Mueller Will Testify!

 Posted by at 9:52 am  Politics
Jun 262019

Here’s some great news.  Robert Mueller has reluctantly agreed to comply with subpoenas and testify before the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees in open session one week from today.  It will be widely televised and watched.  I look forward to seeing the testimony, but it’s important to manage the hearings in the most efficient way to make sure voters get the answers they need to know.


The House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees announced Tuesday that Mueller had agreed to testify after they issued subpoenas for his testimony, and Mueller would appear in public before the two panels next month.

Americans have demanded to hear directly from the Special Counsel so they can understand what he and his team examined, uncovered, and determined about Russia’s attack on our democracy, the Trump campaign’s acceptance and use of that help, and President Trump and his associates’ obstruction of the investigation into that attack,” House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said in a joint statement.

Mueller’s testimony is poised to be the most-anticipated congressional hearing in years, and represents a huge moment for House Democrats who have wrestled with whether to dive into a politically divisive impeachment process following the Mueller investigation and White House stonewalling of congressional probes.

Trump responded to the news on Twitter Tuesday with a familiar two-word refrain: “Presidential Harassment!”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CNN>

Here’s a video on what to expect.


Mueller’s testimony is so critical, because AG Barrf and the Republican Reich keep misrepresenting Mueller’s report.

Rachel Maddow discussed the testimony with Adam Schiff.


I consider it critical that staff do most of the questioning to keep Mueller on track over time. Otherwise, a bunch of members will ask the same questions over and over to create campaign footage. Mueller will slow-walk the answers and run out the clock on them, and America will go without the testimony we need.

If you have a Democratic Congress Critter in either committee, call them and tell them to have staff question Mueller.



  8 Responses to “Mueller Will Testify!”

  1. Good videos, by Brian and Rachel. 
    Sweet Baby Jesus!! This is great! 
    Wonderful and fantastic news!!! 

  2. It was inevitable that he would testify sooner or later. He has too much integrity to defy a subpoena. And, as Nadler says, “Americans have demanded.” Mueller is intelligent enough to know how many Americans are dumb enough not to get the point. I personally think the “Obstruction of Justice: a Play in Ten Acts” would be more illuminating, but the people who really need to see that, just won’t (and, I might point out, that play covered HALF – the second “volume” – of the report. But that’s the half on which impeachment would have to be based. Obstruction of justice doesn’t have as high a standard of proof as conspiracy does.)

    From the quotes from the letter which accompanied the subpoena, it’s clear to me that the committees knew Mueller would consider this a hostile subpoena, and wanted to assure him Congress wanted to make the session as friendly as they possibly could. And that’s what I think they will do. I don’t think any democrat in Congress has the slightest intention of making an enemy of Mueller.

    I don’t think “July 17th” is exactly “one week out” though.

  3. Sounds wonderful!  I do hope, TC, that your concern about him running out the clock is misplaced.  Given what we believe about his integrity, and the seriousness of the matter (Duh!), I’m hoping that he’ll be forthcoming.  This may be the first real bonus I get out of being retired-I won’t have to be at work.

  4. Was so happy to hear that he’s going to testify. Hoping that he does give some damaging news regarding tRump.
    Sick of hearing tRump saying that Mueller said he’s done nothing wrong. Yeah right.
    So I’ll be looking forward to watching it.

  5. Not that it will happen, but it wouldn’t disappoint me if most Democrats yielded their time Rep. Adam Schiff

    After Harvard Law School he became a stellar US Prosecutor.

    He knows how to get the truth out.  I really like the guy!

  6. Awesome, i look forward to it!! 👍🏽

  7. Thanks all.  26

    Mitch and Nameless, I agree that several Reps are well qualified, but five to ten minutes is not enough time to develop issues in depth.

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