It’s a busy day here in the CatBox. WWWendy will be here shortly to destink the decaying TomCat. She said to thank all who wished her a safe trip and welcomed her home, when she returned. We have lots to do. This is my only article today. I’ll put the Bill Maher videos up tomorrow. Weekend hugs to all. I’ll finish this later.
I’m de-stunk and WWWendy is cooking. My Pepcid didn’t come today. That stinks!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:51 (average 4:45). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Calling it a “once-in-a-lifetime incredible deal,” Donald Trump on Friday offered recently-escaped isis fighters a group rate at the Trump National Doral Miami.
“I am giving isis a group rate that entitles them to the full run of the golf course, the spa, you name it,” he said. “This is going to make the isis people very, very happy.”
The fighters can qualify for the group rate by presenting proof of isis membership and their recently freed status, Trump said.
Trump declined to say whether he would extend the same group rate to Kurdish fighters in Syria. “I’m not a fan of the Kurds,” he said. “Where were the Kurds in 1776 when George Washington took control of the British airports?”
Really, Andy? Do you think he’ll give the Squad a free stay,or at least a steep discount, so those fighters [R-Daesh] will have targets? RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Syria Deal: ‘A Colossal Mistake At Every Possible Level’
“Cleaned-out” reflects the Republican wet-dream for the violent ethnoc cleansing near our border with Mexico. The terms of the so-called cease fire is what Erdogan planned to do weeks before the invasion. It was NOT Trump’s idea and he and his lackeys, Pence and Pompeo, did nothing to bring it about. He set the house on fire and is bragging about putting it out, while it’s still burning. RESIST!!
From YouTube and YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): Canada, It’s Voting Time
Canada, Don’t Make America’s Mistakes
Canadians, Vote Orange!! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!, except in Canada!
13 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/19/2019”
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5:36 Very pretty.
Saw this yesterday and it was onion-chopping time all over again. (Linked, not shown, because of copyright.)
Cartoon – That is surely more attractive than the photo of the Trumpette in the T-shirt reading “Trump you can grab my pussy” with an arrow.
TNY – With lavish discount like that, how is he going to recover the steep losses he has suffered there?
MSNBC – “Cleaned out.” Yes, that is a telling turn of phrase. Off topic, but Kristof is an interesting guy. This link is to s story which is not new (about four and a half years old) but IMHO still compelling.
Sam – “Canada nice” – makes sense. Good for Sam, VOTE!
October 19 is Arbaeen in the US.

Thank you for the cartoon.
Most apropos.
JD, AMEN to the Elijah Cummings cartoon! Thanks
Thank goodness Wendy is back,now you get back on track TomCat!! Hope your Pepcid turns up soon!
Cartoon: Consistency-R’s. Sure……, in this case, yeah, why not? ugh!
NYer: Whadda deal !! Good one, Andy! lol
MSNBC: He doesn’t care, one iota. Ominous statement.
Sam: Word. Times 2.
HI, Wendy. Hope your prescrip comes in on Monday…Hope that you have a good rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “List of things I don’t intend to do. Get over it!!” ~ Henry W. ~
2. “Texas (R) friend went to dt’s rally and reports widespread concern re: his mental decline, brain impairment, loss of control (speech). The mob loves the circus, but Caesar is demented and broken. #Presidementia.” ~ John Talmadge, MD. ~
3. “I smell desperation, and it ain’t pretty. ~ Michael C. ~
“Colossal Mistake” is very apt description of Trump’s entire tenure.
If we survive his time in office (and that’s not a given), it’ll take years to undo the damage he has wrought – both home and abroad.
Thanks for the appropo cartoon Joanne.
AB is on target…in addition to the Christian Kurds, there are US and UK, at least, citizens who joined to fight with them now left with uncertainty and at risk–along with possible troops of ours and reports of chemical warfare by the Turks…backstory includes offending his evangelical base:
And in Canada, one thing I’m watching is whether Alberta will stand alone in their pursuit of tar sands oil when the dust settles after last votes are counted
I really liked the cartoon that Joanne listed. Speaks of Rep. Cummings perfectly.
TNY: Seems to be something that tRump would stupidly offer them.
MSNBC: What he feels he can call it a Cease Fire, has many confused/wondering? Since the leader of Turkey is saying that the Kurds have only three more days to leave the area. tRump’s decision last Monday has caused so much senseless killings. May tRump rot in hel* for his evilness.
Sam: Good video. Hope the people in Canada pay attention.
Glad that Wendy made it back safely. That she got over to help you. Sorry your prescription didn’t come Hope your Pepcid gets delivered on Monday.
Hope your evening went well. Take care.
Thanks TomCat
3:15 Don’t tell me you’re going to eat this frail beauty, TomCat.
Cartoon: Oh, no you don’t!
TNY: One of your most sarcastic pieces to date, Andy, but given the fact that Trump shamelessly said the Kurds were very happy with the sham seize-fire that was brokered while the Da’esh who escaped were already torturing and slaughtering their former captors, it was still relatively mild.
MSNBC: Clean-out, Endlösung, different language, same meaning. But even Hitler didn’t use it on allies that had given their lives to fight a common enemy. Unforgivable.
Sam 🐝: Whatever country you’re in, vote!
Actually Lona, according to author and academic Peter Frankopan, in his excellent book “The Silk Roads” in the chapter ‘Genocide’, Hitler’s plan did include the genocide of the Russian people. He had eyes on Ukraine and eastward to the steppes. This was a bread basket that would feed the German people. He ordered his commanders to be ruthless and kill all Russians. He broke the alliance with Russia in 1941-1942 creating the Eastern Front. Fortunately his plan did not work.
Hitler really wasn’t very bright (so no wonder his plans didn’t work.)
I looked for the video on this and found the transcript – even better.
The New Yorker — Oh Andy! Trump’s only loyalty is to his wallet!
MSNBC — The fight between the Turks and the Kurds has been going on for a very, very long time. As I recall, when the British and French arbitrarily broke up the Ottoman empire after WWl, they created even more bad blood that lives to this day, especially in Erdogan. Trump abandoned the Kurds because he is enamoured with “strong men” like Erdogan. In my opinion, Erdogan should go straight to world court at The Hague for prosecution for genocide and that hapless fool in the WH should too!
Sam Bee — AMEN!!! I have already voted. My MP was orange but he is retiring. As much as I dislike the colour orange, especially as it stands in the US, I voted orange for the new MP who has the backing of the retiring MP. I had a chance meeting with Jasmeet Singh who is a very personable man. If the Liberals get a minority situation, Singh has said the New Democrats (orange) will align with them but he absolutely will NOT align with the Conservatives (blue) if they come up with a minority. Andrew Scheer is just another version of Herr Harper, the previous PM.
Cartoon — Yup! That’s about right for the GOP!
Thanks and running late hugs to all.