Several years ago, I was sitting on a MAX train, when a group of Republican pseudo-Christians (the polar opposite of authentic Christians) approached me. I could tell, because they wore identical IXTHUS buttons and vacant, rigid smiles. One asked me, “Are you pro-life?” I played along, “Why yes I am.” She replied, “That’s wonderful. We are too!” I answered, “Great! How long have you been against capital punishment?” Her countenance dropped, “But we’re FOR the death penalty!” I said, “Then, if I understand you correctly, you’re telling me you’re pro-death!” Stunned they walked away. Pseudo-Christians today are just as hypocritical.
You say that you’re pro-life.
You let me know in hashtags and bumper stickers and t-shirts and memes and march photos and sermons and high horse sanctimony.
You treasure and revere and defend life.
Kurds are lives you know.
They’re actual living, breathing human beings. (Well, many more of them were a week ago.)
They are lives filled with learning to walk and first days of school and running in the yard and having a dog and falling in love and playing instruments and exploring passions and getting married and growing old.
Kurdish people are parents and children and best friends and first grade teachers and favorite aunts; lives of made of loving, laughing, singing, learning, growing—all the things you believe life here is made of, all the life you say you can’t abide the disruption of, all the life you tell me you’re for,
Kurds are lives, and those lies are ending prematurely, violently, senselessly right now.
As you read these very words, crowds are scattering, people are screaming, ammunition is invading bodies, human beings are falling to the ground, and hearts are ceasing to beat—and those parents, children, best friends, first grade teachers, and favorite aunts are dying… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <John Pavlovitz>
Please click through to read the entire article. It’s too important not to read in its entirety.
Resident Donald Trump is responsible for these deaths. Republican Politicians claim to oppose this, but they refuse to lift a hand in the Senate to stop it. That means that they are pro-death, as is anyone that supports them or votes Republican.
10 Responses to “Pro Life?”
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It’s abundantly clear to me that right-wing Christians are just as nihilistic and destructive as their Islamic counterparts. Oh, I fully believe religious terrorism here in this country is a possibility. Even before trump, it wasn’t hard to find blog sites with so-called Christians wanting reporters and other enemies throw in prisons or worse.
Since trump, I’ve had one blogger say I should be “disposed” of while several others say I’m not truly American. The sad thing is that those examples are nothing compared to what my coworkers have said about other people. Because I work with rabid trump supporters and have to keep my job, I have to stay silent on my political beliefs.
I am so sorry. I well know about needing to stay employed and how excruciating that can be. I hope you have friends or at least one friend you can be yourself with. Dr. Barber is in NC and so is John (when they are at home), so there must be a few there somewhere.
I have had work situations, where I had to keep my beliefs to myself, and once I was beaten up by four thugs and left unconscious in the street, because I tried writing under my real name, because I said that Republican WMD claims were lies. I’m sure it must be that much more frustrating where progressives are few and far between.
I recommend getting onto John’s mailing list. Yes, he has a book to sell, and yes, he’s giving speeches various places and has to promote them (he no longer has a congregation, and I suspect the pseudos in his last one tossed him), but he quotes and links in his emails to columns he thinks are his most important, and he’s generally right on the money. He consistently speaks with love, no name-calling, just facts, and if the facts are damning, so be it. Thanks for this one, TC.
So so terrifying, and horribly sad.
dt golfs while the Kurds are being murdered.
John P. is spot on too.
Liked John’s truthfulness.
Have to agree with Pat, about how sad it is, tRump plays while the Kurds suffer.
He’s a totally sick minded fool.
Nobody on the Republican side of the Senate is lifting a finger to help the Kurds, and not enough on the Democratic side either, both sides consumed with impeachment and the next election. And the Kurds were your allies against Da’esh. So who’s going to speak up for the Iranian civilians when Trump deploys the American troops to fight there to divert attention away from his crimes laid bare in the inquests? They’re only Iranian, read enemy, right?
I will!
Thanks and OGIM Hugs to all.