Mar 012020

It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox.  WWWendy will be here in about half an hour, so I may need to finish this after my de-stinking.  I kept breakfast down this morning, but to do it, I had to spread it out over 90 minutes and take tiny bites.  I cut my metformin in quarters.  Republicosis set in at bedtime and kept me up half the night.  ARGH!  Have a great day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Coronavirus Cold Open – SNL

Once in a while, reality tops satire. Despite a thoroughly valiant attempt, by the SNL actors, the real life Republicans were far more absurd than the actors were. But the pseudo-Dems were quite funny!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Biden wins big in South Carolina but Bernie Sanders still leads delegate count

There’s not much else to say. Uncle Joe kicked ass. I credit the Clyburn endorsement for the breadth of his win. However, Super Tuesday will far more telling. On the plus side, Steyer suspended his campaign. May Bloomberg [R-NY] follow him quickly.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Troggs – Wild Thing

That’s another I played in a band. Ah… the memories.  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread–3/1/2020”

  1. Cartoon: A sad period of time back then. As a family (years ago) we went on a walking tour of the grounds where the trial took place. Actually twice. We had friends who lived up there. 
    SNL: Like you said, Tom, I’d rather see them (SNL actors) up in Washington than the misfits that are there now!! 
    CNN: Joe is celebrating this victory, we’ll see how this goes Super Tuesday. 
    BFTP: Good song, GREAT band!! 

    Hi, Wendy, hope all is good with you & family! Shame that taking the pills you need, is giving you a hard time. I would think that your eating/pill taking regime is taxing your strength and energy too. I hope it evens out for you. In the meantime, take good, good care, get your rest, and Thanks, Tom. 
    This just in: “President Obama set up anti-panademic programs in 47 vulnerable counties, as a way to protect against something like Coronavirus breaking out across the world. Experts BEGGED dt to keep them open. He closed 37 of them.” ~ Chris M. ~ 
    2. “Within the last few days, Rachel Maddow mentioned on her show something about children appearing to escape the virus more than other age groups.” ~ Lynn K. ~ 
    3. “Donald, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to beat you and save our Democracy.” ~ Tweet – Tom Steyer ~ 
    4. “The problem with the virus is that it is far more dangerous than the media is saying. It needs to be stopped before the whole country is ruined completely. Vote IT out of office in November!” ~ David H. ~ 

    • #5 – “At this point I would feel safer if the Coronavirus gave a press conference about how it’s going to save us from Trump.” – stolen so many times original quipper is unknown.

  2. 5:40 I like vultures, and this is one with pretty colors. You’ll need to change the cut to 48 piece classic if you need to use my link – sorry.

    Cartoon – Almost as glorious as the day of the first hanging, I would think.

    SNL – Oh, I don’t know – I thought the MAGA masks were cute as germs. It’s not what you’d call an easy topic to mock, after all.

    CNN – I voted for super Tuesday weeks ago, and have checked that my ballot has been received and accepted and will be counted. And I have NO idea what will happen on Super Tuesday, even just in Colorado. I think Biden had deep and longstanding support in South Carolina, and what Clyburn did was basically just put a face on it.

    Past – I definitely remember the song, and this was the cover which was definitive. No disrespect to your band.

  3. Sounds you’re adjusting quite well now you know what is causing your problems, TomCat.

    2:33 That touch of blue in its beak is so pretty.

    Cartoon: Never really stopped.

    SNL: Ben Carson’s MAGA masks made in China had me 🤣 and all Democrats kept me there.

    CNN: Sorry to say you got your ‘hope’ wrong, TomCat. Bloomberg didn’t follow Steyer to the exit; Buttigieg did. BTW, what happens to the delgates a candidate has amassed when they quit the race? Are Buttigieg’s now pressured into voting for Biden?

    BFTP: Good party music. A definite ear-worm but not of the calibre of yesterday’s Nights in White Satin.

    • Lona they are committed to vote for the candidate that won them in the first round of voting.  However, that candidate may release  them with or without  the recommendation of another candidate.  After the first round, all delegates are free agents, and Super-delegated may also vote. 07

  4. No caption need for this pic from Twitter!  The hat says it all!

    I just had to share this! . . . ugly and despicable as Judas is!!!

  5. Thanks and sick Hugs to all. 36

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