Sep 292019

It’s a muggy, chilly day here in the CatBox.  It’s 46° and 97% humidity with only 52° forecast.  The rest of the week will be in the low 60°s.  WWWendy will be here in about an hour.  May the Holy Ellipsoid Orb bless your team, unless they are big Latino puddy tats!  This is my only article today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Kudos to that dawg!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Impeachment Cold Open – SNL

Apologies to those whose countries are excluded, but I had to include it for the rest. FOMCROTFPIMPLMAO!! RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Take It Easy (2013 Remaster)

Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: The former ambassador who travel to Niger and shot down the lies put forward by the Bush administration over nuclear weapons being created in Iraq has died.

He wrote a piece for the New York Times entitled “What I didn’t find in Africa”. It was the beginning of what would become “Plamegate”, the attempt to destroy his reputation through his wife, former CIA agent and current New Mexico congressional candidate, Valerie Plame, by outing her work with the CIA and putting her and her (now) ex-husband in danger. The effect would cost her her job with the CIA and a conviction for White House staffer Scooter Libby, which would later be commuted by George W. Bush. The good news out of that was that the truth would come out about the ridiculous foray into Iraq that we are stuck with to this day and the lies that precipitated with it. The journey for the ambassador, however, would not be easy.

RIP Joe! You were as honest as you were abused by Crawford Caligula and the Republican Reich! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/29/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Give that puppy more water to sprinkle and tinkle !! 
    SNL: Great & Super/fantastic!! show! 
    YT: Another great one!! thx! 
    DK: A great Patriot. So sorry to read of his death. Rest In Peace, Sir. 

    Hi, Wendy! We’ve got the humidity, very warm though. Wish it would rain, to cool things down a little. Hope that you have a great day, best to your team, we play in a few minutes, vs. Panthers. Take care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: re:dt- “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” ~ Ben Franklin ~ 
    2. “House Dems have passed around 400 bills in the last 9 months, only to see them being held up by McConnell and the R’s. ~ pb ~ 

  2. Sorry – but “FOMCROTFPIMPLMAO” is just too arcane for me.

    Translation please!

  3. Cartoon: Hope the dogs keep doing it.
    SNL: Love watching Alex’s imitation of the idiot tRump. I thought he wasn’t going to do it any longer?? Glad he did.
    YT: Enjoyed hearing the Eagle. They are one of my favorites from the past.
    DK: He stood for his country. RIP Joe.
    Hope that your day went well. Hope your football team won. That you had a good visit with Wendy.
    Up to this morning, it’s been overcast the past few day.The Military Air Show was going on here. When they do their maneuvers they blast over my home. So I can watch it from the backyard. Today was the last baseball game for my local team, whom did very poorly this year. Maybe next Spring they will improve??
    Take care, TomCat

  4. 2:51 A hard nut to crack.

    Cartoon: Have a male-dog-only dog-walker visit the elephant with his charge.

    SNL: I had to get my VPN working again, but it was worth it. SNL’s portrayal of Trump & cronies is still the best.

    YT: Wonderful try-out of the compact speaker system I just bought for my laptop. The old cheapos were terrible and left behind in Holland. The remix was perfect to revisit memories with.

    DK: A man with integrity. Was Joe Wilson ever vindicated?

    I hope the humidity will lessen soon; the temperatures are already as low as you like them, TomCat.

  5. Thanks and OGIM Hugs to all! 28

  6. ‘toon: I love it!
    SNL rocks!
    The Eagles: “Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy!”  Aka: Kick back and watch the Donny show.
    DK: Another “real” Patriot!

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