I’m having a rough day. Although I haven’t barfed my breakfast, I have severe heartburn, and the Republicosis has returned. Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than an Open Thread. I hope your weekend is better than mine.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:42 (average 4:31). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From ACLU: Voting should be as easy and convenient as possible, and in many cases it is. But across the U.S., too many politicians are passing measures making it harder to cast a ballot. The goal is to manipulate political outcomes, and the result is a severely compromised democracy that doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Our democracy works best when all eligible voters can participate and have their voices heard.
Suppression efforts range from the seemingly unobstructive, like voter ID laws and cuts to early voting, to mass purges of voter rolls and systemic disenfranchisement. And long before election cycles even begin, legislators can redraw district lines that determine the weight of your vote. Certain communities are particularly susceptible to suppression and in some cases, outright targeted — people of color, students, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
Below, we’ve listed some of the most rampant methods of voter suppression across the country — and the advocacy and litigation efforts aimed at protecting our fundamental right to vote.
Click through for the best reference I’ve seen on voter suppression by the Republican Reich! RESIST!!
From YouTube (538 Channel): Who Won The New Hampshire Debate? Buttigieg? Klobuchar? Sanders?
Here’s my take on it. Buttigieg and Sanders ended in a virtual tie. Warren was third, in spite of being sabotaged by ABC news, who virtually ignored her all night. She got less time than Klobuchar, and WAY less time than Biden. Klobuchar was fourth. She seemed a bit desperate. Biden was fifth. He was more forceful, than before but was singularly unimpressive. Steyer is still trying to buy victory, and Yang is still a one trick pony. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Witnesses Left Scattered In Wake Of Trump Impeachment Scandal
Criminal Fuhrer Trump* always leaves chaos in his wake, as others bear the consequences of his never-ceasing crimes and incompetence. RESIST!!
Also from YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Secret Service Skipping Reports On Payment To Trump Resorts: WaPo
Meanwhile a Trump* appointed federal judge just ruled that Congress lacks standing to sue Trump* for emoluments violations. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Doors – Hello, I Love You
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread–2/8/2020”
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5:20 Pretty, but flighty.
Want to thank LTC Vindman for his service?
Remember — there are TWO Lieutenant Colonels Vindman — Alexander (the one who testified) and his twin brother, Yevgeny. BOTH were fired by Trump.
Alexander is an Infantry officer.
Yevgeny is a Judge Advocate General officer (an attorney).
If you would like to send them a note of thanks: (1) Write a note or letter of thanks; (2) put it in an envelope addressed to one of the brothers, don’t worry about his street address, just put his name in the place for the address; (3) put your return address in the usual place; (4) place a first class stamp on your letter; (5) seal the envelope. THEN — put the sealed envelope in another envelope, addressed to:
Commander, HRC
ATTN: _____________
200 Stovall Street
Alexandria, VA 22332-0411
For LTC Alexander Vindman, make it ATTN: Chief, Infantry Branch.
For LTC Yevgeny Vindman, make it ATTN: Chief, JAG Corps.
In the second envelope with your a letter to Vindman, put another letter requesting that your letter be forwarded to LTC (First name) Vindman. When your letter is received at Human Resources Command, the respective branch will forward it to the appropriate Vindman, unopened. And, no, the Army will not give you their home address.
Yes, I realize this is the whole article. I’ve been posting at Daily Kos for months about whole articles being lifted by AlterNet and Raw Story and Salon with credit, but no statement of permission, and all I can get out of them is that what’s posted at Daily Kos is free for everyone, or in other words, this is perfectly fine.
Cartoon – A day that should live in infamy, but doesn’t.
ACLU – Bookmarking and saving. Too important not to.
Debate – Every source I respect is pretty much in agreement with you, right down to Warren getting sabotaged.
Witnesses – Rick Perry and John Bolton are no loss, I believe. As to the Vindmans, see above.
Secret Service – No one in this regime can say “emoluments,” or spell it, or have any idea what it is, except that it must be A-OK because after all it’s Trump. Can you say “disgusting”?
Cartoon: Yep, hasn’t changed much either.
ACLU: Texas allows residents to register by mail, not online. It also makes it hard for those who are working or ill, can’t drive, or parents w/kids… to be able to go vote, as some employers expect them to do it on their time, not theirs. Some have to go home, moms/dads and can’t take the time to go vote. Difficult all the way around, unfortunately.
438: I’m with you on this, Tom, I agree. GO, Ms. Warren!!!
MSNBC: Yeaaaahhh…this definitely sounds like an innocent president, and of course! above suspicion. Glad those mentioned by Rachel left before the sheet hit the fan too.
MSNBCII: Rachel explained this very well…. Well, it sure doesn’t surprise me, the IMpotus is and has been….a grifter all the way around. I don’t like the fact that he’s lining his pockets with our $$ while others are homeless, or looking for a meal or trying to make ends meet. what a pos.
BFTP: Great song!!!
Aww….I sure do hope (and pray) that you start feeling better….get your rest, try to stay hydrated, and take a nap! Take good, good care, and Thanks Tom. HI, WWWendy!! (ahead of time).
This just in: “To be the kind of President, to be the kind of human being who would seek to turn someone against his own son, who would seek to weaponize a son against his own father…is an unbelievable dishonorable thing.” ~ Pete Buttigieg ~
2. “Sadly…what we are seeing, now, is a serialized obituary of the USA.” ~ Charlie S. ~
3. The picture of DT at/on South Lawn of WH – “Stay Golden, Pony Boy.” ~ Cody B. ~
4. dt mistakenly calls UAE “the United Arab Air Matressis…”
Take care and relax Tom Cat.🥴😚
‘Toon: Lincoln did not initially go to war to free the enslaved, he went into war to “preserve the union,” which the GOP is working to destroy.
ACLU: Of course! I’m sorry, but the GOP has been working this aisle for decades, blatantly! Am I too cynical?
MSNBC: This son-of-a-bitch dicktator, has, apparently, scared off anyone else, and we are anticipating his moving to harass like a bitch-in-heat! The lack of backbone in the GOP is amazing, as we rather quietly slip into our version of the dark ages. “…Democrats outraged,” by the firings, was just on the news. Are any damned frigging GOPPIGIES?
Rachel: Co-opting agencies does take it a “bit” much, but what has he done to the DOJ? He’s Barred it from functioning as it should in a democracy! This is hugely scary!!!!!!!
Doors: Oh, for the vision we had for the future back then; could make me cry. Listening to Aquarius, from “Hair,” sometimes has that effect.
TC: Do feel better, and create deeply, and slowly, with the emphasis on the exhale, when Republicosis seems about to show up.
Hope you’re feeling better soon, TomCat.
2:42 And what now?
Cartoon: The number of states that would join a confederate after Democrats take over again sadly seems much larger.
ACLU: Good overview of rampant voter repression but even better the actions are taken against it. Kudos to the ACLU.
538: I’ll wait until the dice have fallen, I don’t have to choose. But Warren being sabotaged is very worrisome; I hope the DNC is not going to repeat the mistakes they made with Hillary.
MSNBC: Knowing Trump as we all do, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Eleven down just for this impeachment, not counting all the others Trump “didn’t like”. I wonder how his donors feel, who bought their job, like Sondland and Tillerson. Will they still insist on a job after Trump’s reelection?
One thing is for certain; if Trump is reelected, or doesn’t want to leave the White House, the ones also certain to lose their jobs will be Rachel, Chris and Lawrence.
MSNBC: I can only repeat Bill Maher here with “What’s the plan for dealing with the new paradigm that I believe we’re already living in”. When will Americans realize that their country has already slipped into a dictatorship, autocracy, kleptocracy or whatever you want to call it? Will you take to the streets after the reelection Of Trump and all his minions in elections they’ve rigged, if at all?
BFTP: Thanks for posting, TomCat.
Certainly hope you feel better … and SOON … like YESTERDAY!
Cartoon: You’d think it would improve by now.
ACLU: Glad to see that they are working at simplifying it. It’s definitely a MUST.
MSNBC: Ditto Mitch’s comment. tRump had no right taking this off the wall action. These witnesses should had been protected.
BFTP: Big fan of the Doors. Still love hearing their songs.
Sorry that your heartburn is acting up. Hope you were able to rest.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
Thanks and Hurry Hugs to all!
Hello, all. Re: ACLU—-pretty sure they are working to get a Nov.ballot issue here in OH that would allow E-day voter registration, other provisions. Now the cut-off is 30 days b4,one of longest. Let’s join the modern age! TC, hope u feel better. Queasy & uneasy me-self, likely due to this hideous newswk. Someone ran over my yard sign yesterday, put up a bigger one.
Help us in our time of need, cat goddesses! I just realized those of us on here regularly live dispersed thru the US & world; things getting very scary. Let’s keep in touch, moral support.
Amen! Sorry about your sign. Glad you had a bigger one.
I’d like to see voter suppression states lose representation like sounds possible from Joanne’s last post.
Corporate media are demonstrating major biases and unfair treatment of Warren and Sanders in the debates–the voices seeking to reduce corporate control in politics and elsewhere. Since the debates are coordinated with DNC, is the ghastly, unjournalistic behavior requested/coordinated/approved by DNC?Sanders had 6000 more votes 1st round, 2000+ 2nd round. Yang said do the math, Sanders was the night’s winner.
Sondman is also fired…wonder who else is touchable like this…(he is a part of OR so I’d be remiss not to mention)
Such frequent symptoms are concerning TC