Sep 302019

It’s another chilly day here at the CatBox.  The humidity interfered with my sleep again so I feel very tired.  I schedules my Cardiologist for 11/22.  Oh God, it’s Monday (OGIM) Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:19 (average 5:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Religious Agony:


For the second week in a row, a bad call late in the 4th quarter cost my Broncos the game.  Von Miller hit the Jags QB just before the ball left his hand.  (I reviewed this in freeze-frame slow-motion.)  The ref mistakenly called Von for a late hit.  The pass was complete but way short of a first down.  The Broncos should have taken possession there, but the call gave the Jags a first down.  A few plays later, the Jags kicked the winning FG.  ARGH!  Even more exasperating, the Squatch is kicking my ass big time!  Oh… the shame!

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a move that raised eyebrows in the nation’s capital, the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, announced on Monday that the United States Senate would be closed until the year 2021, “for repainting.”

Calling the current state of the Senate’s paint job “a national disgrace,” McConnell said that repainting the Senate was “the most urgent problem facing our democracy today.”

“The Democrats can waste their time with all their usual hijinks and tomfoolery, but I cannot stand idly by and watch the walls of this hallowed chamber grow dingy and chipped,” McConnell said.

Dang, Andy! It would not surprise me if Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch did just that! RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Gergen: If someone targets whistleblower, it’s on Trump


When the whistle blower appears before the House Intelligence Committee, Republicans on that committee will leak his name and whatever other information a potential assassin might need to get him. I agree that he/she should go into witness protection. Trump and his close cronies should spend the rest of their lives in the GOP Gitmo Gulag! RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Jefferson Airplane – Today


Ah… The memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  21 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/30/2019”

  1. 6:18 Yeah, it is a bridge, but I’m inclined to call it something else with the same initial.

    So, this has nothing to do with world events, but I thought people might like to know a little more about Volodymyr Zelensky, seeing as very few people in America know anything at all. Fun Fact: before he was a president of the Ukraine, he played one on TV. Seriously. Not that he is always serious. In fact, this (mock) presentation he put together is pretty funny. It’s – I guess you might call it a satire on chat rooms and world leaders. I found it helped to make it full screen (the little thing that looks like 4 boxes in the lower right corner. You can do that in the embed or if you prefer go to YouTube and do it there.

    So sorry about the agony, particularly involving a bad call. That has to hurt. Similar to seeking asylum and running into Trump, with his bad call that asylum seekers can’t enter, in violation of international law. I realize it’s a different scale – but the unfairness –

    TNY – He might at that. He’s gotten to where his obstruction is already so obvious, he doesn’t even care how obvious it is.

    CNN – A mistake by Schiff? Distorting the call? Snopes doesn’t exactly agree. And facing one’s accuser happens in court. This is more like a police tip line.

    Past – Having lived through punk rock and heavy metal, it’s easy to forget how gentle psychedelic rock was (musically, I mean).

    • Joanne, 
      Thanks for the YT of the mock presentation that Mr. Zelensky put on. 
      Quite talented, and funny! 

    • I think Rep. Schiff probably regrets his parody mocking Trump’s Ukraine phone call.
      I loved it!  But I’m “in the choir” – so no preaching required.  And it was a tad much if our goal is to advance our case, to be honest.
      The good news is that in the long run it won’t make a scintilla of difference.  There are far, FAR bigger issues confronting our country than a “Godfather” parody … (which happened to be Spot-On!).

    • Thanks for that funny video, JD. Both presidents are showmen, with little else to their name, but Volodymyr Zelensky at least has a sense of humour and is genuinely funny.

    • Love the Vid! 02

  2. Cartoon: ugh! I know, right? 
    Agony: Yep, pretty much the same here, we lost to Panthers 16-10, what a bummer. 
    NYer: Word, Andy. Word. 
    CNN: This is unreal, and unprecedented in how this is unraveling. This person needs to be in the witness protection, and testify as voice muted or altered speech, and vision blurred on tv monitor.
    This was very brave of this person coming forward, but he/she must be protected. (Of all people)….from none other than this president. Horrible!! imho. 
    BFTP: Awesome!!! 
    Weather here is like a sauna. It just sucks any energy one has, out. Hope that you have a good rest, get a nap in, take care, and Thanks, Tom. 
    *This just in: “Criminals, racists, and rapists aren’t coming from Mexico. They’re sitting in the WH, and the Senate, and SCOTUS.” ~ Cynthia P. ~ 
    2. “A Nation of sheep will soon have a government of wolves.” ~ Edward R. Morrow ~ 
    3. “We all know this guy is full of Sith.” ~ Mark Hamill ~ 

  3. New Yorker: Mitchhole needs to paint his mouth shut!
    CNN: “…is sort of nuts.”  Ya think?   How about fucking nuts?  The whistleblower is, again, our newest hero, and  ought to be afforded what ever protections available.  
    Trump does not deserve to meet the whistleblower.  The whistle blower is not, as Trump wants us to think, himself accusing him of anything.  The whistleblower is communicating information that was given to him by people, apparently, within the W.H. system.  THEY, in effect, are not, technically accusing him of anything, either.  They are saying that they have information that indicates that tRump acted in an inappropriate, and possibly dangerous way.  It is up to the House to agree, or not, to indict him. THAT would be an accusation!
    U-Tube: Gracie and the boys!!!! Great guitar work.

  4. Cartoon: Something that certainly not making me happy. We have tRump to thank for that with his tariff wars.
    Amazed me how these refs can make bad calls and blow the game. Just like the umpires do with baseball. I was never much for football, due to seeing/hearing of the injuries of the players. Plus our team here moved to Los Angeles and that ticked a lot of the Charger fans off.
    CNN: Despicable seeing the idiot whining that he wants to know who the whistle blower is. Hate to tell him there’s many who are accusing him of his evilness. Plus the way he was speaking at that meeting the other night about taking care of people in the old days. 
    As I was typing this this just popped up:House Democrats issued a subpoena to Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s lawyer, on Sept. 30, telling him he has to produce some documents by Oct. 15.
    It’s going to get juicier. 
    YouTube: Great song. You sure are bring back the good memories.
    Sorry you have to wait so long to see your Cardiologist. It will be two days before my birthday. Will be wishing for you to have a good visit.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. Personally, I think Trump’s overt witness intimidation of the Whistleblower should be enough to get him impeached as a “… high crime and misdemeanor.”

  6. Resist, persist, and above all, VOTE BLUE! Support the best Dem in the Primaries, and in 2020, vote blue no matter who. No more flaking off and voting for third-party candidates (I must plead guilty to this charge) – we need to flood Washington with a Blue Tsunami if we want any chance of saving our country.

  7. 4:13 We’ve seen this bridge so often, we should be able to make better time on it.

    TNY: Great stuff, Andy. You just had Mitch McConnell do a Boris Johnson on the Senate.

    CNN: Schiff needs to curb his enthusiasm and not give Trump fother for his demented Tweets.  I’ve already commented on the whistleblower needing protection and not be dragged in front of any committee where his identity may become known. The whistleblower needs both witness protection and to be heard over a very, very secure com-link. Just think on it, though; a whistleblower needs to be protected against the ‘president’ of the USA, the same man that is now invoking visions of civil war if he is impeached and maintains that “If a Republican ever did what Joe Biden did … they’d be getting the electric chair right now,” which should make it very cear where Trump himself is headed. Me thinks America has long passed the phase of banana republic.

    YT: Thanks, TomCat. Good old times, so relaxing after all the impeachment hullaballoo.

  8. Nearly forgot this: [Australia’s PM] Scott Morrison pledges Australia’s help as Donald Trump investigates Mueller probe ‘hoax’

    This article is really hot Down Under right now and gets updated every hour or so. (It may be moved elsewhere soon.) Apparently, Zelensky isn’t the only one who got a call from Trump, and Aussies now want to know what the two BFFs promised each other.

  9. Football — I think I just handed you your kitty dingles in our FF matchup this week — Squatch 111.08 vs Puddy Tat 88.5!!!  How sweet it is!!!

    The New Yorker — Moscow Mitch will do anything to protect his Fuhrer, even shutting down the Senate.  Straight news again Andy!

    CNN — I could not agree with you more Puddy Tat.  Republicans have absolutely no honour.

    YT — I don’t remember this one.

    Cartoon — Yeah, and it gets worse by the day!

  10. Thanks and Hugs to all! 26

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