Dec 162019

In the original article the author refers to to 5 traits of Trump Supporters, but since these were Republican traits long before Fred stood up from the toilet and fished out the future Fuhrer of the Republican Reich, I extended the concept.  Please read the source article in its entirety.


The lightning-fast ascent and political invincibility of Donald Trump has left many experts baffled and wondering, “How did we get here?” Any accurate and sufficient answer to that question must not only focus on Trump himself, but also on his uniquely loyal supporters. Given their extreme devotion and unwavering admiration for their highly unpredictable and often inflammatory leader, some have turned to the field of psychology for scientific explanations based on precise quantitative data and established theoretical frameworks.

Although analyses and studies by psychologists and neuroscientists have provided many thought-provoking explanations for his enduring support, the accounts of different experts often vary greatly, sometimes overlapping and other times conflicting. However insightful these critiques may be, it is apparent that more research and examination is needed to hone in on the exact psychological and social factors underlying this peculiar human behavior.

In a review paper published in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology, Psychologist and UC Santa Cruz professor Thomas Pettigrew argues that five major psychological phenomena can help explain this exceptional political event.

1.     Authoritarian Personality Syndrome

Authoritarianism refers to the advocacy or enforcement of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom, and is commonly associated with a lack of concern for the opinions or needs of others. Authoritarian personality syndrome—a well-studied and globally-prevalent condition—is a state of mind that is characterized by belief in total and complete obedience to one’s authority. Those with the syndrome often display aggression toward outgroup members, submissiveness to authority, resistance to new experiences, and a rigid hierarchical view of society. The syndrome is often triggered by fear, making it easy for leaders who exaggerate threat or fear monger to gain their allegiance.

Although authoritarian personality is found among liberals, it is more common among the right-wing around the world. President Trump’s speeches, which are laced with absolutist terms like “losers” and “complete disasters,” are naturally appealing to those with the syndrome.

While research showed that Republican voters in the U.S. scored higher than Democrats on measures of authoritarianism before Trump emerged on the political scene, a 2016 Politico survey found that high authoritarians greatly favored then-candidate Trump, which led to a correct prediction that he would win the election, despite the polls saying otherwise…

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I shared only one of five traits.  Click through for the other four.

In closing, how do you describe Republican sex life?

When it’s good, it’s BAA-A-A-A-A-A-A-AAD!!



  10 Responses to “5 Traits of Republican Sheeple”

  1. Very good article.
    It’s a shame that these folks side with this individual who (as I can see and experience daily his oral smears…though IANAD, I feel that he is a mean, hurtful and sick man.
    I am not a saint by any means, but I do know right from wrong, and what he is doing for these United States is wrong. I can’t even stomach listening to him at his rallies, so mean and spiteful. 

  2. Ah yes.  I made a beeline for this one too this morning.  Not that there is anything we didn’t know, but it’s always good when common sense gets confirmation from the professionals.

    The one that has been most whipped up by Republican leaders, it seems to me, is relative deprivation.  I would like to say that what can be whipped up can be whipped down, but unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to work well.  But it certainly explains why white evangelical grifters are talking persecution, when they MUST know that there is no persecution of Christians in the US.  Any persecuting done here is done BY “Christians.”  But boy howdy, they sure can get a lot of the flock to believe in it.

    I might just add that sheep have MORE sense than Republicans.  White sheep do not lynch black sheep, or even call the cops on them when they are just living their lives.

  3. Very interesting article with a lot of research results that explain a lot. For me, it was the last point that revealed the most;

    If such data is accurate, the portrayal of most Trump supporters as “working class” citizens rebelling against Republican elites may be more myth than fact.

    There are a lot of rich wolves out there hiding in poor working-class sheep’s clothing. And those wolves may not all ‘suffer’ from an Authoritarian Personality Syndrome and lack of intergroup contact, but use that of others to their advantage to culture their own social dominance orientation and prejudices. A good description of a Republican in whatever office, perhaps?

  4. Yes, I read the article earlier, and the issues of authoritarianism and “relative deprivation” resounded the most for me.  As with my idiot, Trumpist, cousin, who once told me she grew up “poor,” in Queens, N.Y.and so was entitled to all she could get.  Bullshit! I lived with my aunt, uncle and cousin for 4 years in my late teens, early 20’s and we were not poor. But, it seems, the idea of relative deprivation can be used to stir up resentments of all sorts of things, and people.  
    I don’t buy the “working class citizens rebelling against Republican elites,” but do buy the idea of cynical working class people rebelling against all the lies their gov’t has been laying on them for decades.  They are prone to belief in conspiracy theories, because there has been a conspiracy of lies, such as that which got us into Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, at the very least.  Ironically they bought into the fairy tale of the political “outsider,”  the king of lies!!!

  5. Interesting article. 
    Thanks TomCat

  6. SHEEP-le is dead on! Anybody who thinks for him/her self would never vote for such a total creep.

  7. Hello, my friends, on this IMPEACHMENT DAY! That article is quite good. I live in a county that voted 70% for the clown puppet & it certainly fits his supporters. Oh, the middle fingers I’ve seen of the so-called “values voters & kind xtians” merely for peacefully expressing my 1st amendment right to dissent! LOL We will keep rockin’! Hope you are all doing OK. I wish you well.

  8. Thanks and Hugs to all! 17

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