somewhere along the way, I would like to see her join with Bernie.  Hoping that that does not create too big a rift for the Dems.  It could be fun to see Bloomie and Liz both fighting to beat Dumpness up to the convention, and beyond!

  7. 4:58 Even when it wasn’t the first time, this one was fairly hard to do. Nice.

    You’re apparently getting the hang of mixing and swallowing, TomCat. If you don’t like cottage cheese could custard be an alternative or does that have too much sugar in it? I suspect it has as much as apple sauce does.

    Cartoon: There are a lot of Republicans in Oz, it seems.

    DK: Stacy Bailey should have received more than $100,000 and the parents should have been made to contribute to the settlement. The only way to knock the hypocrisy out and replace it with some sense is by hitting their purses.

    TNY: Actually, it’s hard to tell which one Trump hates more, Biden or Sanders, and which one he fancies he can beat more easily. All the groundwork against Biden is already done, the script for Bernie has been perfected since 2016. I know who’d I prefer, but I can’t predict Trump’s ‘ choice’.

    BFTP: Sorry, while I love the sound of some classical countertenors, I experience Frankie Valli’s falsetto as fingernails scratching a blackboard.

    Break: It was to be expected, and I expect her to endorse Bernie. Liz helped pave the way for progressive Democrats, all she can do now is give Bernie an extra push and then keep on working to turn the Democratic Party more progressive. Yeah, I can dream…like the Democratic Party top turned more progressive after 2016, right? One day, America will realize what they lost out on when Elizabeth Warren threw in the towel for the nomination.

  8. Thanks and pooped TGIF Hugs to all! 19

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