Sep 222019

It’s an unusual day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy won’t be here to de-stink the rancid TomCat until midafternoon, so I’m posting today.  It’s also a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are meditating with the Packers in Green Bay.  Time to get out the Vaseline.  May the Holy Orb bless your team, unless their fans wear fake cheese.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update, and that probably after lunch.  I’m going to the medical appointment for my hiatal hernia.  Ellipsoid Orb Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:02 (average 4:21).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (Oregonian Channel): Police pin down 2 teens, crowd reacts


In spite of all the wonderful things about Portland, our police have been notorious for employing Gestapo tactics for years. I suspect that the officers in charge of harassing teens, who were peacefully demonstrating for the earth, were Republicans. RESIST!!

From YouTube (A blast from the past): The Cowsils_ The Rain, The Park, & Other Things


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: In a shakeup that White House insiders said was a long time coming, one of the voices in Rudy Giuliani’s head has resigned.

The resignation, which was officially tendered on Saturday morning, seemed inevitable after the former New York mayor made an appearance on CNN Thursday evening in which two of the voices in his head appeared to be in open warfare with each other.

“When that happened, it was clear that Rudy’s head was not big enough for the both of them,” a White House insider said. “And Rudy has an extremely big head.”

In an official statement, Giuliani thanked the departing voice for its service, and said that he was confident that the four remaining voices in his head would work well together.

Dang, Andy! I hope it’s the voice that keeps parroting 9/11. RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/22/2019”

  1. Cartoon: Awww…hell naw to the inth!! she said. 
    YT/OC: I wonder what they did that warranted the manhandling? Never mind, it doesn’t take much anymore for the cops to get p’o’ed over nonconformity..I would guess that our police force here, is the same or worse. imho. 
    Cowsills: What good memories, loved this song! 
    NYer: omg…this is hilarious!!! Good one, Andy! 

    Hi, Wendy! Best to you tomorrow, and you get good news! Hope that you have a good day/evening, and that you have a safe trip to/from your med appt tomorrow too. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “trump says, “my crimes can’t be investigated while I’m the potus.” MY crimes? “WHAT did he just say?” ~ CS ~ 
    2. ” Promise from United States, made by Trump to an International leader but we do not know their Name. PUTIN.” ~ Seth Meyers ~ 
    3. Kleptocracy by the Kakistocracy.” ~ Lizette B. ~ 

  2. 5:10 I certainly hope you can get a resolution, or at least a proposed resolution, for your hernia. Been there, done that (not a hernia, but persistent acid reflux). No fun. You may have to put that tasty looking chicken in the freezer until you get this resolved.

    Cartoon – SO Republican.

    Oregonian – I see The Oregonian has been in contact witht the police to put the least awful possible face on the story. (And I grant the white teen did get walked off; they say arrested.) I assume this was a climate change event.

    Past – Never heard this one, or heard of it.

    TNY – I’m sure the vacancy will be filled promptly – maybe even with multiple replacements. I would guess the one which resigned was the one that told him to admit to a crime – that would be the only one with any principle.

  3. Cartoon: Yep, that’s Republican Jeezus, all right! Protect ’em while they’re unborn, but once they hatch, the hell with ’em.

    Oregonian: The cops are there to preserve order, but when they go overboard, they give the entire profession a black eye.

    TNY: And to think I used to admire Giuliani. Somewhat.

  4. Cartoon: Exactly the way these awful repugs preach.
    Oregonian – Awful to see that some of them have to go and get so violent. Always have some bad apples in the crop.  Really shameful.
    Blast of the past: Not familiar of the group.
    TNY: I lost my respect for Rudy. Sure has gotten to be a real fool, ever since he got involved with tRump. 
    Hope you have a nice day, TC. 
    Take care. 

  5. Have been reading disturbing elements in your policing–and this is the first city of the 1000 in the US where I’ve heard of such happening.Thanks for the dose of AB. Music I haven’t thought of in many moons.
    A NY judge just ordered Trump to do a video deposition in the civil case at his NY hotel where his security team claimed the sidewalk was private property and roughed a protestor up, among the claims–the security key person in this case is the one appointed to the WH and is now working for RNC.  Not sure a response to this issue, but timing consistent with being one, where T is claiming he doesn’t have time to deal with any charges against him…timing suggests this might be the court that makes clear to him the DOJ memo has limited applications, etc.
    Cartoon makes me wonder about latest SNAP cut proposals with a comment period just ended–and the ethics issue related to hiring people to review comments (a different issue) from a company belonging to an organization which commented on the issue…

  6. Hope your appointment tomorrow goes well.  If I recall, the hiatal hernia was an incidental finding noticed when they were checking your lungs.  Although you have mentioned some episodes of heartburn.

    I suspect your PCP would probably start with meds to reduce acid production (H-2-receptor blockers) – like Tagamet.  But I would advise AGAINST Zantac, as some have recently been found to have some carcinogenic impurities.

    Might start you on something stronger – ones that actually block acid production (proton pump inhibitors) – like omeprazole (Prilosec).

    I doubt anyone would recommend surgery without a trial of medical management first.  And I doubt they would do surgery without first performing an endoscopy for a look-see.

  7. Oregonian: Authoritarian types do not cotton well to dissent!
    Cowsils: Love the song, would have never remembered the name of the group in 1000 years.
    New Yorker: Was it the chemicals in the air after 9/11 that set Rudy off on his bizarre journey?
    ‘Toon: Also  goodie, but oldie.

  8. 3:02 A tie! Are you a leg or a breast cat, TomCat?

    Oregonian: How shameful for Portlandian to have a police force that’s closer in action and mentality to the Gestapo than to the average Oregonian. Where did Portland go wrong?

    YT: Even then it made my teeth rattle with its sweetness.

    TNY: Awesome, Andy! ESpecially where the second most overblown head in the US isn’t big enough for both of them, but still houses four others. I’m quite sure the most overblown head only houses one voice, that of a two-year-old toddler.

    Hope your visit to the doctor helps with the heartburn, TomCat.

  9. Thanks and hugs to all. 24

    A few years back, Portland Police killed an unarmed Black man with a choke hold.  Confronted with community outrage, the Chief banned the choke hold.  Police Officers started selling these t-shirts Scroll down to 206:

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