Sep 282019

It Was Never In Doubt

As I noted yesterday, this past week has been unusual in that it’s been very busy.  So this will be just a quickie.

Looks like things should get back to my usual easy-peasy pace next week.  (Fingers crossed.)

I owe all you Woozle people some equal time … but not today.


  10 Responses to “Saturday Smile: Cats vs. Dogs – Who Rules the Roost?”

  1. The pictures are hilarious, and oh! so true!!
    There’s no doubt who rules the roost, the cats RULE ! 
    While both of mine get along just fine, my shih tzu abides by the unwritten law,  that cats get top billing wherever they are, or want to go. That means FIRST too. This also applies for her food too, if my Russian Blue wants to dab, she will. Whether it’s dog or cat food. 

    Take good care, and Thanks, Nameless for post, hope things are good w/you.

  2. Yup.  Cats rule, dogs drool.

    I did hear one nice thing about dogs this week that I think worth repeating – namely, that one thing we can learn from dogs it, every time someone we love enters the room, we should go absolutely nuts with joy.  Even if it happens five times a day.

    The pix are both typical and sweet  to the point of “Squeeeeeee! [thud]”

  3. So poignant!

  4. Cats can often hold their own against dogs. One cat I used to have put a German Shepherd in his place. The dog made the mistake of cornering her. One lash-out with both front paws and teeth – that dog probably didn’t slow down till he was in South Carolina.

  5. Cats rule! This is how it should be (you can tell I’m a cat person, can’t you?). The look of utter defeat on some of those dogs faces is precious. Thanks for my giggles, Nameless.

  6. Adorable. 
    Looking at the photos, I can see that the Cat is the leader/ruler. 
    Thanks Nameless

  7. Critter time soothes the soul.  Thanks Nameless.

  8. Indubitably CAT is where it’s AT! 03

  9. Yep, cats are large and in charge! 06

  10. I agree w/ Freya (per usual—-hi, glad to see u). My dog is the best and she is smart enough to respect the felines. 

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