It’s a crappy day here in the CatBox. Microsoft updated my Office reinstallation and trashed it. I tried to repair it for a couple hours, without success, and had to reinstall it from scratch, which took another 90 minutes. Of course I discovered the problem at bedtime, so I finally got to bed over three hours late. To make matters worse, Microsoft discontinued OneNote 2016, forcing me to use Windows 10 OneNote. It will take a lot of getting used to. I feel exhausted. I also feel pretty sick. I’m going to call Megan (PCP) to see what it’s going to take to diagnose this. Poopy pooped Hugs to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:58 (average 5:55). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report:
Here’s the news from our own Fantasy Football league.
Congrats to WWWendy, Squatch, and me for winning our games. Kudos to WWWendy for the league high score.
Congrats to WWWendy for leading the league.
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Saying that he was “incredibly moved by their support,” Donald J. Trump said on Monday that fans at Game 5 of the World Series expressed their strong desire to see him locked up in the White House for doing such an excellent job as President.
“Out of nowhere, they just started chanting,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “They really want to see me locked up for another four years.”
Trump said that he was surprised by the passionate and urgent nature of the chanting directed toward him. “Despite all the things that the fake media has said about me, these people know what an amazing job I’ve done,” he said. “They really want to lock me up and never let me go.”
Noting that the Constitution allows a President to serve only two terms, Trump said, “That’s a real shame, because the way those people were chanting, I think they’d like to see me locked up for the rest of my life.”
Believe this, Andy. Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten plans to stay in office permanently. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): House To Vote Thursday On Formalizing Impeachment Inquiry
I have no doubt that the Republican Reich will move the goalposts, as they always do, whenever Democrats give them what they say they want. RESIST!!
From YouTube (J Street Channel): Elizabeth Warren’s message to the J Street National Conference
J Street and Liz seem like a natural combination to me. RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/29/2016”
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5:02 For a change, a pattern that helps a little.
The Census Bureau has a great fact sheet on avoiding fraud taking its name in vain.
Well, now, this is nice.
Cartoon – I didn’t remember the exact date, but I do remember it happening.
NYT – Contingency plans definitely need to be made and put into effect when necessary.
Impeachment vote – Oh, they already have. They are now declaring that any testimony and evidence obtained before the vote is irremediably tainted. I don’t think that will fly myself. I am so glad that Adam Schiff is Adam schiff and I am not.
Liz – Excellent speech.
Update on the planned Thursday vote …
got this from Democratic Underground front page.
Cartoon: A most worthy organization.
FF: Congratulations, WWWendy!
NYer: I’d be ‘incredibly moved’, if he were arrested too. lol. All Hail to Jail ! (not in the WH though..) lol
MSNBC: If they had nothing to hide, they’d report for the hearing(s). Ms. Pelosi (and team) knows what she’s doing, and they will ultimately end up for the hearing/testimony. WOW! Obstruction of Congress. btw…those Repugs who have been trying to, and passing around the whistleblower’s name, should lose their security clearances also. jmo.
J Channel: Gawd, how wonderful to listen to Ms. Warren! How wonderful. Great message.
Sorry to read about your computer dilemma, you feeling tired, and under the weather there. Hope that you can get a chance to talk to Megan too, so that you can start feeling better too. Get your rest and a nap in, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “Nancy played the R’s like a fiddle. R’s said investigation was illegal, and would not co-operate w/o a vote. NOW is bringing it to a vote, and w/call them out if they refuse to cooperate, including Spanky Bone Spurs. She can then use this as part of obstruction charges. Well played, Madame Speaker. Well played.
~ Donna L. ~
2. dt – “It’s not so much that you d/n tell Congressional leaders, it’s that you told Putin first. (raid vs. ISIS leader) Grounds for treason?” ~ Robert C. ~
3. “No word on dt helping with the CA wildfires! This is a national disaster, and mums the word from the WH.”
4. re: Joe Scarborough statement re: dt – “The Constitution is from the people, not to us. We don’t owe this man anymore respect than he offers us, and he constantly has shown us nothing but disrespect. ~ Mizter R.~
Sorry to hear that you are having new troubles!
‘Toon: A date that ought to live in fame, for a long time!
New Yorker: I can just see this scenario operating in Drumpy’s sick mind. It might take only an hour, or so, for the delusion wheel in his brain to twist the actual experience into this form.
MSNBC: Maybe it is my hearing deficit, but at minute 1:24 the announcer said “Trumps say they will forego….” that is a good idea, as I read in today’s NYTimes: rather than go to court to struggle over each little bit of crap Dumpy, and his people try, using those actions to reinforce how blatantly Drumpy is obstructing is a wonderful tactic. It reminds me of Hillary being spoofed s saying “Hey, can we do some more Benghazi interviews?” Dumpy keeps putting his foot up his own magnificently wise ass!
J Street: Yes, how nice it is to hear some plain, intelligent talk about so convoluted a situation!
Yes, Pat, no mention of California, but, then, except for Nunes’ district, Dumpfucky may not care at all if the state burns up. Kind of like Hitler asking “Is Paris burning?” No mention of various insects, including black flies moving north, as any of this would indicate that global warming is marching right along. But, then again, BLACK flies? Damn, must be a communist plot!
Hey, Mitchell…
Just an idea here…maybe dt will go to CA and get some rakes and rake the forests? Way too late now, though.
No seriously, it’s very frightening.
Four new large fires were reported yesterday. Nationally, 16 large fires have burned more than 120,000 acres in five states. Large fires in California continue to require evacuations for nearby residents.
Mitch, surely you don’t think for an instant that Devin Nunes cares a rat’s posterior about his own district? I mean, you’re not delusional.
Thank you all, for the interesting articles.
Take care Tom Cat,I hope that they sort something out for your sickness soon.
I hope Megan can come to the rescue and help you beat this Republicosis soon. Take care to get enough fluids and food essentials into your system until she does, TomCat.
3:56 Empty pool.
TNY: Too close to the truth, Andy. This is exactly how Trump’s damaged egomaniacal mind would filter reality to have it fit with his own alternate one.
MSNBC: Watching Democrats and Republicans in this impeachment process is watching a very long game of chess where everyone knows that one party is tampering with the clocks, the pieces and even the rules, but nobody dares to intervene because the organiser of the tournament is threatening them.
JS: I’m chuffed to hear that Liz has a plan for Israel too, and a good one at that.
So today is the anniversary of NOW’s founding? Break out the champagne and cake!
Joanne Dixon – great graphic about the impeachment vote. That says it all.
Sorry to of your computer problems. Microsoft sure has a way to of making our lives so difficult.
Cartoon: Great organization. Hopefully still going strong.
TNY: tRump sue has a way to spin things around. To think that they meant that they want him lock into the W.H. for four more years, he’s much more insane than we think.
MSNBC: Awful that the repugs are allowed to avoid these hearings. They should be penalized for not showing up. tRump is going to play his flipping evil games and we must be stay strong and positive that it will come to an end and tRump and all of his evil cronies will be behind bars.
J St: Elizabeth has some great ideas.
Fantasy Football: Congratulations to Wendy.
Hope you get to feeling better. That you can see your doctor soon to get taken care of.
Thanks TomCat
Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all! 🐪