It was clear to me long ago, but now it must be clear to virtually everyone, that Resident Donald Trump had declared war on the Congress of the United States. He is defying Congress and refusing to acknowledge or accede to their First Amendment right to conduct an impeachment inquiry into his many high crimes and misdemeanors.
The White House refused Tuesday to turn over internal documents regarding Ukraine being sought by House Democrats as the Trump administration dug in against their impeachment inquiry.
In a defiant letter that echoed the president’s recent impeachment messaging — accusing Democrats of violating the Constitution and civil liberties and attempting to overturn the results of the 2016 election — the White House said it would not comply with the request from House Democrats because they were conducting an invalid investigation…
…The move was the latest demonstration of a White House strategy of almost-universal resistance taking shape in its efforts to stymie the Democratic investigation into whether President Donald Trump used the power of his office to pressure Ukraine to investigate 2020 rival Joe Biden…
Inserted from <NBC News>
Click through for the Democratic response and a deeper explanation.
Essentially Trump’s argument is he and everyone acting under his orders are above the law. Both Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell explained this in more depth.
Trump Showing Desperation In Defying Impeachment Inquiry
Presidents do need to cooperate with impeachment proceedings. However, he is not and never has been a President. He’s a Resident. Moreover, Trump is the Fuhrer of the Republican Reich.
Rpts: Official Told Whistleblower Trump’s Ukraine Call Was “Crazy”
Sondland, an Oregon billionaire and hotelier, bought his appointment and is a devoted follower of Ayn Rand. I have no doubt that he got his instructions from his Fuhrer. He should be charged for his role in the crime.
To combat this, the Democrats need to proceed in two ways. First, they need to charge the witnesses who refuse to appear with crimes. Second, they need to document and include all the instances of Trump’s criminal obstruction into a separate Article of Impeachment.
18 Responses to “Trump Defies Congress”
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Isn’t it actually an Article II right – and duty?
IANAL, but someone who is has suggested that a Special Grand Jury shuld be impaneled. Apparently Special Grand Juries have powers which could speed things up considerably. I’ll update this comment with more info when I find it.
Supplemental Information:
OK, my three quotes are from Disqus user “Tom Piper,” who is not a business owner but spent 15 years practicing law. He was in Law School when Watergate was happening, and , along with everyone else in law school at the time, studied it extensively.
What Democrats need to do is petition DC District Chief Judge Beryl Howard to impanel a Special Grand Jury under 18 U.S.C. § 3331(a).
Special Grand Juries have investigative and indictment powers that ordinary grand juries do not AND the court or any attorney appearing for the United States may bring forth and present evidence of alleged offenses to be investigated.
William Barr has NO authority over a Special Grand Jury and DOJ “rules” don’t apply.
Also: Except a Special Grand Jury has special powers to investigate as well as indict. If they refuse subpoena’s or make claims of immunity the judge can rule pretty much on the spot and have Federal Marshall’s carry out arrests.
A Special Grand Jury isn’t bound by or to the DOJ.
And: There’s one way to bring these criminals, including Trump, where Barr and his DOJ henchmen can’t interfere.
Petition the Chief Judge of the DC District to impanel a Special Grand Jury under 18 U.S.C. § 3331(a) due to the level of corruption within Trump’s administration including the DOJ.
Special grand juries have investigative AND indictment powers that regular grand juries don’t have. Democrats could send their lawyers to present evidence of federal offenses to the special grand jury for investigation and possible indictment. Subpoena’s from a special grand jury would have to be honored or face immediate punishment. No more stonewalling.
Trump himself could be indicted by a special grand jury because they are not subject to DOJ OLC opinions. He might not be prosecuted right away but the statute of limitations would be tolled and Trump would know he’s legally toast.
The link for 18 U.S.C. § 3331(a) goes to Cornell University’s law database. It provides the law, all the law, and nothing but the law – no commentary. Commentary is available on line and there are several good sources.
Special Grand Jury – Further Details
Impeachments don’t have to be “confined to criminal wrongdoing” either, of course. They can also be about restoring the integrity of the office – and I’ll bet Leningrad Lindsey is kicking himself every day that he once said so.
OK, guys, here’s my question. If we move to do so, could Trump and his minions challenge our right to do so in court and tie us up with endless appeals? If not, I like it. If so, I think we should avoid extended court fights in the limited time we have.
See my Comment below – forgot it was a “Reply”
As Nameless says, see his comment. And the House wouldn’t be stoping its own inquiry, but it would be able to access all the Grand Jury evidence.
Unreal behavior!
I’m wearing my boots, and getting some popcorn for reading/watching this sheet show.
tRump should be locked up for all of his stinking illegal acts.
Hate to tell him, he can’t keep playing these flipping games.
If the House were to impeach Trump on a separate article of impeachment regarding his obstruction of the impeachment process, wouldn’t that mean he gets away with it? The Senate will not kick him out of office, not even when Trump is personally responsible for what is happening to the Kurds right now, and Trump will not have handed over his documents nor will his minions have appeared for their hearing unless claiming the 5th.
Trump will go on campaigning, claiming it is all a witch hunt and that he’s the victim of a left-wing conspiracy. His hard-core base is only too happy to believe him and the Democrats are left without hard proof, looking weak. Not a good starting point for the election.
Flush Facebook!
Thanks and busy hugs to all.
Appears that a Grand Jury and Special Grand Jury are both independent and entirely outside the purview of Trump.
And Beryl A. Howell is the Chief Judge of the Washington Judicial District who would need to empanel the Special Grand Jury, and in recent interactions w/ Trump lawyers she has been less than impressed w/ their legal acumen.
Then let’s do a feature post on it. JD or Nameless?
One way or another, we need to get tRump’s orange rump the hell out of the Oval Office, If impeachment doesn’t work, our only other alternative is the 2020 election – which cannot possibly come even a second too soon!