Oct 132019

It’s a muggy day here at the CatBox.  It’s only 48°, but the humidity is 89%.  I’m ready to be de-stunk, but WWWendy is 1800 miles away.  It’s a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are meditating with the Titans, but the game is not televised here.  May the blessed Orb shine it’s holy light on your team, unless they are descendants of Uranus and Gaea.  Ellipsoid Orb Hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 4:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): CNN Equality Town Hall Cold Open


It’s nice when they make fun of the good guys for a change. We get to laugh without having to cry at the same time. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Trump voters react to impeachment inquiry. This is what they said off-camera


Amazing! There’s only one thing you can say that voters liker the first group can understand: BAAA-A-A-A-A-A!! RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Beatles – Something


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  5 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/13/2019”

  1. 5:40 Too little too late.

    Cartoon – Like the born-in-the-USA, U. S. citizen teen WITH ALL HIS PAPERS that they locked uo for a couple of weekis and are still trying to deport.

    SNL – I’m not sure it’s fair to ask if people have always been pro-gay. I came around earlier than a lot of people, and have demolished a lot of anti-gay “arguments” for a lot of years, but I was brought up on the crap and had to work my brain through it (my heart got it sooner.) Even Pete was probably brought up on the crap and had to work through it. That’s why there’s a National Coming Out Day. I people “got it” from birth, there’d be no need for one.

    CNN – If that was supposed to be closed caption at the beginning … well. As yo content, it’s no news to me that people will say things they don’t mean.

    Past – Someone once said that talent tends to be consistently high level, whereas genius soars, but nearly always also makes cringeworthy mistakes. I think the Beatlles, as a group, were a genius. And this particular piece was NOT one of the very few cringeworthy mistakes.

  2. Cartoon: Gawd forbid that they(R), help them, instead of hindering! 
    SNL: Such a talented cast and great video. Work it! Kate did a great impersonation of Ms. Warren. 
    CNN: Gawd. I am surrounded by dt supporters, here in the neighborhood, & out and about, who see nothing wrong with him being potus.  They actually  believe he’s doing an awesome job…..I just can’t wrap my head around what they say. I’m definitely not drinking their cool aide, that’s for sure. (tho’ Abbott, Cornyn, Cruz and others sure do). 
    BFTP: What a song, love it, and what good memories! Thanks for this one, Tom. 

    We’re playing KC as I type, end of 3rd Q, we’ll see how my guys do today. KC just got a touchdown in our end zone…boy oh boy. We need rain. Bad. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    **Happy Birthday, United States Navy! 244 years. 

    *This just in: “The man who paid $140K to stay quiet the month before his election wants to make sure our 2020 candidates are not corrupt. ~ Lynn W. ~
    2. “Havrin Khalef a strong voice of Freedom for the Kurdish people has been killed by an ISIS sleeper cell. An essential female voice in the region has been silenced.” ~ Cher J. ~ 
    3. re: dt tweet- “Start thinking about getting bigger traitors!! oops! I meant tractors! ~anon~
    4. “ISIS Employee of the Month – Donald J. Trump”  ~ Diana G.~  

  3. SNL: Watched it last night. Good beginning sketch with all of them. Kate sure looks like Elizabeth.
    CNN: How these supporters stick to tRump, I’ll never understand. Are they blind and dumb too??
    Blast: Great song. I was a real follower of the Beatles. 
    I also say “Happy Birthday” to the Navy. 244 years..and still going strong. Seen it on the news this morning.
    Hope your Sunday was a great one. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  4. 2:57 Give a little water before they droop even more.

    SNL: Great impersonations and excellent satire. So refreshing to see jokes being made about Democrats for once.

    CNN: Psychologically speaking it’s easy to understand that nobody will say on camera that they were fools or were conned by Trump; that’s not how it works. And the camera is cornering people who were at the rally to begin with. CNN knows they’re supporters, through and through. Corner them and they will stick to their support, and believe that the inquiries are fake and will ‘exhonerate’ Trump like the Mueller investigation ‘did’.

    YT: Ah…sweet love. The Beatles knew how to express that musically as few others did.

  5. Thanks and OGIM Hugs to all! 17

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