Sep 162019

It’s a cool, sticky day here in the CatBox.  64° and thunderstorms (rare here) are forecast, and the humidity is 92%.  Oh God it’s Monday hugs to all.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:00 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here. How did you do?


Religious Agony:


An Official put time on the clock in error.  That allowed the Bears to kick the winning field goal after time had expired.  May the Righteous Orb  blast that ref with Holy lightning right between the cheeks!!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Jesse Dollemore Channel): Tomi Lahren on Fox and Declares Her Need to be Armed For Use Against Military, Cops, and Immigrants!

Barf Bag Alert!!


But Jesse, should we be surprised at Tomi Turd’s stupidity? The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, specializes in stupidity… and greed… and hate. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): MOSCOW MITCH – A Parody


Wonderful job, Don! You could not have pegged Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch more perfectly. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: There’s much to hate about Lindsey Graham and the submissive puppet to Donald Trump that he has become since McCain’s death. Yet at the very least, he is honest about the kind of person he’s become. He no longer pretends to be a moderate or a “principled” conservative.

Susan Collins is a rightwing hack who masquerades as a “moderate” in order to keep her job in a blue state. Sure, she may vote against the worst impulses of her party—usually during an election year—but here’s the key: only if her vote won’t make the difference

Harry Reid put it best on Susan Collins: “She’s always there when you don’t need her vote.” Despite having numerous opportunities, Collins always passes at being the deciding vote against her party, no matter what. It’s this grift that makes Trump blush, and it’s why the hardliners love how she plays her constituents for fools.  

The most recent example was just this past Thursday, at the Senate Appropriations Committee meeting. Collins has repeatedly and forcefully claimed that she is opposed to Trump stealing money from our military community to build a wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

Goose-step Gordon Smith [R-OR] used to do the same thing, until we fired him and replaced him with Jeff Merkley.  Now, Collins, a fascist Republican goose-stepper  REALLY IS the least extreme Republican in the Senate, and she’s deplorable!  Every Republican in office is one Republican too many! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/16/2019”

  1. 4:12 Not quite so tied up as in the last ropes.

    Cartoon – Hasn’t he pulled us out of it yet?

    Orb – Oh dear.

    Other JD – “Training? We don’t need no stinkin’ training!” South Dakota ?!?? She’s going to shoot Canadians? “Warm feeling in [their] hearts”? Does Jesse need lessons in anatomy?

    Other PP – “Moscow Mitch” needs to go viral.

    DKos – And “Leningrad Lindsay.” And, apparently, “Siberia Susan.” Well, people are starting to see through her finally. And to shell out money to defeat her. I think it can be done – and I certainly hope it will be done.

  2. Dollemore: “Unique,” as in uniquely stupid.  Faux Not-News, seeks out these brainless fools, and puts them on the air in support of their own racist agenda.  silly as it may seem for Tomi to be speaking with an immigrant, the network is owned by a naturalized immigrant!
    PPC: It would be sooooooooo delightful see this bitch botch his next election run!
    DK: Saw this yesterday, and cold not agree more! I sent t to a cousin in Maine, who is no fan hers anyway, in the hope that she’d spread it around where it may do some good.

  3. Cartoon: Please…let it be, we need it. 
    Orb: Sorry about your boys. Mine was won by a hair, 13-12. (didja hear me yelling?) 
    Other JD: She needs to go. Somewhere, and far away, imho.  
    PP: Very well done. 
    DK: Collins has stood by her feckless record, I’ll say that about her. Best to Sara G. to replace her too. 

    Hope that you have a good rest of your day, and Thanks, Tom. It’s supposed to rain here the next few days, hopefully….we’ll see. 

    *This just in: “A wise man once said that ‘No person knows enough to be a pessimist. Resignation crumbles in light of Hope.'” ~Ron P. ~ 
    “Susan Collins was the vote that allowed dt to take defense funds for his stupid wall. Susan will be failing the ETTD curse very soon, and if she were smart…she should take her payoff and retire.” ~ Vicki M. ~ 
    *ETTD – Everything Trump Touches Dies. 

  4. To keep hearing that “Moscow Mitch” absolutely HATES being called “Moscow Mitch” does my heart good!

    About the only positive thing to say WRT Sen. Susan Collins is, at least she’s consistent.  She’s like Lucy in “Peanuts” holding the football – all “concerned” and “deeply disturbed” by *rump shenanigans. 

    But you just KNOW that she’s going to pull the football away just when Charlie Brown is ready to boot it.

    Like Sen. Harry Reid said: A solid vote whenever you don’t need it.

  5. Orb: Sorry to hear the bad news. Surprised they allowed it count if the time was out. 
    JD: Despicable. Glad I don’t watch the trash. Agree with Pat that she needs to go.
    PPC: Hoping that mItch the bi*ch does lose his post. I seen him on the news the other night, and thought he had some sort of arm brace on? He does need to go. Moscow Mitch does have a sound I like too.
    I missed numerous days this past week. Dealing with the car dealer regarding my car being repaired. Then my  computer, which I just get back today. Now my home security DVR is dying. So will have to buy a new one, which is a upgrade but can use the current wiring, etc. Pray nothing else happens. I’ve had enough. Did get approved for more Physical Therapy for my arm. So that will start next week, 2X a week for 4 weeks.
    Hope the rest of your day was a nice one. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Jesse Dollemore’s observation on guns for protection is one that I have made on my own, if I may say so myself. Sure, a gun may protect you from a burglar or a mad dog; but a bunch of untrained, poorly organized yahoos armed with AR-15s don’t stand a chance against disciplined, well-trained soldiers who have machine guns, bazookas, rocket launchers, flame throwers, cannons and tanks at their disposal. And that’s to say nothing of Apache helicopters, and what the Air Force has to offer.

    Those wack jobs are more serious about shooting immigrants than you think. Don’t EVER believe we won’t have ethnic cleansing of immigrants in the USA. We’ve already had ethnic cleansing of Native Americans and – albeit on a lesser scale – of blacks. There is still enough hate in this “great” country that violence could flare up. Whoa, what the hell am I saying? It is flaring up all over the damn place! And it’s only a matter of time, I fear, before we have mass shootings of immigrants or other “undesirables.” SHOOTINGS, not a shooting.

  7. 2:46 What a boring puzzle.

    Other JD: For a dumb peroxide blond, Tomi is rather well-spoken, i.e. she rehearsed the lines fed to her well before coming on. Like her great leader she has no clue what she reads from the autocue really means. Why would she fight the military? Hasn’t Trump said repeatedly that, like the police corps, the military was his friends and stood with him? It looks like dumb ammosexuals won’t take chances on that and will end their stressed lives in gun-battles with the military and the police. She and her buddies identify more with domestic terrorists than with Republican politicians, don’t they?

    PP: Another one of Don’s Parodies that should make the charts.

    DK: “Collins always passes at being the deciding vote against her party, no matter what. It’s this grift that makes Trump blush, and it’s why the hardliners love how she plays her constituents for fools.” (DK). It’s about time Blue Maine wakes up, take responsibility for their voting and get rid of her next year. Just sending every Democrat this Daily Kos article should do the trick.

  8. Thanks and pooped hugs to all. 19

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