It’s a busy day here in the CatBox, as I prepare for my ER visit tomorrow. TGIF Hugs to all!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:40 (5:01 average). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Trump can do this? God help us!
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Donald Trump boasted that, if he is impeached, the television ratings will be higher than those of any other impeachment in history.
“Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” he said. “The ratings are going to be through the roof.”
He said that he expected his impeachment ratings to be “many, many times” the size of the audience for Bill Clinton’s impeachment, in 1998.
“It’s not even going to be close,” Trump said. “The ratings for Bill Clinton’s impeachment were a joke.”
Andy, I would have no trouble believing he said that! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Impeachment Begins, Process Will Now Be Public
Republicans are screaming about how unfair these rules are. Let me remind you they are the Republican rules proposed by Speaker John Boehner in 2015. I can’t wait to watch! RESIST!!
From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Halloween as a Sidekick
With the runs, I should have grabbed a broomstick and gone as a popsicle. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Byrds- Eight Miles High
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
17 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/1/2019”
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5:41 It fights back, but it’s still delicious (not the flowers, the fruit.)
Cartoon – And that was just a baby bomb.
TNY – He said that … because of course he did. (And not only did he say it, it’s likely to be true..
Impeachment – Rules – Yes, the President may have lawyers. But the lawyers will have to play nice. Check this out.
Trae – There are couples costumes that are cute. (Maybe Trae should take his wife along on his tours so she doesn’t have so much time on her hands. Just sayin.’)
Past – Remember the Byrds. Don’t remember this cover.
JD, received your parcel today. Thank you so much!!! The mittens are great! With my hands issues, my hands get frightfully (painfully) cold. I put them on right away and my hands feel toasty — I am not taking them off until I have to. And so soft!!! More later!
Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

You are so welcome. i’m just sorry it took so long. I had trouble getting the right packing materials, which make a difference in the rate.
Kudos to JD!! WTG!!
Cartoon: Sad. “The Runit Dome is deteriorating and could be breached by a typhoon, though the sediments in the lagoon are even more radioactive than those which are contained.” *wiki Don’t let anyone tell him where it’s at either!!
NYer: Can’t happen soon enough for me, Andy!
MSNBC: Bring it! I need to get a few bags of popcorn.
Trae: Love this guy. lol
BFTP: Awesome!
I do hope & pray that all goes well for you tomorrow, to and fro and that you’re seen in a timely manner. Best to you….take good care and enjoy your day/evening, and Thanks, Tom.
This just in: “Yesterday the R’s voted against open hearings after demanding open hearings for weeks.” ~Michael M. ~
2. “Michelle Obama can return to school and get her Doctorate degree. I see no reason why dt can’t return, and finish the 5th grade.” ~ Dionne L. ~
3. 3 people never to trust: “A religious leader who tells you how to vote. A political leader who tells you how to pray. A draft dodger who tells you how to be patriotic.” ~ Laverne W. ~
FYI: The city council of Los Angeles “voted unanimously to approve dt’s ‘Walk of Fame’ star removed.”
~West Hollywood City Council ~
‘Toon: Someone, a true american hero, has to deny him access atoll.
MSNBC: “…afraid of the truth.” I know why, because the truth is that they are virtually traitors in their support of this pig!
The Byrds are/were wonderful!
No matter how we kick Trump’s orange rump out of the Oval Office, it could not possibly come a moment too soon!
The New Yorker — More straight news Andy! One does not even need to be prescient to know this will happen.
MSNBC — As usual, when rules are seemingly to their advantage, Republicans are all for them, especially when they make them. When rules are perceived to be against them even if they made them to begin with, they cry foul. How long have Republicans been calling for the enquiry to be public, not behind closed doors? 38 days? Isn’t that why Matt Gaetz and other dipshit Republicans stormed the secure room? They know that Trump is as guilty as sin but since they lack any moral compass, they will twist and pervert everything including facts.
Trae Crowder — “With the runs, I should have grabbed a broomstick and gone as a popsicle.” — or did you mean a “poopsicle”?
YouTube — I remember the Byrds but none of their work.
Cartoon — Disgusting and criminal!
I hope all goes well at the ER and that you discover what ails you!
Good luck for tomorrow Tom Cat!!😐😗
Good luck with your ER visit, TomCat. I hope they don’t keep you waiting for hours on end and then send you home without tests done properly. You do need to find out what is making you so sick.
3:10 Cactii about the only thing growing here in the drought.
TNY: For once Trump would be right and I’d have no trouble with it, Andy.
MSNBC: No matter what the Republicans say, America deserves that the impeachment continues on along the lines put forward by those same Republicans. But do yourself, and the world, one favour, America. Don’t get completely caught up in the proceedings and take your eye of what the White House and Republicans are doing in the meantime. Thre’s an election coming up, and you must know by now that Trump and his cronies start acting behind the screens whenever attention is diverted.
TC: The horrors of being a ‘side-kick costume’ on Halloween.

YT: I know the Byrds, but know Eight Miles High better as a song covered by Dutch band Golden Earring.
I’m running late today. Had an appointment with the Gynecologic Oncology doctor today. She checked an area that the GYN doctor did an biopsy on 3 weeks ago. She said I will have to have surgery, she called it “partial simple vulvectomy”. She mentioned that when she does the operation, they will sent a sample to get it checked for cancer. She also mentioned it will take 6-8 weeks to recover.
This was something that I certainly wasn’t expecting. Never had cancer in my family. The girl that schedules the surgery was out and she will supposedly call me Monday. Nothing like unexpected surprises/challenges.
I will be praying that everything goes well for you tomorrow, TomCat. Hope they can figure out what is causing you so much pain. Keep us posted. We do care.
tRump is crazy the way he turns everything around saying that impeachment being televised that the ratings his ratings will be high. I say he’s high on something that he’s so flipping crazy.
Take care. Good luck with your Emergency visit.
Thanks TomCat
Oh, dear. Very sorry to hear that! We will all be keeping you in our prayers and hearts. Keep us posted on the scheduling. Keep in touch during recovery if you can, but if not, know that we are here for you.
Damn Colleen! I am so sorry! You are in my prayers for sure, and if you ever need a friend, an ear, or a shoulder, you know where to find me! 🙏
I appreciate it very much. Thanks Joanne
Thanks and hectic hugs to all.
Thanks, that means a lot to me. All of you have become like family to me. Bless you all.