It’s a very tired day here in the CatBox. It’s been a rough week. I got the results of the fecal test this morning. It’s negative! All that for nothing! So whatever The problem is, it’s worse, and I have to go see a Gastroenterologist. ARGH! Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb. My Broncos are meditating with the Vikings. I guess it’s time to grab my ankles. Ya shure! You betcha! May the divine Orb bless your team, unless they wear horny hats and drive longboats. Please expect no more than Personal Updates tomorrow and Monday. Tomorrow is a busy WWWendy shower day, and Monday I go to see my Oncologist to interpret the follow up Cat Scan. The growths in my lung have increased in size, so I’m pretty sure a biopsy is the next step. ARGH! Weekend Hugs to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:16 (average 4:56). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From Crooks and Liars: The Yovanovitch hearings Friday morning provided revelations regarding the impact of Trump tweets on the State Department…
But wait, there’s more!Then it was revealed that Trump is tweeting attacks against Marie Yovanovitch THIS MORNING while she is testifying. Witness intimidation in real time! You’d think Ivanka would take him golfing so he can’t commit impeachable crimes during the impeachment hearings, but hey.
I personally think the stuff about the State Department refusing to issue a statement of support for Yovanovitch because “Trump might tweet a contradiction of that statement they can never be sure” is an equally big deal, but those who wanted “pizzazz” at a hearing got it as Adam Schiff followed up by reading Trump’s tweet from this morning (witness intimidation, again, while she is on the stand) into the record.
That tweet storm is itself an impeachable act: witness intimidation. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: In a blistering tweet on Friday, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, was accused of leaving a trail of destruction by a man with six bankruptcies and multiple business failures.
“Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad,” wrote the man, who ran the now defunct United States Football League into the ground and paid twenty-five million dollars to settle fraud charges against a fake university bearing his name.
“She started off in Somalia, how did that go?” tweeted the man, whose lengthy roster of bankruptcies includes the Trump Taj Mahal (1991), Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), the Plaza Hotel (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts (2004), and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009)….
Andy, what a great point. Putin’s Pervert is a hypocrite! RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Who – Won’t Get Fooled Again
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
13 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/16/2019”
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6:38 – Doesn’t actually look like fun to me.
Oh, dear. That’s always my greatest fear – that they won’t find anything though I am suffering. Getting old is definitely not for the faint of heart. We are, as you well know, here for you in any way we can be. Courage!
Cartoon – That long ago! (I’ll bet the actual drawing you used is newer, though.)
C&L – Even though he is at Fox, not much gets by Andrew Napolitano, and that sure didn’t. He was quite clear it was impeachable. Both Chris Wallace and Bret Baier came under fire from deplorables for telling the truth too. It was an interesting day.
TNY – Of course she took the hardest jobs because she is a patriot. When a place is that bad, you can leave it better than you found it and still leave it in ruins. If you aren’t money laundering instead f working.
Past – Another that I vaguely remember.
Cartoon: Still trying after all these of my favorite toons though.
C&L: You’d think at some point dt would just back off, keep quiet, and let the impeachment hearings continue…this certainly doesn’t sound like the musings of an innocent man either. Threatening a distinguished woman as she was testifying. Good Lordt! IANAD, but he’s not well, and he reminds me of the Wicked Witch (WoO), and he’s melting, (like she did towards the end).
NYer: A woman with a distinguished career who is respected within the community, who commands respect. Yeah, he’s (dt) a hypocrite and more!
BFTP: Ahhh……yeah, memories for sure!
Hi, WWWendy ! Hope all is good with you & family. Oh! I do hope that you get the testing and care that you need in an expedient manner, and that all w/get taken care of. Hope that you have a good rest of your day/evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. p.s. Get your rest !!
*This just in: “Potus intimidation to Ms. Marie Yovanovitch: “She scares you, doesn’t she? She’s credible, composed and a true Patriot, who served 33 dignified years for our county until you came along. Unlike you – she can point to Ukraine on a map. ~ Leslie A. ~
2. “I think part of it (dt), is his own insecurity as an imposter, and he knows full well that he’s in that office way over his head.” ~ Nancy Pelosi ~
3. dt talking to the press – “Donnie talking in his big boy wide point sharpie voice.” ~ Ramesh Y. ~
4. “Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.” ~ Shakespeare, King Henry VI, part 3.~
‘Toon: Now, there is a guy who gets no respect, but deserves it all!
C and L: Dumpy keeps on keeping on, searching vainly for the lowest point a human can find, out in plain sight, which some have claimed is his strategy, unlike Nixon’s quiet sliminess. But, in Dumpy’s case, it is all about his imbecility, his belief in his infallibility.
New Yorker: They want to impeach me, Mr. wisdom himself? Shit, I’ll give them something to impeach with!
The Who: How many times have I quoted that marvelous, but ignored line? Fooled, and fooled, and fooled again, frigging idiots. Yeah, the earth is flat, the moon is cheese, and Dumpy is your savior!
It’s good to hear the fecal test came back negative, but now you need to find out what is causing your Republicosis other than the GOP. The growths in your lungs increasing also need checking out, and none of the necessary medical procedures is “fun”, to say the least. Stay strong, my friend, not knowing is also harrowing.
2:48 Aussies surf, not paddle-board.
Cartoon: Still holding it after all these years.
C&L: Schiff was smart enough to read out Trump’s intimidating tweet to Yovanovitch and asking her if it would be intimidating to other witnesses. Otherwise, it would have been a case of him intimidating Yovanovitch with it as Trump tweeted it during the session when she couldn’t possibly have read it herself. Democrats won’t be able to make the case that Trump was intimidating Yovanovitch, not that time anyway, but it can be seen as general witness-tampering of those that follow or thinking about following, of which Bolton seems a likely target.
TNY: No satire here, Andy, just a sarcastic string of truths.
BFTP: Certainly memories, but never a very big fan of The Who.
I read that on Thursday, Senate Republicans confirmed a white nationalist, Steven Menashi, to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. As Rachel Maddow also keeps repeating, don’t listen to what they’re saying, watch what they’re doing when all attention is focussed elsewhere.
Senate Republicans did do that, yes. T wasn’t totally under the radar – many of us signed one or more petitions opposing his confirmation – Susan Collins even voted against him – but it wasn’t enough.
Anyway, in this case, what they did aligns with what they are saying.
(Oddly, I just finished playing a game about a killer judge.)
May all results ahead prove more benign than you fear.
Some are rising to the crisis with integrity, fortitude and dignity…others are wallowing in their own swamps
All main hotels, golf clubs seem to have significantly reduced incomes…talk of selling Wash DC lease…is that why striving to keep tax returns secret?
Disagree that your fecal test of “Negative” is “for nothing”. Given we’re the same age, am I safe in assuming you have a gastroenterologist who’s been doing your colonoscopies at least every 5 years since 50 y/o?
Depending on size and location, I suspect your potential lung biopsies would be amenable to bronchoscopy approach. That’s a relatively straightforward, benign procedure.
My friend, what I meant is that, if that test were positive, I could take pills for a few days, and the problem would be solved.
I’ve never had a colonoscopy. It is so difficult for me to get to the bathroom that the only way to flush my system is to do it in a hospital. Otherwise, I’d have a bed and a Lift Bus full of crap. Instead Megan has been giving me a tiny stool sample kit annually and doing a biannual sigmoidoscopy in her office.
I’m more concerned about the results than the bronchoscopy.
Thanks for caring.![35](
Trump taken to Walter Reed Hospital on late Saturday afternoon for “tests” – allegedly as part of his annual scheduled physical in February (… RIIIIGGGHHHTTT)
He does have a family – so let us pray:
LOL! Of course you can’t believe a word, even a syllable, that comes out of this White House. And, given that better, more honest, and more transparent administrations have hedged and even lied about Presidential health (not wanting to start a panic), it really is anybody’s guess what this is all about.
Would that they had thrown a net over him.![13](
Thanks and grateful hugs to all!![23](
Bless you Tom Cat.🍀🍃🌷