Sep 202019

It’s a muggy day here in the Cat-Box, and I feel very tired.  The high humidity woke me up, and I slept poorly.  TGIF Hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


This is how Republicans support our veterans.

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Donald Trump is sowing discord among his foreign-policy advisers with a controversial plan to send a drone to the Middle East, White House insiders report.

According to sources familiar with the heated discussions, the opposition to Trump’s plan stems from the belief of many in his inner circle that the drone proposed for the mission is totally ill-equipped and doomed to miserable failure.

“There is virtually no enthusiasm for this particular drone,” one source said. “Trump is the only person who thinks that it has any use whatsoever.”

Fears abound that, if the drone were employed in the Middle East, it would immediately stray off course, due to its near-total lack of an even rudimentary guidance system.

Dang, Andy! Do you have Kushner (the drone) pegged or what?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CSPAN Channel): Secretary Chao on California Fuel Economy Standards (only 41 sec.)

Barf Bag Alert!!


Everything Mrs. Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch says is a lie! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Jeff Merkley Channel): Merkley Demands Action on Gun Safety Legislation


Jeff is spot on and is showing how Oregon leads the way in dealing with Republican Ammosexuals. RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/20/2109”

  1. 4:48 How twisted.

    Cartoon – Unless they are generals or admirals, and Republican. Then they can work in Republican administrations making things worse.

    TNY – Nicely done. Everything hangs together (wish all those in the regime would. Separately would work too.)

    Chao – I’m sure it would be educational if one just substitutes the opposite for whatever she says, but I think I’d rather listen to Jeff.

    Jeff – I’s a pity that it has to be spelled out for idiots that sane regulation of arms and ammunition is not incompatible with the Second Amendment. But, since it does, I’m glad Jeff does it so well. Wow – in the last two minutes he gets in so much truth, I hope he has good security. Because Screaming Carrot Demon McLiarface is going to tweet a target on his back for sure.

  2. Cartoon: Yep, and sadly dt is attacking the homeless too. 
    NYer: He doesn’t have any sense of direction, Andy got this one ‘right on target’. lol 
    BBA: Yep, long enough to plant her lies…ugh!! 
    JMC: Good information and issues about gun violence, from Mr. Merkley.  We need to clone him. And yes, let’s pass HR 8 !! 
    It’s muggy here too, today. I’d like to see more rain here, but I’m not ‘in charge’ of Hope that you have a good afternoon, and evening. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: Re: Brett Kavanaugh – “Does anyone else think they can talk about loving beer while crying during a job interview, and still get hired?” ~ Claudia K. ~ 
    2. Re: dt & Rudy G. – “It’s Felony Friday!!!” ~ Bill K. ~ 
    3. “TRE45ON” ~ Peter L. ~ 

  3. I hope that you get some relief after the poor night’s sleep,Tom Cat.⛱️

  4. New Yorker: Typical for this assministration!
    Chao: Part of this assminitration, so what else would one expect?
    Jeff: So, when is he going to run for president?
    ‘Toon: Nah, says the GOP, they only gave blood and guts, nothing to the RNC…screw ’em!

  5. Joanne, I have copied it, thank you.

  6. 3:07 Quite familiar vines by now.

    TNY: That particular drone has been sent in a few times already but soon was never heard of again until it suddenly turned up again at the White House, like a boomerang thrown by an inept thrower. But Andy always sees that silver lining: ‘”At least it wouldn’t be here anymore,” the source said.

    CSPAN: One of those mandatory appearances in which members of the administration have to read out statements written by either Mrs Chao’s husband, by Barrf or by anyone else in Trump’s inner circle who can write.

    JM: Kudos, again, to Jeff Merkley. Just from the soundtrack, I can tell the pair he grew are continuing to grow. He is into truth-speaking, as our first Australians like to call it. The question now is who was paying attention to this excellent truth-speaking? Not any of the Republican Senators and certainly not the majority leader who’ll only put anything up for a vote if it is in Trump’s – and his own – interest. Jeff has it nailed when he insists that the Senate has turned into a dictatorship, completely ignoring the will of the American population.

  7. Thanks and weekend Hugs to all! 26

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