Screw The DINOs!

 Posted by at 10:22 am  Politics
Sep 272019

What is a DINO, anyway?  In 2016, most DINOs were lefties.  Though they voted in the primaries and caucuses, they abandoned the party, because their candidate (and mine) didn’t win the nomination.  So they wrote in votes for Bernie, or voted for the Russia’s pawn, traitor Jill Stein, or stayed home.  Some even voted for Trump.  It they had not become DINOs and had supported the party, we would not have the mess we have today, because Trump could not have stolen the election.  This time, the DINOs are more typical for the word.  They are the wealthy, corporate Democrats, and they are scared shitless of Elizabeth Warren.


They don’t like Senator Warren:

Democratic donors on Wall Street and in big business are preparing to sit out the presidential campaign fundraising cycle — or even back President Donald Trump — if Sen. Elizabeth Warren wins the party’s nomination.

In recent weeks, CNBC spoke to several high-dollar Democratic donors and fundraisers in the business community and found that this opinion was becoming widely shared as Warren, an outspoken critic of big banks and corporations, gains momentum against Joe Biden in the 2020 race.

“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’” said a senior private equity executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity in fear of retribution by party leaders. The executive said this Wednesday, a day after Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House would begin a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump.

CNBC: Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren [emphasis original]

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We most not give in to their threats.  I support Elizabeth Warren in the primaries, but if the voters give the nomination, he will have my full support in the general election.  For people who threaten to do otherwise, no matter who wins the nomination, we can only have one valid response.

Screw the DINOS!



  12 Responses to “Screw The DINOs!”

  1. I’m w/you on this one, through and through, GO BLUE! 
    Thanks, Tom. 

  2. And they think Trump will do them some good, or not hurt them? Four more years of Trump, and these asses will be doing the dive out of their office windows. Fucking greed!!!  I’m with you also.

  3. tRump isn’t going to get help from them one flippin bit. He’s gotten himself in a huge mess. 
    His ship is sinking fast and it’s taking all of his crew members too. 
    I agree with you, that Ms Warren is going to succeed at gaining way more votes/backers.

  4. We have DINOs, RINOs and a PINO (president in name only — very unpresidential).  If the world was not laughing before, or at least snickering, they sure are now after his petty performance at the UN.  If he were a bottle of wine, he would be a very cheap PINO Dolt 45, a very rancid muscatel!

    Personally, I think Dolt 45 is scared shitless of Elizabeth Warren, as he should be, but also of Joe Biden which is why he going to the attack even before a Democrat is chosen to lead the party.  I prefer Warren, but if Joe is chosen as the candidate, I would be voting for him if I could vote.  EVERYBODY should be putting the country ahead of party.  No repeats of 2016!  Look what a fiasco emanated from that boondoggle!

    Vote BLUE!!!

  5. We have DINOs, RINOs and a PINO (president in name only — very unpresidential).  If the world was not laughing before, or at least snickering, they sure are now after his petty performance at the UN.  If he were a bottle of wine, he would be a very cheap PINO Dolt 45, a very rancid muscatel!

    Personally, I think Dolt 45 is scared shitless of Elizabeth Warren, as he should be, but also of Joe Biden which is why he going to the attack even before a Democrat is chosen to lead the party.  I prefer Warren, but if Joe is chosen as the candidate, I would be voting for him if I could vote.  EVERYBODY should be putting the country ahead of party.  No repeats of 2016!  Look what a fiasco emanated from that boondoggle!

    Vote BLUE!!!

  6. I would say this goes without saying, except that it obvously doesn’t.  It must be said, ans said again, and said again.  To every eligible voter.

    Incidentally I did read somewhere that there are now 218 Democrats in favor of impeaching – that isn’t all of them, but it’s enough to pass.  Yes, that is Congresscritters not voters, but at least a few of them have said that they are specifically responding to their constituency.

  7. The past few months I’ve had the tendency to become a little more morose than usual and I’ve done my level best to keep up good cheer but news like this certainly doesn’t help. I would think Elizabeth is what America needs after Trump, but I don’t get to vote, so I’d be happy with any Democrat.

    But the signals aren’t too good, are they? Like so many, I was abhorred by the ‘pseudo’ election of Donald Trump, believing Americans would know better. This time, however, it seems Americans are willing to vote him in again, even though they no longer have the excuse of ignorance and know full well what that would mean for their country and the rest of the world. Dinos like the one described above, disgust me. They no longer should be called Democrats in any way but by their true name: Filthy Rich.

  8. Thanks and pooped weekend Hugs to all. 17

  9. 29Thanks Tom Cat.

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