Once upon a time Resident Donald Trump, aka Diaper Don, acted out in Twitter tantrums over and over again, because there were people in the Out House (formerly White House), who wouldn’t commit his crimes. They committed the crimes that involved their own power, profit, and perversion, but not crimes to take the blame for him. For example, when told to kill the Russia investigation, even KKK Beauregard refused and recused himself. But that was before Barrf started barking on command.
From his very first day in office, President Trump has had a strange and, at times, strained relationship with the U.S. intelligence community. The president and his political aides have often challenged the honesty and integrity of the community, damaging morale, undercutting its mission and making the already difficult challenge of uncovering threats to our nation even harder.
But, by putting the CIA’s analytic judgment (that one of Russia’s objectives in interfering in the 2016 election was to help then-candidate Trump) into the crosshairs of the Justice Department, as reported by several news organizations , the president and Attorney General William P. Barr are crossing another line.
I see no problem with a Justice Department review of whether the CIA and other intelligence agencies lived up to their legal and regulatory responsibilities as to how they handled any information related to U.S. persons — U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals. There are strict rules in this regard — the most important promulgated by multiple attorneys general over time — and, in our divisive political environment, it would be beneficial to our democracy for the country to know whether the rules were followed or not.
Nor am I arguing that CIA analytic judgments should be beyond review, but that has already happened in this case. Both the Senate and the House intelligence committees have done reviews of the analysis, with the bipartisan Senate committee calling the overall analysis a “sound intelligence product.” The partisan House committee split on the question of the specific judgment about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intent to help Trump.
What I am arguing is that the Justice Department has no standing to review the CIA’s analytic judgment. The whole idea is inappropriate and dangerous. It is certainly unprecedented, and there are good reasons it has never been done before….
Inserted from <Washington Post>
Rachel Maddow explained how Barrf is acting as Trump’s attack dog in detail.
Barrf will commit ANY crime for his Fuhrer!
9 Responses to “Barrf Barking for His Fuhrer”
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Yes, This is scary. Scarier than most people realize. I’m starting to wonder whether we are going to need, for instance, some kind of special forces team to whisk Mueller into hiding as he completes his testimony so he won’t be summarily arrested on the spot. Or some other drastic measures.
It’s not surprising that Democratic debates are not, at this point, focusing on the crimes of Orange Judas. Right now, they are running against each other. When we do have a candidate, and everyone can present a united front, that’s the time to present that front against the Trump mob. And this is probably a factor in having candidate debates so very early – to get us into that united front position as soon as possible.
No surprise that yellow-bellied lickfoot Barr(f) is shamelessly catering to Twitler.
Rachel explains this well, and it is indeed, very frightening. (Has been since day 01, imho).
Seems that dt/Barr and his cronies are doing/trying to do their damnedest to throw this investigation under the rug, and make it all go away and to tarnish our investigative communities. He’d rather align with Russia/NK/SA, and embrace them, and sully his presidency than caring about the USA, as he’s aligned with foreign nations that embrace dictators.
I also agree with JD’s assessment that Mueller w/need protection before/during/after his testimony that’s coming up. Hiding sounds good too.
Not since Nixon’s horrid AG, John Mitchell, has our nation been saddled with two (Twitler & Barr) despicable and VERY dangerous outlaws.
Barr has decided to throw away whatever reputation he had – and become Twitler’s personal lawyer.
Barf is there only because he had a history of selling out to the highest bidder; the vetting for Barf was spot on, and he is doing exactly what Dumpy hired him to do. Should he be tarred and fathered, and run out of town on a rail? Damn straight!
Well, this Führer has finally found his Franz Gürtner, Reich Miister of Justice under Hitler from 1 June 1932 until his death 29 January 1941.
Gürtner didn’t start out as a Nazi but as a authoritarian, who soon succumbed to Nazi ideology when working for Hitler:
All sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? It will not be long before Barrf will go down the same road Gürtner did, unable to get out of the trap he has voluntary gotten himself ensnared in. If he’s not stuck there already, that is.
Well, that’s spooky. When my mother’s father’s father came to the U.S. in the late 19th century with all but one of his children, he changed the family name to Kummer (because reasons.) Family legend has it that before the change the family name was Kreyssig (though I never saw it written and imagined it spelled Kreißig.) That would be one WWII German I wouldn’t mind being related to. What district was he a judge of, do you know? They were supposed to have come from Saxony, near Leipzig but not in it.
bArr is despicable. Just looking at him gives me the creeps.
Knowing that he’s a kiss-a*s tRump loving bas*ard who will do anything for his leader makes him even more deplorable.
Thanks, busy hugs, and Amen to all.