Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
In looking around for something to share with the Furies, I was mostly – well, pretty well exclusive,y – finding articles that are unrelated to current events and just “interesting.” Not a bad thing, of course, especially now. And this is one of them. But this one stood out as requesting action which maybe someone could take if you’ve ever spent any part of an autumn in New England. Bet you never thought any autumn leaf tour photos could some day be useful.
Leaf peep for science – I want your old photos of fall foliage

Try Media/Shutterstock.com
Stephanie Spera, University of Richmond
Every October, when I was growing up in Massachusetts, my parents would check out the fall foliage reports and determine where we were going to drive to see the colorful leaves. And they still do. In New England, leaf peeping, as it’s called, is a billion dollar industry and millions of people travel to the region during foliage season.
In Maine’s Acadia National Park, visitation has more than doubled in September and October since the early 1990s. Tourists book leaf peeping cruises, bus trips and lodging packages, all scheduled to coincide with what’s traditionally been the somewhat predictable fall foliage season.
But Earth’s climate is changing. A big question is how climate change’s impacts on the timing, duration and vibrancy of fall foliage will affect the tourist season.
Pulling together all kinds of data
Untangling the relationship between climate, fall foliage and visitorship in Acadia National Park – the goal of my research – requires a variety of data, including meteorological observations, park visitor surveys and knowledge of when fall foliage starts, peaks and ends every year.
As an environmental scientist, one of the primary ways I study changes in vegetation phenology – that is, the timing of biological events like flowering, leaf out, or onset and duration of fall foliage – is through the use of satellite data. Every day, dozens of satellites circle the Earth collecting data on everything from land cover to weather to sea surface temperatures to ground water to the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
These data are crucial in teasing apart environmental changes. Scientists have used satellite data of land cover and vegetation to show that as global temperatures increase, trees are flowering earlier and earlier.
But like all technology, the farther back in time you go, the lower the quality of the data. Even worse, there isn’t any reliable satellite data over Acadia National Park before the year 2000 at all. So my team needs to get creative.
Science behind the seasonal display
Here’s what biologists do know. As summer turns to autumn, the days get shorter and colder, both of which are signals to trees to stop photosynthesizing and producing the chlorophyll that makes their leaves green. With green chlorophyll out of the picture, the orange and yellow carotenoid pigments in the leaves that are masked by all the chlorophyll production all summer have their moment to shine.
In some trees, cooler weather cues the production of a chemical called anthocyanin, which helps trees pull the nutrients from their leaves into their trunk and roots. Anthocyanin is responsible for those gorgeous red and purple leaves on trees like red maples and dogwoods.
While every tree is different, studies have found that earlier spring bud burst, warmer temperatures and a dry fall are linked to a later fall foliage season. A shorter foliage season can result from a hot summer and wet fall. Additionally, the concentration of nitrogen in the atmosphere – which humans are releasing into the atmosphere on faster time scales than nature does – affects just how red those gorgeous maples get.
The northeastern U.S. has gotten warmer and wetter over the last century. How have these climate changes affected the timing, vibrancy and duration of fall foliage in Acadia National Park? Have tourists, in turn, changed how and when they visit the park?
Looking in new places for old foliage records
To answer this question, my team is using historical data on temperature and precipitation in Acadia National Park. What we’re missing, though, is information about when fall foliage has started and peaked, going back through the decades.
Most historical records of phenology, like those of Henry David Thoreau, are focused on the spring season. Historical documentation of fall foliage is harder to come by.
My colleagues and I are mining National Park reports and old newspapers, like this article in the Oct. 12, 1893 Bar Harbor Times, which is local to Acadia National Park:
“The autumn foliage on Mount Desert was never more brilliant than this year. The hills are ablaze with crimson and yellow, and the woodbine embowered cottages are resplendent with opalescent tints. But, alas ‘tis but the beetie glow in the consumptive’s cheek. A few weeks and winter’s white pail will cover all the autumn glories.”
But the records are few and far between.
We’ve found one continuous record of fall foliage since 1975, although it’s not focused on the Acadia area. Polly’s Pancake Parlor in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire has been collecting data on onset and peak of fall foliage since the mid-1970s. Interestingly, their data show that since 1975 fall foliage gets going earlier in the year, but peak fall foliage occurs later.
Maybe you have the selfies we seek
This lack of data is why we need citizen scientists to help us fill in the gaps.
With apps and programs like Nature’s Notebook, iNaturalist, BudBurst and eBird, it’s never been easier for anyone to share their observations of the world around them. Scientists have recently been trawling social media sites like Twitter, Flickr and Instagram for data to estimate park visitation rates, map monarch butterfly and snowy owl sightings and understand the various ways people value different landscapes.
Collecting photos from people who’ve traveled to Acadia is helping us validate the satellite data we do have. My team is able to make sure what we see in the satellite images actually represents of what is happening on the ground in the park. We are so appreciative of all the photos we’ve received from people who have visited Acadia this year. And we have received a bunch, 907 to be exact, of submitted photos from the post-cellphone camera era.
That doesn’t get us back to before the advent of continuous satellite data, though. We need leaf peepers to dig deeper into their personal photo albums to help us figure out the timing of fall foliage before the year 2000.
Those earlier photos – from a time of yore when you actually had to remove film from a camera and take it to get developed – are proving much harder to come by. So far we have two data points from before 2010, one from 1987 and one from 1981.
We’re asking for your help. We know those awkward family photos of you or your parents in their 1970s bell bottoms standing in front of Acadia’s Jordan Pond exist. And we want them. If you have any old vacation photos taken in the park during the fall, scan them and send them our way.
Understanding the relationships between climate change, fall foliage and park visitorship have important implications for park management, the local economies of towns on and around Mount Desert Island, and those of us who love visiting Acadia in the fall. So leaf peep – for science.

Stephanie Spera, Assistant Professor of Climate Change & Remote Sensing, University of Richmond
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
I’m afraid I’m no help. I have autumn pictures back to the eighties, but they’re all in Colorado. But I certainly will be sure to hang on to them now, in case someone here decides to so a similar study. We do have a dependency on tourists here, certainly.
Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, I don’t see how it could hurt to inspire people in other areas of the nation, and the world, to look into something similar It could even really help.
The Furies and I will be back.
11 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #189”
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My only Acadia visit was in May and after 2000, so I cannot help. In my neck of the woods some blooming trees never did bloom with this year’s weather (e.g., crape myrtle) and spring bulbs have been breaking ground since Sept. (e.g., crocuses even bloomed)…and a news article titled as different fall color guidance
Not been to Acadia.
Your post brings back fond family memories growing up and piling into the family car, and headin’ to the Poconos, (every year around this time), and enjoying the beautiful colors, and crisp air. (apple cider comes to mind, as I write).
Loved the Lancaster PA landscapes too, and visiting the Amish community.
Then…years later turning around and going with my family to the Smoky Mountains, during peak time.
What fantastic and beautiful colors, & surroundings!
Thank you, Joanne for a great trip down memory lane, and for all the newsy facts to read in your post.
I’ve never been there either, but I used to have hundreds of slides taken in national parks all over the country. Sadly, my first wife destroyed them as an act of vengeance.
Interesting piece, JD!
Never been to Acadia – but you know how I love autumn, so I found this extremely interesting.
It gave me an idea for a possible Friday Fun on a related tangent from a news clip I saw a couple years back. But it’s a winter-themed story, so it’ll have to wait until the snow flies.
I do know how you love autumn, and I was thinking of you when I was working on it (though I didn’t expect you to have been to Acadia, I wouldn’t have put it past you.) It was just frosting on the cake that TC ran autumn pix too.
We have had two snowfalls at my house heavy enough to notice – the night of the 10th, and the night of the 23rd. And we’re currently expecting two more days in a row starting tomorrow. But we’re an anomaly.
I have a few friends in the Twin Cities who’ve said that, while not common, it’s not rare to have their kids Trick-or-Treat in the snow.
I don’t think it has happened in KCMO w/ MEASURABLE snow – maybe some flakes.
Everywhere I have lived in Colorado (San Luis Valley, Front Range) expects the first snow at Halloween. When it’s sooner than that, people tend to whine. (Our next two days of predicted snow, BTW, has now been extended to four days in two-day increments. It’s not an exact science, of course, so we’ll have to see.)
We visited New England and Arcadia some 25 years ago, for the exact purpose of leaf-peeping and made the most beautiful pictures (on film) at the end of October. It was around Haloween because I remember visiting a Haloween pumpkin exhibition in a courtyard in Salem underneath some beautiful, brightly coloured trees. We did take pictures at Arcadia, but the most interesting ones were made travelling around during a flare-up of temperatures (18-20℃) during the day, but with some frost at night. We were told that was optimal for colours to change in most trees. Sorry, I can’t help with colour-change pictures of Arcadia from then; it would have been nice to do so in the name of science.
I never been to Acadia either.
When I was a baby, my mother took me back to PA, I have pictures of me standing in the snow all bundled up.
My mom grew up in PA. She use to show me all sorts of photos she had of the beautiful landscapes/trees.
It must of been neat seeing the tree to bare their leaves and then come back in such beauty.
I do worry about what the Climate Change is doing to them now.
Hope they get the data they want. Sure people have them packed away from long ago.
Thanks Joanne
I have never been to Acadia, but have cousin living in Cape Elizabeth, Me., who has been, and may have pics. I will try to turn her on to this.
Over the decades, many biologists who were not involved in climate science have reported changes in the extent of plant ranges and animal ranges, that turned out to be related to the temperature changes occurring!
Thanks Mitch! Yes, changes are being looked at (and providing a lot of information). This is the first I have heard of any request for family pictures, though.