Go for the Senate?

 Posted by at 10:04 am  Politics
Sep 302019

By all appearances, Fuhrer Donald Trump, aka Putin’s Puppet, is a dead duck.  If Congress doesn’t get him, voters probably will.  Some say that Democratic Campaign 2020 should concentrate on taking the Senate.  I partially agree.


Political suicidal is anything but painless, or quick. Trump has finally done himself in, indicted by his own craven self-dealing — mismanaged in an especially stupid manner. The great truth is that, however appalling, Ukraine cannot be the only such disgraceful national betrayal in three years.

As the Ukraine scandals expand, dwarfing in seriousness all prior impeachment inquiries, his presidency is fatally broken — toast in terms of legislative wins. Sure, his outrageous rampage can plunder on, for Trump’s “genius” forever finds new ways to break the law, violate his oath and betray the office.

But the big cat is out of the bag. Trump’s undeniable witches brew of Ukrainian crimes — bullying/blackmail/election abuses/obstruction of justice and coverup — spotlight once again how he grossly shames the presidency, the government and the country.  Really, did the most corrupt president ever need another monumental disgrace to dramatize this walking, talking, insatiably self-serving time bomb?

So, the presidency aside (even if Pence takes over), the 2020 focus should be on Senate control. The longer top Republican senators refuse to isolate themselves from Trump’s never-ending misadventures, the greater the party damage. What was an improbable prospect only weeks ago — Democrats retaking the Senate — increases in direct proportion to the severity and duration of the Trump train wreck. Hear, hear: investigate everything but don’t worry when or if there’s a House impeachment vote until well into next year. The Trump poison now threatens to spread his illegitimacy party wide — and that sets up a Democratic rout, from the top down…

Inserted from <Nation of Change>

Click through for much more.

I agree that taking the Senate and defrocking Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch must be a very high priority, and we must invest the effort and resources to do so.

However, nobody would have believed that Putin could have tipped the scales in Trump’s favor and we must also invest the effort and resources to be sure that doesn’t happen again.

Furthermore, the party that controls the state legislatures draws the voting districts for the next ten years.  Republicans have demonstrating their expertise at using that power to squeeze majority representation from minority support.  So we must invest the effort and resources to win there too.

In short, the Democrats must walk and chew gum at the same time.  There is more than enough work to go around.



  13 Responses to “Go for the Senate?”

  1. YAY!
    This is great news!! and spot on reporting! 
    Thanks, Tom. 

  2. well, we have enough people, and particularly enough GOOD people, both in and out of office, , and including staff and volunteers, to divide the labor and get the job done.  

    I personally think it would help if we stopped publicly underestimating and deprecating ourselves – I find that demoralizing.  I realize, however , there are people who find it irritating in such as way as to stimulate their efforts (like Amy McGrath being told that girls couldn’t be military pilots), so I’ll try to be a little cooler about it.

  3. So, as his residency seems about to implode, Jackass-in-Chief gets ever more bizarre, showing more of his general incapacity to lead, even lead a squad of tube worms:  
    I have to agree with your take on the congressional elections.

  4. What part of you did this to yourself, doesn’t tRump understand??? 
    Him acting more violent about the situation is only going to make it worse for himself. 
    All I know is that it’s getting close to where Nancy P. can feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, where she sing about the wicked witch is dead. Except he will be thrown in prison for all of his evilness. Then the Democrats will be dancing and singing like the munchkins.
    Thanks TomCat

  5. Hi all; great to read  your comments. (I need ’em)! I did my “school rush-hour” demo of one this AM (which I started last Dec.—–oh, the OH weather!) Had my old “Trump loves Putin” sign & got asked what it means!!!! When I told her she said, “Well, u get to live in a good economy” and that she “didn’t care if other countries rocked our elections, as long as $$$$”—–wow! Also got called “crazy”, advised on better uses of my time, & a couple “thumbs down”. No “middle fingers” 2today that I saw, of course several supportive waves, honks. Take care all, wish we could celebrate IRL.

    • Welcome back, Spy.  Your comments went to moderation, because you changed the name.  I approved that too, so as long as you keep your name/email unchanged, your comments will not go to moderation.

      Don’t despair.  I tryst you’ll get the finger next time! 12

  6. I feel the need to repeat it again after reading this article. Never ever be complacent again, Democrats! Remember what happened in 2016; Democrats were sure they’d win. Not only didn’t they win the Presidency, they also lost on the House. The first two years were Republican galore. And don’t underestimate the damage they’ve done in those two years even if they didn’t get everything done they’d hoped for.

    TomCat is absolutely right. Don’t put all your efforts in the Senate. Fight on all fronts and keep doing it until the last vote is counted. Play your cards well and Democrats could have it all.


  7. The real fight is for dogcatcher on up to the White House!  Anyone who thinks differently (or not at all) is delusional and wrong headed.  PINO is noir! . . . and so is anything Republican!

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