Mar 022020

Please pardon my brevity.  I’ve made five six trips to the throne since 2 AM, and my  breakfast experiment went into the sink, leaving screaming heartburn.  Oh God, it’s Monday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took  me 5:26 (average 5:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Alternet: Radio personality and CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish came under fire Saturday morning—along with the network—for “casually” portraying the surging prospects of Democratic presidential frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders as comparable to the threat of the infectious coronavirus which continues to spread in the United States and around the world.

He should be fired immediately.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Buttigieg Suspends 2020 Race To ‘Bring Our Party And Country Together’

I think he’s a good VP choice.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Del Shannon – Runaway (Rare Stereo Version)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  16 Responses to “Open Thread–3/2/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Yup, and then some. 
    AN: WOW! Unreal! and yes, he should be fired!! 
    MSNBC: Yeah, I’ll miss Pete. I do hope too, that he w/be a VP now, or somewhere down the line. I wish I could have watched a debate from Pete and dt. Wouldn’t that have be great? Pete would have definitely won that debate/conversation…no question about it. 
    BFTP: Wow! I sure haven’t heard this one in a long time. Great song! 

    Ugh! That doesn’t sound good. I do hope that you start feeling better, and things get back to normal for you. I hate to read about your heartburn too. Get your rest, try to take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “BTW…if dt reimbursed his golf trips, that would pay for many coronavirus tests. ~ Pirjo R. ~ 
    2. FYI – “Washington State has developed and is using their own test(s) for Coronavirus, rather than waiting for CDC to get their ‘s’ together.” ~ Rick R. ~ 
    3. “I am perfectly sure that the cases in the US are just Dems getting sick to make dt look bad.” ~ Mark G. ~ /s
    4. “dt is afraid of losing in Nov. He has no $$ of his own – however; his 3 oldest kids are now very wealthy from their family’s hundreds of crimes against the Emolument Clause. They can support daddy, and daddy will certainly make sure that they do.” ~ Sandra S. ~ 

  2. 7:14 Pretty but very likely indigestable.

    I know you are going to have to experiment with food, and that some of the experiments are not going to work (which is after all, why they are called experiments). But it might be a good idea to postpone experiments, or at least scale back on them., until you are able to get liquids and/ot injectables to replace pills. You may need a compounding pharmacy. I have to pick up a refill from mine today or tomorrow and I’ll see whether they know of a good, trustworthy one in Portland, or a way to find one. Of course your medical staff has the hast word. (Also, mine does ship. I am fortunate in that mu former-employer-provided-HSA-in-lieu-of-stupid-insurance pays for what I get there that I can’t get elsewhere.)

    Cartoon – Was it actually Cleveland (i.e. executive order), or did he just sign the bill? Of course it’s very sensible, even if one had the facilities to test everyone in his or her native language, anf them score the tests, which I’m sure they didn’t. So no wonder Republicans don’t like it. Wonder whether it would have kept Melania out. Probably not.

    AlterNet – He should be fired both by CNN and by whatever radio outlet(s) he is on. Not that another or two others wouldn’t immediately spring up where he was cut off.

    YouTube – He might well be a good VP choice, though IMO it depends on for whom. I also wouldn’t rule him out for a Cabinet position.

    Past – I remember the song, and the name, but I don’t think I quite knew they went together. Did you know there was a mystery novelist in the late sixties-early eighties who use Dell Shannon (with two “L”s) as one of her pseudonyms? She specialized in police procedurals and used a different name for each series-with-recurring-characters, which made it a lot easier to follow a story through many books than most authors make it.

  3. I hope you start feeling better soon.
    I would encourage you to check w/ your pharmacist to see if any of your pills can be crushed or capsules pulled apart and then added to a potable liquid or applesauce or such.
    (Do NOT bother asking your doctor – s/he most likely will NOT know, and just tell you to check w/ your pharmacist.)
    Mayor Pete was a class act of the highest degree from start to finish.
    While I would love to see him as a VP, at this point I’m leaning more toward Sen. Kamala Harris (but probably prefer her to remain in the Senate or as our next Attorney General); and probably prefer Stacey Abrams as the running mate.
    I think Abrams would have a chance to put Georgia in play, and firm up support across the South, like NC and VA.

  4. So sorry, TomCat, this isn’t a very good start of the week, is it?

    3:46 So pretty.

    Cartoon: They seemed to have better sense then than now, but it probably only passed Congress because they needed cheap labour, preferably from illiterates because they were cheaper.

    Alternet: “Radio personality and CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish…”, some personality! I’d call it a personality disorder. Any signs of Smerconish being thrown out on his a$$ yet?

    MSNBC: Courageous, like his whole campaign. I hope he’ll support Bernie or Liz from hereon. All the best, Pete, you’ll be sorely missed.

    BFTP: I know it well even though it’s way before my time.

  5. Thanks and Hectic Hugs to all.  23

    JD and Nameless, I have already gotten liquid Tylenol, multi-vitamins and D with calcium.  They taste like something from my kitty box. 10

    A Providence pharmacist is researching which of my meds are available in liquid form.  In addition, I bought a mortar and pestle to crush pills so I can eat them in applesauce.

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