It’s Hump Day, here in the CatBox, and this time, it really is WWWendy Day. The tech from EnableMe (the Vela chair company) is calling tonight to help WWWendy set up the chair properly. Hump day Hugs to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:19 (average 6:31). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Vox Channel): The gun solution we’re not talking about
Not every American is in favor of universal background checks. How about Republican Ammosexuals and their Fuhrer, Trump. I’m all for the Massachusetts system, but I’ve supported gun licensing for years. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Has A New ‘Ex’ As Bolton Extends Ignominious Record
Wow! Pervert Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten was cheating on Bolton, He was McMasterbating. If the Fuhrer can find another one, I predict and bet he/she will be as bad or worse Any takers. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: In what some congressional Democrats are calling a flagrant example of Presidential overreach, Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order giving him total control of the weather.
Under the terms of the order, Trump would assume the unilateral power to create all meteorological conditions, including but not limited to hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, hail, sleet, and wintry mix.
After signing the order, a beaming Trump pronounced “total victory” over the weather, which he called “the enemy of the people.”
Dang, Andy! Does that mean we can’t impeach over sharpie-gate? RESIST!!
Vote Blue!!
13 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/11/2019”
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With cats all over the internet, it sounds redundant to say “The Internet Has A Cat.” But check it out anyway.
6:22 [6:31] Locked out.
Cartoon – It certainly is true that that was a direct result of Republican “security” policies, no matter how you break it down.
Vox – No, not everyone is in favor of universal background checks. But isn’t it about 81%? Licensing only makes sense, but I can hear the screams from the NRA and ammosexuals now. Well, it’s a good time to bring it up, at least. Awareness is strong and growing right now.
Rachel – I’m pretty confident both that it won’t be a “she,” and that “he” will be worse than every previous adviser (including Flynn). I have to find it amusing that they couldn’t even get the story straight, but that Trump and Bolton were arguing on Twitter whether he was fired or quit. I assume they are both lying.
TNY – Ouch! That actually sounds more like an Article 25 than an Article of impeachment to me – but – in this regime – you never know. I am sure that Trumpland is no Camelot!
I shouldn’t have checked The Internet has a Cat out. It’s a bookmark now, but it also made me a bit teary, missing both my hubby and my cats now.
I’m so sorry! I couldn’t have known. Since you bookmarked it, maybe it will be more helpful down the road.

I can’t hear my cat purring anymore, but if he let’s me lay my head on his tummy I can feel it.
(Nice to know that there are times that he’s a “normal” cat.)
Normal – but not average – instead, a very special cat.
Ahem! Of course the Internet has a cat!
Well, of course. But you, poor dear, don’t really have too much reason to purr. Out loud. On the ‘net.
Cartoon: Sad !
Vox: Yeah, I’m all for licensing, all the way around..imho.
MSNBC: Good grief, all the folks he nominates are stuck on the merry-go-round, and going nowhere. Then they get laid off or fired. As will the next one he picks, probably.
NYer: Sure, why not…he knows everything, protocol be damned, as he alone can do/fix it. lol
Hi Wendy! Hope that you get your chair straightened out okay…Hope that you have a good evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “Seeing how we got our spy out of Russia, do you think they could get theirs out of the WH?” ~Larry F. ~
2. “Trump doesn’t want spies in other countries, because they would tell on Trump.” ~ Danny L.~
3. “It’s a bad sign when John Bolten comes across as a voice of reason.” ~ Chris W. ~
4. “My building was the 2nd tallest and now it’s the tallest.” dt’s comment on 9-11-2001
Vox: akes sense to me.
MSNBC: Dumpy is a total asshole, and will do what he wants, regardless of “advise” he may or, may not get, virtually all of the time. Bolton too reasonable? Holy Cow!
TNY: He does love him some executive orders, does he not!
‘Toon: We were so damned complacent! And, information sharing was not up to snuff. Is it now? With Mr. “I know more than the generals” in office? Hah!
3:54 What would they all unlock?
Cartoon: Trump’s national security expertise now make out three towers were taken down, all by Iran.
Vox: Sounds sensible, but a limitation of the kinds of weapons, i.e. no assault weapons and the likes, needs to be imposed too.
MSNBC: This is all turning into a reality soap, both of which I do not watch. Trump fatigue has truly set in, even with Rachel (we’ll let this go). She dutifully reports on yeat another potential catastrophe – it’s national security we’re talking about – but she does it so lack-lustre. If I tune out, nothing changes, but it’s incredibly important Trump doesn’t win by simply exhausting his opposition. Please keep up your spirits and RESIST!
TNY: OMG, you’ve all gone bonkers now…
Cartoon: Sad indeed.
Vox: The ones who aren’t for it, can stick it up their as*. They must be heartless creeps, if they don’t care for all of the innocent people who have been killed.
MSNBC: tRump amazes me how he can quickly turn against ones that work for him. I’m happy to see bOlton out. bOlton seemed to me a war loving type. I certainly don’t look forward to seeing who tRump will place in that position now.
TNY: Insane…What a total idiot. tRump screws up everything he touches.
The Vox video was definitely enlightening. To the gunfreaks that parrot the old saw “A right delayed is a right denied,” I call male bovine feces. Before you get a driver’s license, you have to take a driving course, then prove you can drive safely. You have to wait till you’re 17 to see an R-rated movie by yourself, till you’re 18 to vote, till you’re 21 to drink alcohol. Where are the protests by movie buffs, voting rights advocates or beer lovers? And yes, we need not only gun licensing but also bans on civilians owning assault rifles. There’s no reason for Joe Average to have an AR-15. Anybody who thinks a pack of poorly organized, untrained civilians could stand up to the U.S. military is an ignorant fool.
Thanks and tired hugs to all!