Sep 282019

It’s a cool Autumn day here in the CatBox, but the A/C is still running to counteract the O2 concentrator.  It’s a holy day tomorrow in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are meditating with the Jags.  This week, I have to oppose those puddy tats.  The game won’t be televised here, but I’ll still have to put a paper bag over my head.  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy Day, and we have lots to do, so please expect no more than a Personal Update.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:15 (average 4:35).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel):  Where Does The Ukraine Investigation Go Next?

This was 15 minutes old when I saw it this morning, so it’s up to date. The wheels are falling off the clown car. RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): “White Rabbit”-Jefferson Airplane Lyrics

This was acid music. Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Former President Barack Obama has inked a ninety-million-dollar deal to produce a Netflix series about Donald J. Trump’s impeachment, Netflix confirmed on Friday.

Production on the series could begin as early as October, in Washington and Kiev, Obama told reporters.

“We’ve already hit the ground running on the script,” Obama said. “Rudy Giuliani has given us a lot to work from.”

Obama said that casting for the roles of Trump and Mike Pence had already begun. “Pence has a much bigger role in this than you might think,” he added.

LOL, Andy! If only this were true, Obama would be grinning like a Cheshire cat! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  14 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/28/2019”

  1. 4:24 Lower middle of the food chain, apparently.

    Cartoon – I’m not sure I have a printable comment. In fact, I’m pretty sure I don’t.

    MSNBC – Ah. A subpoena duces tecum. I was served with one of those once, but I didn’t have to appear as the criminal decided (correctly) that a plea bargain would be advantageous. Trump won’t be able to get out of his situation so easily (unless he strokes out). Tweety put a finger on it for once – “the damage to the republic, or the damage to Trump?” Interesting times.

    Time machine – Jefferson Airplane had some great repertory. This one – IIRC – was arranged as a string quartet by the Hamptno String quartet. I’ll see if I can find it.

    TNY – Oh, I’d love to see this.

  2. Cartoon: Why….yes….re: dt: of course!!   me: RUN, girl, RUN!!!! 
    MSNBC: Good video! Amen, and PTL ! Couldn’t happen to a ‘nicer’ guy…imho..
    YT: What a wonderful song to take ‘a trip’. Awesome times and song! One of my favs! 
    NYer: Suh-weet!!! LOL, Andy! 

    Hi, Wendy! Hope you get all your chores done. It’s still warm here. We play the Panthers tomorrow, fingers crossed. Have a good rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
    *This just in: Putin re dt: “Trump? Don’t know him. Low level covfefe boy.” ~Wayne H.~ 
    2. “The only thing left to decide about Trump is do we try him as an adult??” ~ Michael Moore ~ 
    3. Nancy Pelosi to dt: “You have come into my wheelhouse.” 

  3. MSNBC: It is going to be hilariously sad to watch the defensive dance!
    Love the Airplane!  Those few “Classic” rock stations with which I am familiar, seem to give them a wide berth.  Too radical?
    New Yorker: The role of Pence could well be played by Charlie McCarthy, siting on Dumpy’s lap.
    Re: Pat’s “Just In,” as a child, or as a blithering idiot?  

  4. Thank you Tom Cat and friends for the news!!

  5. Hello and thanks for the news! Secret server, indeed!21 As Mitch D. said, the defense is gonna be something to behold! The dam is bursting now, hold on, my friends! I miss Care2 & all the comments & camaraderie. Let’s enjoy this show—-as someone famously said—“Bring it on!” Best to all.

  6. Cartoon: Yep….Fits tRump perfectly.
    MSNBC: Very informative video. I agree that he has gotten himself and many others in a deep deep hole that they won’t be able to get out of. 
    YT: Brings memories.Remember the song very well. They were one of my favorite groups when I was younger.
    TNY: Don’t picture it being a real thriller.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. 2:40 08 Insects are the new source of protein, but I’m not sure dragonflies have that much.

    Cartoon: Secret?

    MSNBC: A Dutch proverb ‘The devil always poops on the biggest heap’ is two-pronged. It means that the money always goes to the people who already have a lot of it (the rich) instead of those who deserve some (the poor), which has certainly be true for Trump and Republicans until now. But the proverb can also have a more Murphy-an meaning: when things go bad, there’s a great risk that things will go from bad to worse because the devil will keep adding to it. Let’s hope the second prong is now all Trump and his minions can look forward to. This video gives a lot of hope on that account.

    YT: I was too young to know about LSD and to Dutch to know about Alice to understand the lyrics when White Rabit was first released, but the magnificent vibrato of Grace Slick and the somewhat oriental music really drew me in. Learning what it was all about later never changed that.

    TNY: I’d love to see it, even get myself a Netflix account to do so, but only if it runs for one season! Definitely no running for years on end, no sequels and no run-offs. Living through it real-time was bad enough.

  8. Thanks for the dose of AB.
    Old saying that its what you don’t know that bites you might apply–the ignorance of constitution and other law along with limits of authority of POTUS–seems apropos.
    Some called white corvairs the White Rabbit in the 1960’s, too…at least in parts of SoCal where much of the US music originated then

  9. Thanks and Hugs to all! 17

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