It’s a slow news day, here in the CatBox, and most of what is happening is just more of the SOS. In addition, I’m feeling tired and sluggish, so I’m taking a partial day off, and this is today’s only article.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:27 (average 3:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
I was one of them.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Vox Channel): The problem with the endangered species list
With Republicans in charge, all species are endangered, including us. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Arlo Guthrie – City of New Orleans
Ah… the memories! RESIST!!
From NY Times: Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, wants more than control over a wide swath of Syria along his country’s border. He says he wants the Bomb.
In the weeks leading up to his order to launch the military across the border to clear Kurdish areas, Mr. Erdogan made no secret of his larger ambition. “Some countries have missiles with nuclear warheads,” he told a meeting of his governing party in September. But the West insists “we can’t have them,” he said. “This, I cannot accept.”
With Turkey now in open confrontation with its NATO allies, having gambled and won a bet that it could conduct a military incursion into Syria and get away with it, Mr. Erdogan’s threat takes on new meaning. If the United States could not prevent the Turkish leader from routing its Kurdish allies, how can it stop him from building a nuclear weapon or following Iran in gathering the technology to do so?
The US has 50 nuclear weapons in Turkey. The USAF should remove them from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey and not notify Trump of their intent to do so, Otherwise Erdogan [R-TU] might go to Putin [R-RU] and ask him to order Trump to hand them over. RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
14 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/21/2019”
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Vox: The animals should stay on the endangered list. All of them, imho.
YT: One of my top of the list songs, love this one.
NYT: Scary…but I agree on your course of action. Have the AF get them, (Top Secret). Don’t ask/tell dt anything, as he’ll mess this one up, bigtime.
Hope that you have a restful day and get a good nap in. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “At this point, I think that the only military officer dt still likes is Colonel Sanders.” ~ Gen. James Mattis ~
2. re: dt – “I’ll take things a Russian Asset would say for $500., Alex.” ~ Hoodlum ~
3. “The Western Woman will save the world.” ~ Dalai Lama ~
4. “Thank you, Ms. Pelosi, and the delegation of 9 for taking charge of this mess that dt created. ~ Leigh M. ~
I surely do admire the Dalai Lama’s wisdom. I hope he is correct on this. I keep wanting to add “if it can be saved,” though.
Cartoon: What an awesome memory, Tom.
re: ‘our’ Dalai Lama: I pray for it to be so, Joanne.

3:54 – Weston-super-Mare and Burnham-on-sea. Someone couldn’t make up their mind.
Cartoon – and kudos to you. I was on the west coast, trying to accomplish change from within.
Vox – Yes, I see the problem. I mean the problem in he act. Of course the root problem is humans (specifically Republicans, yes, but not always under that name.) And hate. Is there any living thing Republicans DON’T hate?
Past – We still have the song … but the trains are gone past praying for. I’m glad my mom took me on The Lark and The Owl (San Francisco and Los Angeles, to and from) when I was a child. I was too young for my brain to remember much. But, boy oh boy, does my heart remember. (Sniff)
NYT – I did know they are there. I like your idea. I hope they think of it – AND execute it.
Here’s a TJI I just tripped on: “Whenever Republicans push back against Trump, he caves. That means every horrible thing he actually did was something that Republicans agreed with. Don’t let them pretend they weren’t responsible.” – “Benjamin Bjerre” Disqus
Thanks TomCat,take care and rest.
Cartoon: Wow you were part of this movement. Amazing, TC
VOX: Wish all of these precious endangered species protection acts would stay intact. With the fool in office who keeps reversing/removing them, it makes me so angry.
Past:I loved the songs/music by Arlo Guthrie. Sure brings back memories.
NYT: Awful the way he wants so much control. It can be very scary. Hopefully they will do like you mentioned.
Hope that your Pepcid was delivered today and that it does help you, TC.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
‘Toon: I believe that that was when I marched in NYC.
Arlo: The man puts on, or used to put on, a great show.
Vox: All wolves, are “Keystone species,” that benefit any ecosystem in which they naturally occur! The ESA was a wonderfully bi-partisan effort that needs to be supported! To paraphrase: “When the last wild anything is gone, all we’ll have is blacktop.”
NYT: Any dictator worth his salt💩, knows that Dumpy is willing to kiss up.
Personal News: Back from our trip to N.J., and my surgeon. He is quite happy with my progress. I’m happy with having visited with friends, and with some of the family we saw.
Mitch, you may be thinking of the Mobe demonstration (300,000) in NY in April, 1967. The 10/22 was definitely in DC. I helped organize both, and I arranged for charter busses to take demonstrators from NY to DC and back for the 10/22 protest!
Welcome home!!
Very glad to see you back (and with good results). You have been missed.
Catching up after my brief hiatus of a vacation, and looking at the Oct. 13th “Pro-Life,” piece, I can’t but help wishing that Drumpf will, one day, be brought up on charges of “Crimes against Humanity,” at the Hague!
Forcing Trump to spend some legal time in Den Hague … that would indeed be most sweet!
2:56 Enjoy the view, TomCat.
Cartoon: Good on ya.
Vox: Difficult decisions; best to leave animals on the list if there are little or no checks and balances on their ‘progress’ after they come off a list. Most notable from the video was the fact that Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act. Some good points to tick for him; none for the Drumpfians now.
YT: I know the song but have no memories attached to it, but do have vivid memories attached to “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree”.
NYT: Good God, with dictators like Putin, Netanyahu, Kim Jung-Un and Erdogan abound what have Americans done by handing over the keys of the White House to Trump? He has given them free rein by breaking down all stabilising factors as NATO and G7, torching all hard-fought-for treaties and agreements and allies to fend for themselves. Trump literally cleared the way for his beloved friends.
Thanks and resistance hugs to all!