Dec 202019

The week has caught up with me, so I hope to catch some extra nap time.  Pardon my brevity.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 5:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Expect Trump To Seek Revenge For Impeachment: Fmr. Trump Employee


She should know. There’s a word for Republicans that don’t jump ship now: FOOL!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Elizabeth Warren attacks Pete Buttigieg for ‘wine cave’ donors


As a Liz supporter, I hate to admit it, but he was ready for her. Nevertheless, I think Mayor Pete more qualified for the post of VP.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): While My Guitar Gently Weeps- George Harrison – The Beatles


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/20/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Yes, they’d love that…as would Ms. Lindsey. 
    MSNBC: Good video. Ms. Res – “He will exact revenge on a lot of people.” Not good to hear, but what we expect from him now. Shame that he can’t accept his own mistakes/flaws/lies and learn to become a better person.  Such a cad. 
    CNN: I’ve always liked Pete. I think (like you) that Ms. Warren and Pete would be a great team together. It’s nice and refreshing to listen to them, even at a debate, over the filth that comes out of dt’s mouth. 
    BFTP: Awesome!! 

    Get some rest, and a nap too. Hope that you have a relaxing day, take care and Thanks, Tom. 
    p.s. Texans play tomorrow…@Tampa. I hope I’ll get a chance to watch some of the game. 

    This just in: QEII talking to Melania T. – “Well, dear, if you ask me, you should be seeking asylum, and dt should be in one.” 
    2. re: dt’s impeachment: “Trump’s crackpot theory of him demanding an immediate Senate Trial, as if the man charged with a crime can dictate the terms of his own trial..”. ~ Sea C. ~ 
    3. “dt got impeached by the biggest majority of all time. He finally won at something.” ~ Heather E.~ 
    4. re: dt & Ukraine: “Putin was, as suspected, the driver behind that storyline. When asked by a WH aide why dt was saying “Ukraine tried to interfere w/the 2016 election, dt’s response was “Putin told me.” ~ Maria H. ~ 
    5. “The longer Ms. Pelosi waits, the more likely a new bombshell will come from Parnas, Giuliani or another source. Each bombshell puts more pressure on MMitch to hold a trial.” ~ Dan D.P.~ 

    Last but not least…Stephen Colbert’s ‘Once Upon Impeachment’. Enjoy!!

  2. ‘Toon: Can they just have Graham secede?  Put him out, off shore, in his own frigging little, and little-minded, country?
    MSNBC: “Revenge.”  Exactly what I ave been predicting.  This is who he is, sick bastard!
    CNN: I would be very happy with a Liz/Pete ticket.  There are others I could see with Liz, as well, however.  I cow;d be happy with a Bernie/Pete ticket, but can envision the racist homophobic crap that the RNC would then put out!
    Y/T: Love me some George!
    Pat: I especially love #1, but #5 is possibly golden.  MMitch, however, is a steadfast asshole.

  3. 4:59 Poor thing looks like he’s in the last stages of heat exhaustion.

    Cartoon – It didn’t dissolve quite so easily or thoroughly as they thought.

    MSNBC – I think that any tRump-watcher could predict that he would seek revenge, and perceive that he never, ever holds himself responsible. But that doesn’t make it any less valuable to hear the same from someone who knows him well.

    CNN – Certainly a Buttigieg VP candidacy would have one good feature – it would leave all non-VP-selected Senators available for the Senate (or other positions.)

    Past – Ah, yes, that was a pretty one.

  4. By all means, catch-up on your naps, TomCat. Hospital visits like yours really take it out of one, don’t they?

    3:01 Shall I eat him before he melts away, or leave him to Lynn?

    Cartoon: With America divided as it is, it would still be hard to find new boundaries for secession. It might end up split into three parts, with two progressive and economically stable parts on both coasts.

    MSNBC: “He [Trump] will probably get through this, and then he’ll exact revenge on a lot of people. A lot of people.” The only way to break through this is for Republicans to stop enabling and backing Trump and have him kicked out of office. Stripped of power and the ridicule of all, he’d not be in a position to get his revenge on them. But Republicans being the cowards they are, that will never happen and by having thrown their lot in with his, Trump has only strengthed his already iron grip on them. So get ready for his revenge, Democrats, unless you manage to take the Presidency and Congress in 2020.

    CNN: If they keep tearing at each other this way, there will be no opportunity for them to run for President and Vice President.

    BFTP: Thanks, TomCat. One of the best songs of George Harrison besides Here Comes The Sun.

  5. It was a very substantive debate last night.  Sad that its timing was less than optimal, given the focus on the impeachment of tRump*.

    But I truly HATED that floating scrim of logos in the background.  It literally precipitated some nausea for me – and I was focusing on the CC at the bottom of the screen.  I think if I had hearing and just watched the candidates I would have vomited from that endless scrolling.

    Who the HELL thought that was a good graphic?

  6. Why am I not surprised tRump is the vengeful type? All spoiled brats with no sense of responsibility are.

  7. This just in at ABC’s world news; US woman intentionally hits Iowa teen with her car in racist hit-and-run

    Trump may dominate world news here, but a thing like this is duly reported here too.

    • Des Moines is the largest city in Iowa.  It is in Steve King’s district.  Given how Democratic votes tend urban and Republican votes tend rural, you gotta wonder how often things like this happen in the rural parts of the district that never get reported, being covered up by people who approve, or at least don’t object.  I will spare you the blasphemies and obscenities, going through my head an heart at this news.

  8. Thanks, stay safe, and Pooped Hugs to All. 23

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