Nov 232019

It’s a frustrating day here in the CatBox.  I missed my cardiologist appointment appointment yesterday.  TriMet Lift was was supposed to arrive between 8:53 and 9:27 to get me there for a 10:10 appointment.  At 9:15 they gave me an ETA of 9:45.  At 9:45 they gave me an ETA of 10:20.  At that point I had to call to ask if Lisa could see me late.  She could not, and I had to reschedule.  I can’t see her now until January.  I asked Providence Home Medical Equipment to give me a time to get the Oxygen Concentrator I ordered yesterday.  They’ll let me know on Monday.  I found the same make and model as the one I already have, so I’m already familiar with its operation and maintenance.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are meditating with the Bills.  Because they stink, it won’t be televised here.  May the divine Orb shine it’s blessed light on your team, unless they gamble with buffalo chips.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update.  It’s a busy WWWendy day, and she’ll be here an hour early, because she has an event at her bartending job.  Irritated Hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:56 (average 5:01).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In what some observers called his most sarcastic opening statement of the impeachment inquiry, Representative Devin Nunes, on Thursday, accused witnesses of trying to mislead the American people with facts.

“From the beginning of these proceedings, the Democrats’ witnesses have offered facts, more facts, and nothing but facts,” Nunes said. “I, for one, have had enough of their factual games.”

Ramping up his attack, he accused the civil servants who have testified of having “an almost cult-like worship of verifiable information.”

“ ‘Step right up,’ these witnesses seem to be saying,” Nunes added. “ ‘The fact circus is in town.’ ”

Dang Andy!  Isn’t that just like those Democrats?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): US Intel Briefed Senators That Ukraine Theory Is Russian Op: NYT


Senate Republicans knew this the whole time that they were pushing that conspiracy theory. Is Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch the only Russian agent in the Republican Caucus? It appears not. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): REFLECTIONS OF MY LIFE” THE MARMALADE ~ 1969 – original recording ~ HQ AUDIO


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!,

Vote Blue!!


  16 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/23/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Amen! Yes, he would have! 
    New Yorker: Straight up, Andy! Gawd, he IS a one-man circus unto himself. I hear it on good authority that Devin’s mom is pretty angry at him right now, but she did leave a note that said, ‘get your S–t together and do what’s right!” pb.
    MSNBC: Shame that this does not surprise me..anymore. Sad.
    BFTP: Good one! 

    Boy,..what a bummer! So sorry to read of your unfortunate day yesterday. Glad to read that your Oxygen Concentrator will be there soon. Hi, Wendy! Hope that you have a chance to rest/relax. Best to your guys tomorrow..Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: “AG William Barr is the second most dangerous person in the country. In his own ways, he’s as much a threat to the rule of law…as the president.” ~ Adam Schiff ~ 
    2. “Dr. Hill told the world that dt get played by Putin.” ~ Bess H. ~ 
    3. “btw..dt called into Fox & Friends, and spoke by phone for less than an hour. FactCheck states that dt told 88 lies in 53 mins.” ~ Linda S. ~ 
    4. “What?? Another week of no golf for Traitor Trump?” ~ Bill K. ~ 
    5. “The Tide is turning. I saw this this morning. ‘Republicans for the Rule of Law’ aims to educate GOP voters on the facts, so they are placing these ads on Fox & Friends news.” ~ Sylvana GB.~

    • Two of my favorites quotes by Donnie on his totally incoherent rambling rant on Fox & Friends:

      “We have loopholes, and they are called loopholes for a reason.  Because they are loopholes.”

      “Well, a lot of things are the matter with me.”

    • Great ad.  How many people belong to “Republicans for the Rule of Law”?  Three?

  2. ‘Toon: I’d certainly like to think so.
    New Yorker: Might Nunes’ last election be the last one Nunes ever wins?  He really needs to be confronted with a viable opponent, next time around.  In “Understanding Ignorance…,” by Daniel DeNicola, the author deconstructs numerous aspects of ignorance, ties it to knowledge, its twin brother, and one can see how a Nunes type of person can unceasingly fight to keep facts from influencing the ignorance of his constituents, and an entire country.  He, and his abettors  really need to feel some consequences!
    MSNBC: Mr. “Marvelous Wisdom,” POTUS is such a frigging toad and easy mark for the Russian puppeteer!  It would be nice to know which senators were briefed, and whether, or not they told other senators about it.  I can’t see why they would have been told to keep the info secret.  Any senators given this information ought to have a moral obligation to spread it around, and act in a manner in keeping with protecting the country from any, and all, enemies, particularly…Russia.  Has it been McConnell’s bullying of his people that has turned them into such worms, or were they worms in the first place, those GOPIGGIES?!
    Marmalade:  I do love their sound, and this is definitely a “sad tomorrow.”  Who would have thought?  “Take me back to my own home?”  Sorry, but, just what does that mean?  No, the world is not a bad place, it is just a place, but the few assholes that it contains can make it feel bad.
    Pat’s #3: I heard him, on a TV at the gym, talking to those fools, and he was so full of crap!
    Pat’s #5: WITH MY Blessings!!!!!!!!!!

    • If what you say it is….I love it!
      Sure wants to sling the dirt, but can’t take it back.
      He should resign. He has done nothing except lie through the side of his mouth, and then lie some more. 
      Karma w/take good care of him, I’m sure. 
      Thanks, Mitch for the link. 

  3. I continue to say Nunes should stick to suing imaginary cows–the only skill I’ve seen yet.  I agree with Pat’s Barr quote.Hope equipment needs go well and glad you are spared CA’s power outages (I’ve learned Camping World has best choices of generators for those needing to run medical equipment from a nurse who researched it for patients).

  4. 4:45 Sure glad it isn’t the water that’s orange. The fish that would come our of that ….

    (Lin Manuel Miranda gets credit for the hashtag #QuidProQuOklahoma – he’s a Randy fan too.)

    Cartoon – I think he would, before the end of his first term. Hard to be certain. There was an issue of allies then too.

    TNY – I want to know more about how Devin was involved in the Ukraine “drug deal” – since 2016. Recuse? Are you kidding me?

    MSNBC – Of COURSE #MascowMitch is not the only one! Besides 3LeningradLindsey and now #MoscowMarsha … well, I suspect it’s every Republican in the Senate and at least half of the ones in the House.

    Past – Don’t remember this one, sorry.

    My day yesterday was not great, driving conditions being what they were, but I finally got there and didn’t get any more behind over the two days, Friday and Saturday, than I already was. Good luck to you. Hopefully watching Randy will make you feel better.

    • Thanks. JD. Randy 🌈 was top-notch again. It’s good that Randy has so many songs to pick from to demonstrate Trump’s warped behaviour. At the same time, it’s very sad that he needs so many songs to comment on this never-ending drama that is the 45th Presidency.

  5. You sure had your share of frustration yesterday, TomCat. But your cardiologist postponing the appointment until January must certainly mean that there’s no imminent danger and hasn’t too high a priority.

    3:37 Breezy day at the shore

    TNY: I don’t think Nunes would ever say that, Andy, because he wouldn’t recognise a fact if it hit him in the face.

    MSNBC: So Putin has been telling Trump in a private conversation about the “Ukranian election interference”? Then I wasn’t far of with having Putin whispering this as advice in Trump’s, was I 🤣🤣🤣 If I can concoct this out of the mess that was Trump’s presidency so far, how stupid must Republican senators be to deny the evidence that this conspiracy theory was Russian made when it was handed to them by their own intelligence agencies and even bring it up at the hearings? You’ve got to hand it to Putin; he sure knows how to throw that big, strong America in total disarray and keep it there for the next four years.

    BFTP: One of the better British psychedelic pop songs (goodness knows why this was called psychedelic). Nice memories.

  6. Cartoon: I also feel the JFK would of ended the war. 
    TNY: Devil nUnes seems to be in some big trouble. Glad that it’s finally catching up with him. 
    MSNBC: This has been going on way too long, more reason tRump needs to be removed. Sick of having a pUtin puppet running our country.
    BFTP: Do recognize it. Good tune. Sorry to hear that you didn’t make it to your cardiologist appointment. Awful to hear what TriMet Lift put you through so much crap. Is there a way to let their superior know what they have caused?  
    Too bad you have to wait till January. Hopefully they will call you if someone cancels a day or two, and you can get in sooner.
    Glad that you were able to order another Oxygen Concentrator. One that will be yours and you’re familiar with.
    Hope you had a nice Saturday. That you got some rest.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat 

  7. Would Kennedy have ended the war sooner? Only the history in an alternate universe where Oswald missed would provide the answer.

  8. Sorry to hear WRT your missed cardiology appointment.  Hope you’ll be able to share w/ TriMet Lift their mix-up.

    Good to hear WRT your O2 concentrator.  I would still advise you to check w/ your PCP WRT having it covered by Medicare as a durable goods product.

  9. Thanks and pooped Ellipsoid Orb Hugs to all! 🏈

  10. My post just disappeared.  I am having a slow computer day and I am not doing it over.

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