It’s a busy day here in the CatBox. WWWendy if coming to de-stink the rancid TomCat and help with chores, including the preparation of what I need for my day trip to the hospital on Tuesday. I hope your day is fully Republican-free. If not, flush!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:09 (average 5:05). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: Moscow Mitch McConnell went on Fox News to chortle and gloat over the 395 bills the Democratic House has passed in the last year that he’s refusing to consider.
“It is true,” the Senate majority leader said. “They’ve been on full left-wing parade over there, trotting out all of their left-wing solutions that are going to be issues in the fall campaign. They’re right. We’re not going to pass those.” Like making sure state and local governments have enough funding to secure the 2020 election and legislation ensuring that people’s health care is protected. You know, crazy “full left-wing parade,” unlike his Senate that’s cranking out extremist, unqualified judges and voting on forced-birther bills that can’t even pass in the Senate.
At the same time Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch’s beloved criminal Fuhrer Trump* is whining about how the House of Representatives get nothing done, because they spend all their time persecuting him. The only solution is to dump every Republican dawg catcher, the Nazi Republican Fuhrer, and every Republican in between. Every Republican in office is one Republican too many! RESIST!!
From Raw Story: Appearing in MSNBC’s “AM Joy” former lead prosecutor Glenn Kirschner hammered Attorney General Bill Barr of a pattern of deceit and perjury that began with his Senate confirmation hearings and continues to this day.
Speaking with host Joy Reid about Barr’s ABC interview admission that he is unhappy with Donald Trump’s tweets and that he doesn’t let them influence him, the prosecutor called him out.
“Bill Barr is not to be believed,” Kirschner explained. “You know, from day one, Joy, at his confirmation hearing he lied — he committed perjury. [Sen.] Kamala Harris asked him, did anybody at the White House including the president ask you to open an investigation or suggest you should open an investigation? What did he say? ‘You know, I’m grappling with the word suggest.’”
First, Barrf should be impeached. Then, Barrf should be disbarrfed! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Marcels – Blue Moon
This was the first 45 RPM record I ever owned. Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
10 Responses to “Open Thread–2/16/2020”
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Here’s the Sen. Kamala Harris vs Bill “I-Lie” Barr exchange during his confirmation hearing.
How Harris shreds him is just another reason I really miss having her in the race.
She deserves a place far more than gang bang Yang.
7:33 Dizzying.
Best to WWWendy WW. I hope all goes smoothly today, and tomorrow, and especially Tuesday. Prayers and higs all round.
Cartoon – Sure – because they use birth to control women.
DK – 395. I knew it was close to 400. So much for “do-nothing Democrats” And I believe almost half of those are bipartisan, too (not that it takes much to be “bipartisan” – it only needs one Republican vote. But still.)
RS – ‘You know, I’m grappling with the word suggest.’ Well, I suppose “suggest” is not really a good substitute for “demand” or “order.”
Past – A much-covered song … but no other cover is quite like that one. It’s always interesting when a singer or a group dispenses with instruments, putting in all the instrumentals themselves. (One doesn’t hear too much of Bobby McFerrin any more on the pop scene, but occasionally I hear a classical piece with him conducting. There was one this week in fact.)
Cartoon: Well…I can’t see them doing anything to help them at all…sad.
DK: BBMM- Lazy arse. What a con. I pray that Amy WINS big in KY. She deserves it.
RS: Most of them working with dt, are liars and sneaky snakes. I don’t trust any of them, (dt-bb), as far as I could throw them. (which wouldn’t be far).
BFTP: Loved !!! this song!!
HI, Wendy! Hope all is good w/you & family. You sound like you’ll be busy today, Tom. Hope all goes good, and that you get your rest too. Take care, and Thanks.
This just in: Happy 159th Birthday to OREGON!!!

Enjoy, Tom!
2. “Let’s be perfectly clear here…Donny Bone Spurs Can’t Be King! Elvis is KING, Forever!” ~ Louis H. ~
p.s. that is true, btw…mo. *pb
3. “Breaking news…There w/be no Holiday this Monday, Feb 17, 2020. President’s day is cancelled until we get one.” ~ Marie L. ~
4. re: the (stupid wall): “I’d like to see it torn down, and the materials sold, and the proceeds used to fund immigrant rights organizations.” ~ Annie M. ~
3:47 Impressive conservation
Cartoon: Seems to work for their wives. Not their mistresses though.
DK: Mitch McConnell is holding democracy hostage and he’s gloating? Too many bananas! I hope his Democratic opponent for his senate seat will milk this for what it’s worth in the most positive sense, as should all other Democrats in any election.
RS: I honestly wonder sometimes if America will even make it to a true election in November at all or that it will be a Russian or Chinese showcase election. This is so 1930’s By November it’ll be too late to do anything because Republicans already have everything in place.
BFTP: I know the song, of course, but not this version in particular.
Cartoon: Truly sad that they really don’t give a hoot at all.
DK:mItch the bi*ch has a lot of nerve complaining that the democrats have been busy passing so many bills. They’ve been doing their flipping jobs, not like him, his boss and the r creeps who haven’t done a damn thing except screw our country over with not impeaching the bas*ard.
RS:Agree with Pat comment. They all are no good rotten liars.
BFTP: Always was a real fan of The Miracles. They were fantastic. Love the song.
Hope you have a great Sunday. I too can see that it’s going to be a busy one for you and Wendy. Tell her Hi.
Pray that all goes well on Tuesday.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
‘Toon: Been there seen that, and it stills true!
DK/RS: The only thing one can take away from the shenanigans of the GOPIGGIES is that they seem to be competing for the Lucifer Cup. will it be BBMMM, or Barrshit, who wins the prize for working hardest to defraud the American people? It can’t be Dumpy, because he does not work at it, it just comes naturally to him. dumpy has learned that he can get away with ANYTHING, now, BTW!
“…ba ding a dom ding….” I Love It!
Kamala and Barr: No, it’s not “You don’t know, it’s “you are so full of shit you are stinking up this entire chamber!”
Your “BBMMM” has me scratching my head.
Decipher, please!
Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch!
Thanks and OGIM Hugs to all!