Samantha Bee from 6/26

 Posted by at 10:47 am  Politics
Jun 272019

It’s that time of week again, and here are four excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!

How to Cover Sexual Assault Allegations Against the President


I wonder how many dozen more women are too traumatized by Resident Pussy Grabber to come forward.

A Debate Showdown in South Beach


LOL Sam! The only one actually that aggressive was DeBlasio.

Goodbye, Huck-a-bot


Huck-a-bot is more honest than Upchuckabee.

How US Meddling in Central America Created the Modern Day Border Crisis


I wish the issue were such that there was something funny Sam could have said. Sadly this is completely true.

Amen, Sam!



  4 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 6/26”

  1. Act 1 – No, you wouldn’t interview Jeffrey Dahmer about spice blends. Good point. Unfortunately, Trump is guilty of so many Class I felonies – characterizing him as a sexual assaulter competes with characterizing him as a con man, which competes with characterizing him as a Russian asset,which competes with characterizing him as a gangster, which competes with – well, I’m sure you get my point.

    Act 2 – The headlines suggest that – as much as possible with the time limitations – there was a lot of substance. Which is perfect for this stage in the campaign.

    Act 3 – And now we wait to see how much worse Melania’s communications director can be in the job.

    Act 4 – I’m really glad Sam is bringing this out. The School of the Americas (SOA, now renamed WHINSEC) is only one part of all of this, but it’s an important and neglected part – it’s how we train Central and South Americans to be evil, right wing bullies so it can look like Central and South America are doing this to themselves. They aren’t. It’s us. The SOA Watch keeps an eye on this, and in the process provides a lot of other information. If this is what Orange Judas means by “making America great” (and I believe it is), I want no part of such “greatness.”

  2. 1. Just 22?? I’m sure that there are more than that. “She’s not my type”, admits his guilt, imho. He’s an ass, and a sick, sick perv.

    2: I like seeing young folks getting involved. Actually, more are knowledgeable about politics, than the older folks are.

    3.Yeah, adios!

    4. Excellent piece of what transpired, and our involvement in this. Sad, and haunting at the same time.

  3. Act 1. Amazes me how the numbers keeps rising and still no legal actions done to the fool.
    Act 2. Agree with Pat.
    Act 3.Glad to see sArah go. Now another tRump favorite getting the job. Just what we don’t need.

  4. Thanks and pooped TGIF Hugs to all. 19

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