It’s a busy day, here in the CatBox, but it was supposed to be a lazy day. It seems that everything I try to do takes longer. Weekend hugs to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:50 (average5:51). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: After learning that two of Rudy Giuliani’s associates had been charged with federal campaign-finance crimes, millions of Americans expressed their stunned disbelief that Giuliani had associates.
“By ‘associates,’ do they mean people who actually associate with Giuliani?” Carol Foyler, who lives in St. Louis, said. “This whole story doesn’t add up.”
“I read that these quote-unquote associates of Giuliani’s were actually business associates,” Tracy Klugian, of Butte, Montana, said. “If that means he was paying them a lot of money to associate with him, that could explain everything.”
Nope! Andy, I’m not buying it. I’m not sure what those thugs are. They may be Putin associates working to keep Rudy and his Fuhrer in line! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Former Ambassador Excoriates Corruption Of Trump Acolytes
Kudos to Marie Jovanovich. Her balls are bigger than Trump’s brain. Shouldn’t Sessions be in jail with Rudy’s two cronies. Here is Marie Jovanovitch’s opening statement. RESIST!!
Also from YouTube (MSNBC Channel): As Trump Installs Enablers, He Leaves Behind Witnesses
Wow! Hold on to your seats, folks! RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
8 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/12/2019”
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6:41 – I actually like gummi (fruit) rings – PLAIN. Not drowned in sprinkles.
As a person who thinks history is important, and is a kind of laboratory for experiments in how national and international decisions can lead to consequences, I have to admit I have completely missed this bit, and it’s looking pretty important.
Cartoon – Wow, that’s ugly. And accurate.
TNY – Attempting to leave the country when warrants are out for one generally indicates guilt.
MSNBC A – Orange Judas probably doesn’t know what “excoriate” means. It would be amusing if he were to think it means “exonerate” and give this story wide exposure. But his flunkies will probably put a stop to that. I read her opening statement, and WOW right there.
MSNBC B – Rachel always gets things straight. Thank God someone does.
Cartoon: Horrible, just horrible.
NYer: Oops!! One should realize that you’re in a world of ka-ka when the arm of the law arrests you at Dulles airport with a one-way international ticket in your hand. WOW!
MSNBC: Stones and Dignity, and Kudos to Ms. Jovanovich for standing up for the truth. Her opening statement shows her concerns and how it is now. Excellent reporting, Rachel.
MSNBC2: Holy Moly. The muck gets muckier, and the hole widens and deepens. wow.
I know what you mean, I’ve had days like that. Hope it gets better, and that you have a good rest of your day and evening. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. We had a fire here about 2 hours ago, (guy wire), 1 street over from mine, it’s contained now, thankfully. Burned a good area of acreage too. Scary.
This just in: “Trump proudly announcing he is sending OUR troops to Saudi Arabia because they are paying us. Our soldiers are being rented out like mercenaries.” ~ Loreli E. ~
2. “The cheese stands alone.” ~ Deborah D. ~
3. “As things are going re: investigations..If dt has any grey matter left that’s still working…he’d pack up the clubs and flee to Russia’s Moscow Country Club while he can, because there’s no way out for him.” ~ Lou G. ~
4. “I predict that the 2019 Time Magazine ‘Person of the Year’ will be the whistleblowers.” ~ Alice R. ~
Cartoon: Disgusting!
TNY: Yeah, I’m sure glad they were caught, especially with them having one way international tickets. Hope it starts caving in for giuliani and that he starts slipping the truth about tRump and the rest of them.
MSNBC 1: I also send Kudos to Ms. Jovanovich for standing up against tRump. Hope others do the same.
MSNBC 2: Good explanation. Like I mentioned above, it’s going to get juicier. I can hardly wait.
Hope your day got better.
Take care. Thanks TomCat
3:16 They sure like their candy at Jig Zone.
Cartoon: Can’t bear to look at it now, so how hatred-filled those people at that ‘party’ must have been to witness it.
TNY: “Honestly, if Giuliani can have associates, anyone can.” It may be hard to believe that anyone would associate with Giuliani of his own free will, but then these “associates” were brought into play by Russia and we all know Giuliani and his boss love to associate with anyone with a big fat Kremlin stamp mark on his head.
MSNBC 1: People like incredibly brave Ms Jovanovich should be honoured by kicking the Resident and his acolytes who done her wrong out of office by impeachment and election. In fact, it would be more than ‘honour’ because brave civil servants like her will have their lives destroyed by a vengeful madman and his clan if not removed from office.
MSNBC 2: Trump’s enablers are dropping like flies.

MSNBC 1 & 2 — The drip, drip, drip is now a rushing torrent that will catch all in its path including all in the Trump administration and sweep them away. Thank you whistleblowers and Marie Yovanovitch for your bravery and love of country and its constitution.

To the Trump administration, your days are severely limited. There are public humiliation and jail cells waiting for all!
Thanks and Ellipsoid Orb Hugs to all. 🏈
I apologize for the disgusting Cartoon. I feel it was necessary.
You were correct. It was.