Oct 222019

It’s a busy muggy day, here in the CatBox.  I prepared my grocery order for the week and the Fantasy Football Report.  The day’s low and high are only 5° apart, and the humidity is 97%.  Will anyone else be be watching the Gastros play Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch’s team tonight?  Resistance hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:48 (average 6:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the news from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to WWWendy, Vivian, and me for winning our games.  WWWendy has the weeks high score.



Kudos to Vivian and WWWendy for leading the league.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Lawrence On ‘The Clear And Present Danger Of Mark Esperanto’


The more the possibility of impeachment and removal increases, the more I worry about one thing. Mike Pence is just as evil as Trump, but he knows how to pay attention to detail… for ill.  He could fool more voters than Trump.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Netanyahu loses grip on Israeli politics after a decade


Great news! I hope that Benny Gantz is successful at forming a government. I hope Butcher Bibi [R-IS] has a quick transition from government to prison. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Linda Ronstadt – Long Long Time


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  6 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/22/2019”

  1. 7:54 – Have I mentioned before how ugly these are?

    If you haven’t beaten your head against a wall lately, and you miss that, here’s a story that might help stimulate you.

    Yet another tribute to (the memory of) Elijah Cummings. Hanky alert.

    Cartoon – I can’t wrap my head around the thinking of people who fall for this. And it happens in every generation

    Lawrence – Oh, I think I know what he cares about. He cares about money for Donald Trump. It was smart to check for autocorrect, assuming both use the same autocorrect (he probably checked for that too though.) Much has been written (most of it without this metaphor) what kind of people wee the forest and what kind of people see the trees. No one ever foresaw a “leader” who sees neither – only razed land ready for “development.”

    CNN – I saw a short note that Netanyahu was (sort of) conceding. I find it mildly hopeful.

    Past – I remember the song and I remember Linda, but I guess I never paid attention to the fact that it was she who covered it.

  2. Cartoon: Good grief! 
    MSNBC: dt doesn’t pay attention to anything, and doesn’t care. (about anything, except himself). 
    CNN: Fingers crossed for the win for Benny Gantz. 

    YT: Oh, so sweet, and good memories. I miss her as she is now retired, and came out telling, and letting her fans know of her having Parkinsons Disease. My favorite is her ‘Canciones de Mi Padre’, but she sings a wide variety of rock, and country. Such a joy to listen to. 

    *Kudos to all in the FFL !! *Joanne, insightful and with Love. 

    Hope that you have a good rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “I see my father’s hatred in Donald Trump.” ~Peggy Wallace Kennedy ~ (daughter of G. Wallace)
    2. Trump is only concerned about holding on to power using every means possible. People he harms is, in his mind, justified.” ~ David M. ~ 
    3. “Trump is a tiring one trick pony and he is a repeat of the same old crap he spurts out.” ~ George C. ~ 
    4. “It ain’t easy being cheesy!” ~ Scott V. ~ 
    5. “‘The Purple Bone Spur’ – for those who wounded their patriotism dodging the draft.” ~ Bill S. ~ 

  3. 3:57 Cheap dazzle.

    MSNBC: “It’s Kakistocracy, it’s Autocracy and it’s Kleptocracy all combined into one.” How about a new word Trumpocracy, though the senile dotard would probably take it as a compliment. His neglect of details is part laziness, part senility. He couldn’t be bothered to make an effort which hides the fact that he can’t make an effort, even if he tried, to handle details. All the egomaniacs in his cabinet and staff suffer from a similar disease: laziness combined with the belief that whatever they think of is pure genius and more than enough for someone else to plan and implement it.

    CNN: It will be good for Israel if Benny Ganz can do the impossible, and more importantly if he can do it without bowing to the extremist parties on the right like Netanyahu has done to keep in power. It would help Ganz enormously if the courts would indict Netanyahu within the next 28 days, so that the latter’s role in Israeli politics is further diminished, but Bibi now has his hands free to do everything possible to put pressure on the courts to either delay the court cases against him, or not indict him at all. He won’t go easily and you can be sure that this is watched by an orange hawk in a white house.

    YT: Loved Linda Ronstadt, but I only know her from later days and am unfamiliar with this lovely song.

  4. ‘Toon: Reverend Miller thought he knew something special, did he not?  He was from that part of upstate New York then known as “The Burnt over area,” because of all the various attempts to establish new religions there.  The one that succeeded is Mormonism, thanks to the sleight of hand of Joseph Smith.  Then, many years later, out of a bar in NYC, we had L. Ron Hubbard, formerly a science FICTION writer, creating Scientology!
    MSNBC: Kakastocracy, indeed!  Run by THE Orange Shithead!  Dumpy does not know how to care…period!  He is so present focused, that when he makes a decision, there is no thought regarding repercussions.
    CNN: May Bibi fade into some form of obscurity, as he rots in jail!
    Thank you for some time with lovely Linda!
    Cummings Father’s Tears:  Thank you, Joanne!

  5. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all! 🐪

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