Oct 312019

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door is delivering groceries this afternoon.  My trip to the ER has been put off until Saturday afternoon, because WWWendy has to work Friday evening.  Guys, I’m not trying to evade it, but I have to go at a time that WWWendy can take me.  I have to take a lot of absolutely necessary baggage in case they keep me (my chair with it’s recharging system, my notebook, a full suitcase, etc).  TriMet Lift and the ambulance company can’t (won’t) handle all that.  I’ll post Samantha Bee tomorrow.  The Impeachment Rules just passed. Hurry Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 6:11 (average 9:21).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Top Trump Russian Official Quits Ahead Of Impeachment Testimony


The more details we learn, the more guilty Trump and the Republican Reich are. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Vox Channel): Why Turkey is invading Syria


This is excellent documentary. Turkey’s advanced to the area they had planned to occupy from the beginning. That proves that Trump’s claim that his brilliant threats stopped Turkey is a lie.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Cream – Sunshine Of Your Love (HD)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/31/2019”

  1. 9:22 I figured either it was really, really hard or you were overstressed more than usual. Glad it was the former!

    For Halloween –

    Sebastian, one of the gargoyles, at the Washington National Cathedral, has a request for you:

    Can you believe it? They did a Spooky Architecture Quiz about gargoyles and didn’t put ME in it! Apparently I’m “not spooky enough”! What do you think? You’d have included me, wouldn’t you?

    Even without me, I guess it’s a good quiz. If you like that sort of thing. You should probably check it out.

    (You don’t have to provide your email address to check your answers. P. S. #5 is the scariest.)

    Cartoon – But of course! Any time!

    Rachel – Both of their opening statements are available on the internet – Carolyn’s on Raw Story, Anderson’s, I think, at Salon but I won’t swear to that. I made both into PDF’s for my own use, since I find those easier to read. Yeah, instead of a bean counter, we need a coffin nail counter. I see us benefiting (WRT Bolton) from the fact that not all evil is the same. You may remember from “The Godfather” that there were activities some families engaged in which were considered beneath them by the other families. Bolton is a war hawk and a killer, but it’s entirely possible that a man like that is repelled by graft and extortion (his “Giuliani drug deal” quote suggests that.) If so, his testimony may be as valuable, or even more, that that of real patriots, being, in a way, hostile.

    Vox – It’s been in the news that Erdogan had an agenda, but it’s been unclear that he has accomplished it and quit. This is very clear indeed and should be seen by every American (but probably won’t.)

    Past – I remember the song but I’m not sure that’s the cover I remember. I was the last to hear, as a rule.

  2. Cartoon: Of course! By all means. 
    MSNBC: Love how Rachel explains all. The hole is getting deeper and deeper…wider and wider. WOW. 
    Vox: Educational, very good vid to understand what’s going on. Sad, frightening situation over there. 
    BFTP: Excellent!! 

    I can see your point of view on your hospital visit. Hope that you start feeling better, take good care, and that your ER visit won’t be long….get your rest, and have a super day, Tom. 
    *This just in: “Lt. Col. Vindman passed a background check, that Jared and Ivanka didn’t.” ~Nicole Wallace ~ 
    2. “Congratulations to the Nats for winning the World Series! ~ pb ~ 
    3. Re: Bolton testifying – “I would pay to see him and Gym Jordan scream at each other.” ~Anon~ 
    4. “Here comes the Walrus…coo-coo-ka-choo.” ~ Barbara C. ~
    5. Stunning list of Trumps key staff turnOVERS.  People who have quit or been fired in dt’s 900 days. 
    *Trump Gov Tracker – google/spreadsheets: 


  3. MSNBC: So, maybe we do not NEED the testimony of those Dumpy is keeping from the committee?  Maybe they have enough?  But, I would like to see al of those subpoenaed contribute their knowledge, because the resident will work to disparage whomever he can…and some people still believe him.
    Vox:  Yeah, like he cares about the danger our troops are in!!  POS!
    Cream: The Mad Ginger is gone now! TC, your taste is impeccable!
    Yes, Pat, THAT’S  the way to run a railroad, right?  Fucking idiot could not make a profit out of gambling casinos, eh?  This is a course in mis-management 101.

  4. Cartoon: Yes.
    MSNBC: Sure is getting deep for the fool in the W. H. With all these negative events happening, I think he’s going to find out that he doesn’t have all the backers he thinks he has.
    Vox: Liked watching the documentary. See that they did have plans well before the idiot in office even was even involved.
    Blast: Great song. Cream was another one of my favorite groups. Have the album.  
    Hope you’re feeling well. Been praying and will continue for you.
    Take care.
    Thanks TomCat

  5. First & foremost: I hope you will share w/ your PCP (Megan) your current plans to wait until Saturday to be sure she’s OK w/ that.  (And if you thought Halloween night was going to be busy …) 

    Tonight was the first time in over FIFTY YEARS I did not hand out candy on Halloween.  🙁

    I have a flagstone patio, walkway & porch, and under the best of circumstances it can be slick.  But add a polymer sealer along with moisture, & it escalates to “Slick-As-Snot”.

    We had snow & freezing rain yesterday – and since it’s on the north side (even w/ spreading salt) I didn’t feel it was safe for Trick-Or-Treaters to come to the door.  So I had to take down my Mummy decorations that I used last year (which I thought was pretty cute – and CHEAP!) …

    And turn out the lights.

    Anyone want some extra Halloween candy?

  6. 6:16 A really hard one, just the way I like them.

    Cartoon: Sure, I’ve got the room for one.

    MSNBC: It is sad to see so many officials have to terminate their jobs to do what is the right thing to do. It’s a personal sacrifice and it leaves important positions of oversight to fill. With these positions left open or filled with Trump sycophants, Trump gets more room to manoeuvre as long as he’s in office.

    Vox: Erdogan has been openly propagating the plan to invade Kurdish Syria for years, but everyone in Europe and America soon stopped discussing it, caught-up in their own internal and other international affairs. However, Trump is the only one who has green-lighted the Turkish invasion on an (almost) personal basis. And still, Republicans back him.

    YT: Cream, the first of the so-called supergroups. Ginger Baker, once “world’s best drummer” passed away last month, bass-player Jack Bruce died in 2014. I feel old when I realise only one member (Eric Clapton) is left of one of my favourite bands.

  7. Thanks all for the interesting articles.Have a good Friday Tom Cat.😁

  8. Thanks and TGIF hugs to all! 17

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