Saving the Spy

 Posted by at 10:10 am  Politics
Sep 102019

“Unnamed sources” claim that the reason the CIA extracted a deep cover operative with access to Vladimir Putin [R-RU] was to protect his life.  They feared that Resident Donald Trump, Fuhrer of the Republican Reich would out him to Russia, in which case Putin would have had him, and probably his family, assassinated.  Faux Noise, the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, call it absurd.  Others have different ideas, myself included.

Decades ago, the C.I.A. recruited and carefully cultivated a midlevel Russian official who began rapidly advancing through the governmental ranks. Eventually, American spies struck gold: The longtime source landed an influential position that came with access to the highest level of the Kremlin.

As American officials began to realize that Russia was trying to sabotage the 2016 presidential election, the informant became one of the C.I.A.’s most important — and highly protected — assets. But when intelligence officials revealed the severity of Russia’s election interference with unusual detail later that year, the news media picked up on details about the C.I.A.’s Kremlin sources.

C.I.A. officials worried about safety made the arduous decision in late 2016 to offer to extract the source from Russia. The situation grew more tense when the informant at first refused, citing family concerns — prompting consternation at C.I.A. headquarters and sowing doubts among some American counterintelligence officials about the informant’s trustworthiness. But the C.I.A. pressed again months later after more media inquiries. This time, the informant agreed.

The move brought to an end the career of one of the C.I.A.’s most important sources. It also effectively blinded American intelligence officials to the view from inside Russia as they sought clues about Kremlin interference in the 2018 midterm elections and next year’s presidential contest… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Jesse Dollemore attributed it to malevolence and incompetence.

UNREAL!!! CIA Extracted Top Spy Out of Russia Because Trump Can’t Keep His Mouth Shut!


Rachel Maddow opined that protecting the source was the CIA’s goal.

NBC: Possible Russian CIA Spy In US Under Government Protection


But by the time they extracted him, the Republican Reich was in charge if the CIA.  I think they extracted him to protect themselves, not him.  Their main concern was to stopping the flow of information about Russian election tampering.  Putting the agent in protective custody was the least extreme means available to enable Russia to assist the Republican Reich in the future.

What do you think?



  10 Responses to “Saving the Spy”

  1. I think that you are right, that there is nothing more important to the GOP than being able to hold onto power, regardless of the human cost, or the moral cost.
    This just in: Even war hawk Bolton was not up to snuff for the resident:
    Dollemore: No, “Duty, honor and discipline” were never going to find a home in his emptiness!  missing “Military Intelligence?”  How about, and it does get boring, ANY intelligence?
    Rachel: What more needs to be said about Idiot-In-Charge? 

  2. Of course I have seen the story, since everyone is talking about it.

    Other JD – in addition to sharing initials, we also, apparently, share having served in the USMC. As well as more tha a few opinions. Such as “feckless mouthy dolt.”

    Rachel – Somewhat off topic, but it is gratifying to see someone – anyone – use the actual KREMLIN and NOT St. Basil’s Cathedral, to symbolize Russia. I realize Putin, like Republicans here, claims to be religious (while, also like Republicans here, being in fact anything but), but it really is no fault of poor Saint Basil (whose body might well be spinning in its grave.) That said, I’m afraid that I don’t think this part opf the story should have even been told. For reasons which Rachel and her guest spell out.

  3. WaPo: Still reading, good story.
    JD: Holy Moly! This is out of a spy movie. dt….not so much, he can’t think things through, with putting folks in harms way, and endangering lives. Good Gawd!! 
    RM: Excellent reporting! Putting someone’s life at risk is not good for the person/family, it’s best to keep it on the ‘down low’ for now. 

  4. Well, it just proves the Russians are considerably better at the spy game than we are. They managed to recruit an operative at the highest level of US government.
    And while the CIA has felt the need to extract our informant from the Kremlin because of “Dear Leader’s” blathering & incompetence (at best), Putin has seen no need yet to pull Trump from the Oval Office.

  5. Had trump mentioned some secret intelligence info to the Russians they could have traced the source back to the spy. Pulling him out prevented the Russians from using him as a double agent feeding disinformation to the CIA.
    The situation is still quite bad, it the pull out was sudden the spy may have not had enough time to cover his tracks thus allowing the Russians to figure out the intelligence he sent to the CIA and begin to repair the damage.

  6. Good heavens!!0701

  7. Shameful and scary to have an idiot in office that no one trusts? 
    Agree with Pat, that it’s like something out of a spy movie.


  8. Why can’t both possibilities be true; the C.I.A. extracting their source to save his life and the administration going along with that but for their own sinister reasons?

    But why would the source now be living under his own name in a Washington suburb for anyone to find? Is he now bait for Russians to come and take him out? That no longer will work now Ken Delanian has given it all away in his article. The C.I.A. better find the source a real hiding pace and new identity now.

  9. Dolt 45 is a disgrace, a national security uber risk, the true enemy of the American people and friend to Putin!  And to make things worse (I did not think things could get worse), Dolt 45 is now his own national security adviser.

    If the CIA extracted a Russian asset for his safety, then why did they not put him in a “witness protected” status?  The Russians have already established themselves as a threat on US soil and in US government, not least of which involves Dolt 45.  And the fact that the CIA did not trust the Dolt to not runoff at the mouth should say more.

    What’s next in this painful excuse for an administration?

  10. Thanks and Hump Day Hugs to all. 

    I think it’s a cross between what Beach Said and what I said.  That makes Lona spot on. 03

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