Nov 242019

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is due in a half hour, and I want to do as much as I can, before she arrives.  I’ll finish after she leaves.  Ellipsoid Orb Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Trump Impeachment Press Conference Cold Open


How do you tell them apart, except the fake Trump (Baldwin) has bigger hands?  RESIST!!

From CBS News: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized on Friday after experiencing “chills and fever” earlier in the day. The 86-year-old justice received treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.

Ginsburg was initially brought to Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., on Friday, but was then transferred to Johns Hopkins for further evaluation and treatment for a possible infection, the Supreme Court of the United States’ public information office said in a statement on Saturday. 

Please remember RBG in your prayers, or in however you relate to the infinite. If the Fuhrer gets another Supreme Court appointment, that would likely be fatal for the hopes of restoring freedom in the US.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Animals – House of the Rising Sun (1964) HD


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/24/2019”

  1. 4:46 This one looks so much easier than it is.

    Cartoon – Sadly, true, but they’d never admit it, sinc they don’t believe in evolution. They kind of illustrate the on=ld Spanish proverb, “Everyone is as God made him, and very often worse.”

    SNL – Well, Alex can string two sentences together (and he’s not as shrill). I think I already posted the quotation here about what “I want nothing” can actually mean, so I won’t repeat myself now.

    RBG – I saw this and froze with terror for the same reasons you give. I beseech all Democrats who are not otherwise occupied full time (Adam Schiff get a pass) to start right now thinking about what can be dome to reform the judiciary assuming we get control of the House, Senate and White House. I pray for RBG as hard as I can, but it still wouldn’t hurt to have a backup plan.

    Past – Of course I remember the song, which is no-one-knows-how-old, and therefore just called “traditional” (the oldest reference on record seems to be from 1905). I also even recall this cover of it, which certainly expanded the audience for it (and is generally considered to have been the first “folk-rock” hit).

  2. Cartoon: Yeah…sad. 
    SNL: Loved the clip, I’d rather see them in the WH, than who’s in there now. 
    RBG: Respect. I pray for her continued wellness, and for her to stay healthy. We need her.
    BFTP: Wore the vinyl off the album on this one. Loved the song. 

    Hi, Wendy! Hope that you get all your chores done, and get a chance to rest and relax the rest of the day away. 
    Do take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: re: Marine asking Lindsey Graham about the Oath of Office (that both of them took) as well as the potus – Graham chose to run and hide. Coward. *see link
    2. “As events evolve each day — don’t forget…Rudy and Bolton are itchin’ to start snitchin.” ~ Dan P. 
    3. Reminder…”On Monday, we get a ruling on the Don McGahn subpoena.” ~ Rick R. ~ 
    4. “House bills are looking like Obama’s court nominations in his final year. OBSTRUCTION!” ~ Phiil W. ~ 

  3. Cartoon: Some seem to have not come down from the trees yet (with my apologies to all other creatures living in trees).

    3:16 Some trouble balancing straight and curved lines.

    SNL: Very funny way to show how both are so much alike; both love the limelight, are incompetent at their job and think they are above the law. Sondland, however, is a lot smarter and not demented.

    CBS: The NYT thought she would be out again before Monday, so let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed she’s up and working soon enough to have her say in Trump’s tax-return case. America can’t do without Ruth Bader Ginsburg yet, if ever. Hang on, dear Ruth.

    BFTP: Lots of memories of this cover, but strangely not from the time it was released. It may have had a re-release later, but being such a classic version it kept being played through the years.

  4. ‘Toon: they sure as hell did! And, they are proud of it!
    SNL: Wonderful.
    CBS: Hang in there RGB!!!!!!!!
    Animals: I have always loved the song.
    Changing the subject, I will be away for Turkey holiday, for a while,with not internet.  So Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  5. Cartoon: Yep. 
    SNL: Enjoy it every time. Alec does such a great job.
    CBS: She sure has been thru so much. I’m praying for her health. 
    BFTP: Was a fan of the Animals. Great song. 
    Hope you had a nice visit with Wendy. That you both got everything taken care of.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Cartoon — Yup, devolved!  Too bad they did not devolve into oblivion!

    CBS — If, God forbid, something happens to RBG, anybody want to bet that McTurtle aka Moscow Mitch will move to have her replacement confirmed even though this is the last year of Trump’s term?  That’s what he pulled with Merrick Garland, Obama’s choice in 2016.  I have been saying prayers for her ever since I first heard on the news feeds.

    YouTube — I remember this one well although I never learned the words.

    I have spent most of the day without my computer . . . slow (almost in reverse), freezing etc.  Maybe it caught my bug!

  7. Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

  8. Thanks and pooped OGIM Hugs to all! 19

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