Here is the one hundred sixty-first article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican Oregon State Senator and Ammosexual, Brian Boquist. He is so honored for his love of polluters and his threat to murder state police officers for enforcing the law.
Tensions were already smoldering in the Oregon Senate Wednesday, when Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas, poured gasoline on the situation, suggesting he would shoot and potentially kill any state trooper sent to haul him unwillingly back to the Capitol.
After Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger Jr. said Tuesday that his caucus was “prepared to take actions” to prevent passage of a major climate change bill, Gov. Brown announced on Wednesday that she was ready to answer Republican stonewalling by calling lawmakers back for a special session.
Brown hinted that she would be willing to send state troopers to round up Republicans if they walk out in the final days of the regular legislative session, saying in a statement that she is “in close communication with Oregon State Police.” That’s an option Democratic senators and the governor did not use earlier this year, when Senate Republicans first brought the Senate to a standstill by walking out and preventing the necessary quorum.
The governor’s hint that she would consider sending troopers in the event of a second walkout triggered an aggressive response from Boquist, which was captured by a KGW news team at the Capitol.
“This is what I told the superintendent,” Boquist said, referring to OSP Superintendent Travis Hampton. “Send bachelors and come heavily armed. I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple.”…
Inserted from <The Oregonian>
Oregon is a strange place. Most of the population is progressively left, but Eastern Oregon, with a lot of space, but little population is jam packed with RWNJ Sheeple. This KGW video shows how Boquist’s constituents reacted to him and his criminal threats.
Barf Bag Alert!
Sadly, there remains a part of Oregon that earns parades and does not lead the way.
7 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 6/21/2019”
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Geesh, sounds like spoiled children not getting their way. Not a good way to represent themselves nor their party. (R’s). ugh!
Awful reading how much violence he speaks with words and actions. what gives this bas*ard the right to threaten state troopers like that?
If you or I said that, we’d be locked up for making these threats.
This isn’t the type of politicians we want running our states or country.
They need to be voted out,
If Boquist is so against the bill, then vote it down with the rest of the Republicans. If Republicans are in such a minority that they could not defeat the bill, then do better at the polls next time — legitimately. Until that time, do your job! . . . which does not include walkouts.
Typical Republican tactics — pout, cry and obstruct! As for his constituents who appear to be relatively uneducated and egg him on, grow up! McTurtle must be so proud of this state Republican party.
How can you say they are not leading the way, when they are so clearly leading the WRONG way.
Tossers a plenty… we’re catching up with you here in Oz & probably will soon overtake!! 🤬
Ms. “I am a Republican…” could not even give a cogent response.
Yeah, do your job, vote against it, if you wish, but don’t pout and cry!
Thanks and hugs to all.
To be fair Democrats did the same thing hen Republicans were extreme Gerrymandering after the 2010 midterms. The difference is this. When Republicans called the State Police, Democrats paid the fines without complaint, and hey did not threaten violence. Now Republicans have called in armed militias from out of state to defend them against the police.