Here is the one hundred sixty-eighth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Trump sycophant and Republican pseudo-Christian purveyor of hatred, Chris McDonald. He is so honored for saying God killed Elijah Cummings for opposing Resident Donald Trump.
Right-wing commentator and radical conspiracy theorist Chris McDonald streamed a special edition [pseudo-Christian delinked] of his “The MC Files” program this morning in response to the news that Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings had died. McDonald and his guest, Maryland pastor Stacey Shiflett [pseudo-Christian delinked], spent the entire program attacking Cummings as corrupt, unbiblical, and ungodly, and asserting that God had taken his life because of his opposition to President Donald Trump.
“We know the Bible,” McDonald said. [pseudo-Christian delinked] “You’ve got a leader that has been in office for over 30 years, that opened the door on unfettered abortion in this country. His civil rights icon status was a joke because he did nothing to bring rights to his people; all he did was divide, all he did was play the race card.”…
…“Everything that he’s done has been nothing but trying to take this president out,” he said. “I believe that God had had enough, and God moved.” [emphasis added]
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Here’s the video:
Barf Bag Alert!!
There is no question that this monster deserves a parade, but I have to clarify one thing. This is how Republicans act. It is not how Christians act. Elijah Cummings is an ideal example of how Christians act. Please to not blame Christians for what Republican pseudo-Christians do.
10 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 10/18/2019”
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Nope, nope, nope! Can’t watch nor listen to this hateful and sick diatribe about this wonderful person.
Mr. Cummings did so much for all of us, with love, compassion, and for the betterment of all peoples.
“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at him/her.” John 8:7
Saw this line and couldn’t resist making a meme of it.

Oh, Chris is not the only one (and IMO no even the mot egregious.) Jesses Lee Peterson (who is himself black, but calls the Mango Maggot “the great white hope”) had this to say:
AMEN to Jazzed at Daily Kos!
Jeepers creepers,what disturbing people we have in this world of ours,thank goodness we also have the good.

I hope that your medicine is working Tomcat and that you are keeping well in the catbox.
You are quite right to feature Chris McDonald in your Parade for what he said about Elijah Cummings, but I’m not going to read any further, watch the video or deem that man worthy of any comment on my part.
Cordon Sanitaire!
What a no good rotten rat who speaks such hatred.
He certainly deserves your nomination for today’s Repug on Parade.
Love’s the quote that Joanne listed above about Elijah Cumming.
Chris McDonald is one sick dude.
May God have mercy on his soul – because I sure wouldn’t.
Thanks and hurry hugs to all!
A total sicko! Pseudo Christianity should be classified as a debilitating disease, if not fatal eventually. Those afflicted (by choice no doubt) are warped in the mind and spirit and threaten to take everyone down with them. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale is so prescient. This parade is long overdue.