Maddow on Trump and Putin

 Posted by at 10:27 am  Politics
Sep 062019


When Vladimir Putin [R-RU] invaded Ukraine and annexed the Crimea, US leaders objected strenuously and set up four columns of response that were fully bipartisan.  They are sanctions, removal of Russia from the G8, military aid to Ukraine, and support for NATO.  Resident Donald Trump, Fuhrer of the Republican Reich, and Putin’s Pervert Puppet is trying to dismantle all four pillars.  I found articles that touched on parts of this, bit only Rachel Maddow put it all together.  In addition, she discussed Putin’s nuclear irresponsibility.  Here are both videos.

Trump Dismantling US Response To Russian Annexation Of Crimea

President Donald Trump Coddling Putin Hampers NATO As Russia Oversteps

There can be no doubt that Trump’s Fuhrer is as evil, bellicose, reckless, and almost half as incompetent as he is.



  12 Responses to “Maddow on Trump and Putin”

  1. Love Rachel’s segment, I watched her vids this morning. 
    What I like about her is that she explains information to where I can understand the situation(s) at hand.
    Very scary of what P & T are doing to undermine the stability of this world. It’s not a circus either. 
    Very scary information and news. 
    Thank, Tom for getting this out here, appreciate it. 

  2. I doubt that Putin is anywhere near even half as incompetent as Trump. Trump can’t even successfully focus on himself – only on the attention he gets. Putin has a much more accurate focus – on himself – which tells him when to shut up and act behind the scenes.

    Bottom line, Trump does not think there is anything wrong – not the least iota – with invading and seizing land (and the people who live there) from another sovereign nation. He’d love to do it himself.

  3. Two questions:

    [1] Do you think we’ll ever learn exactly what kompromat Putin has on Trump that made him such a lapdog.

    [2] Do you think it’s possible that Putin, recognizing how mentally unstable Trump is, is so concerned that he will NOT help re-elect him – and might actually help the Democrat?

    (I honestly don’t think it’s that far-fetched.)

  4. OMG that picture says it all! How can anybody say that there was no Russian influence on Orangeboy?

  5. Wonderful photos of the two evil ones. 
    I agree with Pat that Rachel explains their evil actions so very well. 
    Thanks TomCat

  6. This is incredibly scary. Rachel’s story reads like a bad script for an old black-and-white movie in which everyone is a villain and nobody has the guts to speak up and stop the evil from happening. Not only ‘Donald’ has sold out to Vlad, so have the Republicans by letting it happen or actively support it.

  7. Had the current situation with trump, Putin, been a screenplay as little as ten years ago it would have been laughed off as ridiculous. The idea that a president of the United States, of any party, would actively undermine the post-WW2 alliances and global structure is unthinkable. Yeah, the global order with corporations and huge wealth inequality is a monstrous problem but you don’t fix these issues creating international uncertainty and a power vacuum. All that does is raise the chances of global war as countries like Russia seeks to regain glory or China who feels they should run the world.  
    Even worse, that a huge number of former-Reaganite Cold Warriors here in this country would be willing syncopates for a delusional degenerate, New York reality TV star is something from the realm of a bad Twilight Zone episode. This is damn near a perfect storm pushing us closer to WW3. 
    Hey Tomcat, thanks for the kind words back on my site.    

  8. Thanks, Pooped Hugs, ans Amen to all. 23

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