Sep 072019

It’s a cooler rainy day here at the CatBox.  I’m running late, because I overslept.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update from me on both tomorrow and Monday.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, and we have lots of chores.  Monday, I have an appointment with Megan, my PCP for her to decide whether she wants to try medicine for my hiatal hernia or refer me to a surgeon.  Tomorrow is also a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos don’t play until Monday Night, so tomorrow, may the Orb shine its divine light on your team.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:34 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): House Probes Military Travel To Troubled Trump Resort: Politico

C-17 flights to line the Fuhrer’s pocket? That’s 28,000 gallons at $1.71/gal. That’s $49,248 per flight. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: I wasn’t sure whether this was general knowledge or not, but for those of us who have relied on its outstanding reporting over the past 15 years, it’s a pretty big deal.

The progressive site ThinkProgress shut down on Friday in yet another sign of how much the news media landscape has changed in the past decade.


“We are very sad to announce that after more than two months of searching, we have been unable to identify a new publisher for ThinkProgress, and we are left with no choice but to close ThinkProgress as an independent enterprise focused on original reporting,” the statement said.

The founder of ThinkProgress is Judd Legum, who started the site in 2005.  The Center for American Progress, the site’s parent ”think tank,” put the site up for sale in July of this year. As no buyer for the site has been found, the site will shut down, presumably tonight, as reported.

It’s a sad day for journalism from a progressive perspective. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: In the latest in a string of humiliating blows to the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s dog has abruptly resigned as his pet.

The dog, whom Johnson named Lord Slobberly, made the announcement in an official statement on Thursday morning.

“After wrestling with my conscience for some time, I have concluded that any further association with Mr. Johnson would be damaging to my reputation,” the dog said.

Andy, while it would be much more in character had a cat resigned, kudos to the dawg. RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/7/2019”

  1. 3:58 – I’ll take the low road, thanks.

    I hope whatever you and Megan decide works perfectly.

    Cartoon – And that was the swimsuit competition. Boyish figures were in style.

    MSNBC – I know I’m not the only person asking “Where’s the outrage?”

    DK – Yes. One less newsletter for me. I know that’s shallow, sounding, but what I mean is that I try to keep my newsletters to a minimum number of the very best, and that makes TP a big loss for me.

    TNY – TC, a cat would not have been there in the first place. Dogs have a lower bar, which makes this bigger news than if a cat had left. (Note to dog lovers: dogs having a lower bar is not a bad thing. Dogs have more of a mission to improve humans, whereas cats can’t be bothered, and therefore gravitate to ones who, in their opinion, need less improvement.)

  2. Cartoon: I remember this growing up, as my parents rented an apt in Ocean City, every summer back in the ’60’s. AC was a hop, skip and a jump for me and my friends. I miss those days of working, and/or hanging out on the boardwalk, the carnival atmosphere, the homemade fudge, pretzels, and salt-water taffy which added to the festive atmosphere there. The Miss America pageant was the signal of the last days of summer. Those were the days!! 

    MSNBC: Quite frankly, I’m getting sick & tired of this id leaving us to pick up the tab for his ‘visits’ all over the globe, while we’re to pay for these frivolous ventures. What a cad !! 
    DK: Read that yesterday, what a bummer, as I used to read the news there. 

    NYer: Being the owner of a Russian Blue cat, and a Shih Tzu dog, I can relate. He did good. lol. 

    Sounds like you have a couple busy days ahead. Get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Texas attorney general Ken Paxton kept quiet over a year, a gun owner who sent threats to kill immigrants. Blatant dereliction of duty.” ~Tommy J ~ 
    2. “Moscow Mitch is still on his post. He didn’t get there by himself, and apparently no one in the USA can get him down. Must be a Russian post, with Chinese cement.” ~ John M. ~ 
    3. I can’t remember (crs) if I posted this before, but here it is again, if you haven’t listened. 
    Leonard Cohen’s Anthem:

  3. Thank you for the news,I hope all is well and that you have a good clean up with WW Wendy.😾😺😸

  4. May Megan make the right decision!
    MSNBC: Of course, this is how we’ll make america great, again, we’ll funnel money to Dumpy!!!!!
    DK: Now, that is really sad!
    New Yorker: That is a dog with intelligence!
    Pat: That was one very wonderful piece by Cohen, and being a birder, it could not have had a better video accompaniment!

  5. Since the House already announced an investigation, perhaps Pence can be removed before Trump in the sequence…
    I read the website will still post blogs from former writers…
    Boris is having issues with animals–read he led a bull into a police officer this week…predicted to become a meme (Like AB nonetheless)

  6. Cartoon: Sure has come a long way. 
    MSNBC: Doesn’t make me happy to read the amount the clown spends 
    DK: Really a shame that it had to shut down. 
    NY: Smart dog. I wouldn’t want to be associated with bOris either.
    Sure hope all goes well with your visit on Monday with Megan, your PCP. 
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. Thanks and late hugs. 19

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