It’s a very busy day, here at the CatBox. First I overslept an hour. Then I had to prepare and send my grocery order to Store to Door. Then I had to prepare our Fantasy Football Report and set my lineup. Then I did my daily research. Now I’m writing. This evening WWWendy comes to de-stink the foul TomCat. After so many days, I’m… quite ripe. Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update. I have another appointment with Megan, my PCP, about my gut trouble. Hectic hugs to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:37 (average 4:24). To do it, click here. How did you do?
SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitutional VD) is worse!
Fantasy Football Report:
Here’s the news from our own fantasy football league.
Congrats to Patty Monster, Vivian and WWWendy for winning their games. Kudos to Patty Monster for the week’s high score.
Congrats to Vivian and WWWendy for leading the league.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): US Policy Collapses Into Catastrophe Following Trump’s Whims
Erdogan gets Syrian Kurdistan. Putin [R-RU] gets control of Syria. Trump gets to bend over for Daddy Vladdy. The Kurds, our loyal allies, get betrayed, dispossessed and decimated. The US get to look like fools. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): FUN FUN FUN – A Parody
Love it, Don! But I would prefer it, if the paddy wagon took Trump away! RESIST!!
From NY Times: The creator of a gruesome video that showed a fake President Trump killing journalists and political opponents and that was played at a meeting of a pro-Trump group over the weekend is part of a loose network of right-wing provocateurs with a direct line to the White House.
The unidentified creator of the video operates under the name of “The GeekzTeam” and has proclaimed on Twitter to be a “red blooded American with ZERO tolerance for the liberal agenda.” Like many in the online group, the person specializes in creating pro-Trump internet content, often by remixing the president’s image into clips from popular movies and television shows.
Another of the provocateurs, Logan Cook, who often has posted the videos on MemeWorld, his website, participated in a social media summit at the White House in July and took his children to meet the president in the Oval Office, accompanied by Dan Scavino, the White House social media director.
No wonder the Fuhrer loves it so much! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
7 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/15/2019”
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4:15 I’m being stalked by sunflowers this last few days.
Very glad you could get an appointment so fast.
Cartoon – Yes indeed. (Of course, in 1883, they were probably all or mostly registered Democratic. Sigh.)
Rachel – Your summary covers it all. And even of we can get rid of the Mango Maggot, keep the House, regain the Senate, put all of these senior crooks into prison forever, regain the Supreme Court and establish Utopia, we can never bring back to life all the people this administration has killed, from Kurds, to immigrant children, through poor people, disabled people, various minorities, even some of his supporters. Not that the killing is over. God help us and forgive us.
Other PP – I had forgotten that there was a song abut privilege before there was a term for it (though even then it was a cheap shot to pick on girls when they boys had so much more.) It certainly fits today.
NYT – “red blooded American with ZERO tolerance for the liberal agenda.” He might just as well call himself a red blooded Authoritarian with ZERO tolerance for the Constitution (which is nothing if not liberal.) They are doing their best to kill it, but somehow, irony is not quite dead yet.
Hectic hugs to you dearTomCat.🤗
I’m impressed you were able to get an appointment w/ your PCP so quickly. In that short of time period I’d have to be seen by the Nurse Practitioner (which is fine w/ me). They’ve been good about getting the MD involved when I thought it was really warranted.
Winners & Losers from Trump’s Disastrous Syria Withdrawal
Winners: Putin, Erdogan, Assad & ISIS
Losers: Kurds (In at least the top THREE spots) & respect for American integrity
Creators of that vile video are sick, SICK people. But they’re Trumpkin cultists – so I repeat myself.
Today is the first day of Medicare Open Enrollment – the last is Pearl Harbor Day, December 7th.
For those who are of that age, there have been a number of changes – especially WRT Medicare Advantage programs (the HMO one).
This is a brief and easily understandable summary of the major highlights:
For those wondering what the schedule is for the rest of the week WRT the Impeachment Inquiry hearings, two good resources:
I hope WWWendy will not find you as over-ripe fruit fallen from the tree, TomCat.
2:44 Sunflower oil is very good for you, TomCat.
Cartoon: The current SCOTUS picks up where this one left off.
MSNBC: Sorry, the US was made to look like fools when Trump started to bash his allies two years ago. This only confirms how utterly untrustworthy he, and consequently America, is.
PP: Another one of Don’s greatest hits. I loved the reference to the bull in a china shop – which the Dutch call an elephant in a china shop, by the way – and to his Sharpie. It was fun, fun, fun indeed.
NYT: Uhm…isn’t it Trump and his acolytes who blamed violent video games for mass shootings?
Thanks and pooped hugs to all.