Bill Maher from 9/6

 Posted by at 10:45 am  Politics
Sep 072019

It’s that time of week again, so here are four fine video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Weather Vain


The Republican weather vane has a chicken hawk instead of a rooster.

Christina Hoff Sommers


OK ladies! Are you gender feminists or equity feminists?

Joe Walsh 2020


I disagree with all his beliefs, except two. He thinks cancelling elections is anti-democratic. He thinks Donald Trump is a horrible human being.

New Rule: The Fudge Report


At 71, it’s been so long that my Medicare Advantage plan considers my restored virginity a pre-existing condition and refuses to treat it. Anymore, no matter how little I eat I stay fat.



  9 Responses to “Bill Maher from 9/6”

  1. Great videos! Bill Maher is, as always, funny and to the point. What points he makes!
    Christina Hoff Summers has a good point herself. True feminism is not Frauen Über Alles, its men and women together as partners. Consider the myth of Adam and Eve: the latter was created from the former’s rib, not from his scalp to be his master, not from his foot to be his slave, but from his side to be his equal.
    When we scream and howl and bellow about our health care system, we need to look at ourselves first. Medicare for All or any other system will NOT WORK until we take responsibility for looking after our own health. We must correct unhealthful habits and change to a plant-based diet (better for Mother Earth, too) if we want a health care system that covers everybody for a reasonable cost. Any health care system we adopt MUST emphasize prevention, and prevention starts with you, buckaroo.

  2. Bill – Monologue – Bill’s not lying. He really, really can’t even. I do have a question – since we are not even at the primaries, let alone the general, why are we determining the “front-runner” from polls which include all parties, instead of polls among Democrats?

    Hoff Sommers – Men are not the enemy. Toxic masculinity, however, is an enemy to both men and women. I have seen people say “you are claiming that masculinity is toxic.” Bull shit. Because I say counterfeit money is a problem, am I saying that all money is counterfeit? Of course not. I am, however, saying that counterfeit money exists. With regard to fragility, I suspect that when you see someone who shows what appears to be extreme fragility, nine times out of ten, that person is someone who was abused as a child, and is being triggered (and that applies to both sexes). WRT equal pay – I think if someone says their workplace doesn’t treat men and women equally (or any other division into groups) – and you don’t work in that workplace – maybe you should shut up and listen. In 74 years I have seen a lot of crap, including what my mother saw, and, believe me, the crap is there. I agree that FACTS would be nice. I didn’t hear many in this segment. Afterthought – it occurred to me how ironic it was that the litany about women being snowflakes happened in the same conversation in which both parties also complained that women don’t know how to negotiate. Don’t they realize that in a negotiation one starts with demands far beyond what one actually wants, in order to have ground to give without giving away the farm?

    Walsh – Here’s the thing: he wants to run as a Republican. He cannot hurt Trump running as a Republican. (And I agree with you that, as he is a Republican, I don’t agree with anything else he believes.) Justin Amash, running as a Libertarian can hurt Trump. (BTW I only made it half way through)

    New Rules – Now there speaks privilege! A huge number of Americans – I would be willing to bet more than half – literally cannot financially afford not to eat like an asshole. Europe doesn’t look like this because Europe doesn’t have the income inequality we do. We didn’t look like this 50 years ago because we didn’t have the inequality 50 years ago that we have now.

    • I agree that toxic masculinity exists and is the enemy of all women.  How about toxic feminism? 08

      • I’ll give you that toxic femininity exists (and is probably different from what you are calling toxic feminism but may have the same roots).  Toxic masculinity comes from privilege.  Toxic femininity comes from being abused.  One of its faces is akin to Stockholm Syndrome, but there are other faces.

  3. W/watch later on this evening, with hubs. 
    Thanks, TC !! 

  4. Bill #1: Bill was good, is good, but that last line about Warren was dumb.
    Bill #2: I did not know about her, but like her perspective.
    Bill#3: Until 2018?  Give me a break!  
    Bill#4: My Physical therapist, a born southerner (Florida) has talked about how it is part of the culture, here, to eat hushpuppies, (pure carbohydrates) and the like.  And, yes, she is a bit overweight, maybe 2 bits, and her response to my commenting that just because it is part of the culture does not make it healthy, by saying “you and your reasonableness.”  Americans “…eat shit,” is so true.   It is also about America’s expenditures on hospitalizations.  

  5. Enjoyed watching his show last night. 
    Thanks TC

  6. Walsh is a monster but he could be a useful monster if he ran as an independent.

  7. Thanks and late hugs! 26

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