Aug 262019

It’s a muggy day, here at the shiny new CatBox.  We have Heat and Fire Warnings through Wed.  Tomorrow I may have only an Open Thread.  It depends on how much I get done before the power chair tech arrives and how long it takes him to finish fixing mine.  OGIM Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:42 (average 4:15).  To do it. click here.  How did you do?


Pics from the Shiny New CatBox:

The last one shows the handles on my throne and how hard I have to fight to hold myself down after two  days of chili.






Short Takes:

From YouTube (Elizabeth Warren Channel): Gun violence in America


Liz is spot-on. There are no simple solutions. She will need lots of plans for that. To implement them, we must remove Republican Ammosexuals from power. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): Full Frontal Rewind: Trump’s Henchmen Pt. 1

Barf Bag Bundle Alert!!


Smellyanne, Mad Miller, the pseudo-Pences?… Dang! What’s left for Part 2? I can’t wait! RESIST!!

From NY Times: Joe Arpaio, a former sheriff in Arizona who built a national reputation as an immigration hard-liner, said on Sunday that he would run again for his old office, the latest turn in a long and polarizing career that included a conviction for criminal contempt, a pardon from President Trump and an unsuccessful bid last year for a Senate seat.

Mr. Arpaio, a Republican, was first elected sheriff in 1992 and was defeated by a Democrat in 2016. If elected in 2020, it would be his seventh term in office.


Vote Blue!!


  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/26/2019”

  1. 4:52 Is that palm tree dead or dying? (And do they have to prop the trees up, I assume against weather events?)

    In case you missed this – I’m not sure whether to call it a case of life imitating art imitating life, or just humans imitating monsters imitating humans. (If it makes you want to spit, protect your keyboard.)

    Cartoon – I love that poster. If no one has reprinted recently, it might just be a good time to do so.

    Pics – Too cool! Best to lovely WWWendy WW!

    Liz – Yes – a whole lot of plans, and a whole lot of help.

    Sam – Scary seems like an understatement.

    NYT – I hope and pray he will find that it is not the same Maricopa County now which elected him before.

    • “In case you missed this – I’m not sure whether to call it a case of life imitating art imitating life, or just humans imitating monsters imitating humans. (If it makes you want to spit, protect your keyboard.)”
      Don’t forget that w/ virtually the entire Trump administration:
      “The Cruelty IS the Point”

  2. Cartoon: A great day!!! 
    CatBox: Super sweet! Wonderful ! & fantastic pictures of your new pad, and of YOU! Hi, Wendy! HI Tom!! So sweet of you to share…Thank YOU! 
    YT: Amen, Ms. Warren. I’m certain that you will come up with a good plan to implement a proposal/solution to the gun violence in this country. Kudos for that. 
    FFC: Well done, Sam. (all dangerous, if not supervised ). Love this gal. 
    NYT: No. Nope. Nada. ugh!! 
    Hope that you have a relaxing day, take good care, and Thanks! Tom. 

    This just in: “I’m going to buy Greenland, and Mexico w/pay for it.” ~ Gloria S. ~ 
    2. “When a billionaire dies, who inherits their senator?” ~ Amir T. ~ 
    3. re: dt – “If it isn’t madness, tell me what it is. ~ Carol M. ~ 

  3. ‘Toon: Priceless!
    Pics: Wonderful!
    EWC: Simple, clear, and spot-on.  Violence of any sort might be minimized by a serious focus on teaching emotional Intelligence, as portrayed by Daniel Goleman, in “Emotional Intelligence,” across the country, after we remove Dumpy and his Sec’y of Uneducation from office.
    Sam: Seeing any of Dumpy’s parasitic whores, and sycophants upon walking into a party, would be enough to abruptly swing me into a U-turn!
    NYT: Arpaio is a worm hole leading directly to the universe’s cess pool!  
    Pat’s # 3 new news: Yes, sweetheart, it certainly is madness, on steroids!

  4. Very happy (and relieved) to see several sets of grab bars in the BR!

  5. Cartoon: An important day.
    Pictures. Wow…you and Wendy have your new place looking so wonderful.  See you were enjoying your shower. Nice way to cool off on these hot muggy days. 
    YT/EWC; Elizabeth id doing so great. Hope she continues with her great ideas. 
    Sam: Joanne said it.
    NYT; He’s despicable. Can’t stand seeing his face. Seems like one of pUtin’s creeps/
    Good luck tomorrow with your power chair.
    Have a nice one, TC

  6. 2:43 Too bad I’m not a beach-lover.

    Nice pictures of your digs, TomCat, but I can see why you had problems finding space for everything but I’m sure having your own bathroom has compensated for minor impracticalities.

    Cartoon: Very memorable day, much hated by white old men. For 2020 the poster should read ‘a person’, though.

    EW: Elizabeth Warren is absolutely right. Everyone wants someone else to do something about gun violence. The main problem is getting all these opposing views aligned and work together towards a solution.

    YT: Sam 🐝 only calls out (splendidly) the henchpeople that still work for Trump, so she can’t have much material left for a second round beside Pompeo and Barrf; The White House, i.e. Trump has the highest turnover ever seen. Oh, sorry, I forgot Guilliani. I try to suppress that πŸ‘» as much as I possibly can, but he still popped inside my head. There goes another night of sleep.

    NYT: These white old criminals all suffer from the same disease: dementia. And if he finds any other white old men to sponsor him, it is obviously contagious too and they all should be quarantined.

  7. Thanks and Hugs to all. 17

  8. Puzzle — 5:53  Too hot for me!

    Warren — I am sure that Warren has multiple plans that will include input from many stakeholders.  There is no doubt in my mind that something must be done and damn the Republicans and damn the NRA and damn the weapons manufacturers!

    Sam Bee — Are these some of the best people that Trump says he knows?  We already know that Trump and Republicans must be shown the exit from government everywhere, but these deplorable sycophants add more ammunition, as if anymore were needed.

    NY Times — Arpaio again???  May he die a thousand political deaths.  He should have been arresting himself for breaking the law!

    Cartoon — They would if they could!  That is why it is so important to clear every Republican from office from dog catcher to the WH!

    Great pictures!  Puddy Tat, I think you need a hair cut or you soon will look like a sasquatch . . . big feet and all. 

  9. Maybe the reason why mass shootings don’t get more press is a) they are so common, b) many of them take place in marginalized communities, and c) the gun lobby has a stranglehold on many aspects of our society. We need to RISE UP and let the yellow-bellied bootlicks in Congress we are SICK OF THIS S##T and are NOT going to take it anymore. It’s time to end the insane merry-go-round ride of a mass shooting occurs, the public screams for a sensible gun policy, the Nazis Ruling America jingle their filthy lucre in the ears of Congress people to drown us out, insipid and useless thoughts and prayers are farted all over the place, and we’re back around to where we came.

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