For weeks Republicans have been whining that Democrats are misrepresenting the witnesses’ testimony and demanding it be made public. That was foolish, because Democrats have really been very low key in what they have said. It pales before the truth, which is far far worse. The transcripts tell the story!
Republicans have complained for weeks about the secret House impeachment inquiry, accusing Democrats of rigging the process and interviewing witnesses behind closed doors — at one point storming the hearing room and chanting, “Let us in!”
But inside the secure room in the Capitol basement where the proceedings are taking place, Republicans have used their time to complain that testimony has become public, going after their colleagues who were quoted in media reports commenting on witness appearances, and quizzing witnesses themselves on how their statements had been released.
The efforts by GOP lawmakers to shape the Democrats’ inquiry emerged in full view for the first time Monday with the release of hundreds of pages of transcripts from two early witnesses: Marie Yovanovitch, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, and Michael McKinley, a former senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Washington Post>
Lawrence O’Donnell covered the story well.
No Defense Of Trump From Republicans In Released Impeachment Depositions
There’s a reason Republicans made no defense of Trump in the hearings. There IS no legitimate defense of Trump!
MSNBC offered a summary.
GOP Scrambles As ‘Damning’ Transcripts Released
The direction for Republicans to scramble is down the anchor chains and mooring lines.
Click here to read the complete transcripts.
11 Responses to “The Transcripts Tell the Story”
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Lawrence: Repugs lost their hype? Losing their options and no show of hot air anymore?
I hope the D’s and those witnesses are being protected. Great vid.
Scary though. dt is dangerous.
Thanks Tom Cat,I hope that all is well at the catbox;thinking
of you.
DT is, indeed, dangerous, to ALL!
No defense, no smart-ass words, because their constituents back home are not listening. My GOP, idiot congressman sent out a regularly scheduled e-mail the other day. It began with claims that the Dems are doing a fake inquiry. this, of course, is aimed directly at his constituents. I wrote back that he was full of it, was presenting the real “fake” news, and propaganda. Do I think he will ever see, or even hear, of my response? Of course not, but it both felt good, and seemed the proper way to respond to “official” BS. Maybe one of his apparatchiks will see it, for whatever that may be worth.
The difference between public and private Republicans is because they realize they have nothing with which to convince sane people. But bluster still works with the cultists.
If we survive this, then fifty tears from now, people will wonder how this happened exactly the way we wonder how Hitler happened. And I hope they will not have to find out the way we did.
Incidentally I downloaded the transcripts. However, they are probably too big to send as email attachments – especially Marie’s. (I believe a couple more are supposed to be released today.)
Rethuglicans whine about secret proceedings. Then they whine about their testimony being public. Because their loud mouths are so big, they have no trouble talking out of both sides of them.
Joanne D – great picture you found there. The most amazing thin about it is that the dork on the left is actually standing upright.
Amb. Sondland Does a 180 Degree Reversal & Decides to Tell the Truth: “There WAS A Specific Quid Pro Quo“
Sondland was heard to mutter: “I’m not going to jail for that scumbag!”
A commenter at WaPo gives a solid cascade of republicans evolving defenses of Trump’s phone call (with a little poetic license):
The repugs are finally getting what they wanted, to have it go public and now they are whining again.
Hate to tell them that their leader ism’t going to last too much longer.
All of these video’s you had here, TomCat, point out all of the lies that tRump and his cronies were trying to hide.
One of tRump’s major issues all along was how he makes up these off the wall lies and tries to get all of his cronies to join in on them. Well hate to tell him that it has back fired royally. All of them are going to get their butts kicked in to prison at the rate they’re going.
I just pray that it gets taken care of before the end of this year, so 2020 will be a better year without tRump.
Resist them and persist!!
The GOP has run into the wall of the dead-end ally at top speed and now they’re trying to convince their insurance company, their base, that they haven’t damaged their clown’s car. There is no way back for them, so all they can do is persist, safe in the knowledge that as long as they close ranks, Trump may be impeached by the House but will not be forced out of office by the Senate, and their base will gobble their lies and vote for them, and for Trump, in 2020.
Impeachment, however, will give enough Democrats pause to either go out and vote this time or come back from voting Trump in 2016 to make a change. It apparently did in Virgina!
Thanks and exhausted hugs to all.