Jun 132019

It’s not as hot today here in the CatBox.  Yesterday the high at the airport was 99°, but downtown, where I am, it reached 103°.  Today will be in the high 80°s.  I still feel frustrated and depressed, but I’m back in the saddle anyway.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Inside President Donald Trump’s Plot To Destroy His GOP Nemesis


I stand boldly against Justin Amash on every issue, save one. But that one has fully unleashed the wrath of the Republican Reich against him. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Jesse Dollemore Channel): Donald Trump: “I’d Take” Damaging Info on 2020 Rival From Foreign Enemy Operatives!


Thank you Jesse. I too am shocked that Fuhrer of the Republican Reich is bragging about his criminal intent. The Fuhrer is a traitor. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: Today’s Quinnipiac poll finds all the better known Democratic candidates would defeat Donald Trump if the election were held today.

         Joe Biden leads by 53% to 40%

  • Bernie Sanders 51%, Trump 42%
  • Kamala Harris 49%, Trump 41%
  • Elizabeth Warren 49%, Trump 42%
  • Pete Buttigieg 47%, Trump 42%
  • Cory Booker 47%, Trump 42%

Woooo Hoooo!! RESIST!!



  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/13/2019”

  1. 4:39 Gives a new meaning to the term “hanger-on.”

    If anyone wants to listen for about 45 minutes to three intelligent people discussing the way our federal court are getting packed against us, Here’s a link. (You can have it in the background while doing other things, of course.)

    This headline is definitely counter-intuitive … but read on and it makes more sense.

    MSNBC – We shall see. Primary challenges don’t always succeed. I agree with you, TC, I am opposed to him on everything else. But there need to be opposition voices in Congress, and, even if they are as opposed as he is, I prefer to have them as principled as he is. Edit: And not only that, he has a sense of humor. Don Jr just threatened to primary him personally, and his reply (on Twitter) was, and I quote, “if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”

    Other JD – I’m not shocked. We’ve been comparing him to dictators, but we are forgetting he also resembles Louis XIV (except older and worse looking): “L’etat, c’est moi.” It also reminds me of “What’s good for General Motors is good for the country.” He quite simply has NO IDEA what it means to be a nation. I do wish Jesse would not go quite so hard on House Democrats, though. They are in a tough position and they are not idle. Its OK to wish they would move faster, but I don’t think they very well can. Smearing them for doing things right, or at the very least precisely, is not helping.

    DK – And if we didn’t have an electoral College, that information would be worth its weight in gold. As things are, it’s a little depressing.

    Cartoon – Republicans repealed it de facto when they destroyed Reconstruction.

  2. I want to see how ALL Rethuglicans respond to Twitler’s treasonous admission WRT welcoming our foreign enemies’ dirt:

    •  Many think exactly the same way.  Most of those will not bother to respond, and I’m not sure I really want to hear the praises sung by those who will.

  3. MSNBC: Got to give Mr. Amash credit for what he believes, and his feelings about dt/impeachment. Shame others within his party can’t or won’t grow a spine, and join him.

    The other JD: I agree with every single word that Jesse said. It is TREASON !! for dt to speak this way. He doesn’t care, either. It’s all about him, and no one else.

    DK: YAY! Of course, he melted when he saw those numbers, and called them fake. Gawd, no sense of reality in this id. At. All.

    Cartoon: Sad. They’d love to do it too!!

    Get your rest, TC. You’ve earned it, and hope that you get a chance to rest/relax. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “A child on the other side of the border is no less worthy of love and compassion than my own child.” ~ Barack Obama ~
    2. “Helping the enemy used to be called ‘treason’. Now it’s just called being a Republican.” ~ Jamie C. ~

  4. Sorry slightly off topic but i had to let you know this is going nuts on Twitter…

    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump3h “I meet and talk to “foreign governments” every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about “Everything!”

    The Prince of WHALES 🐳 🐳 🐳   🤣 🤣 🤣

  5. MSNBC: Good for Mr. Amash’s views on his evil leader. Why are so many others blind and stupid???
    Other JD: None of us are stunned to hear of tRump’s thoughts about treason. He’s stab his best friend in the back to get in front. He’s a heartless evil bas*ard.
    DK: His favorite two words, FAKE NEWS. Whenever it has anything to do with him not ahead.
    Hope the weather continues cooling for you. Don’t like hearing that your spirit isn’t up. You have a nice new place to look forward to. It will be all taken care of soon. So take care.

  6. Thanks and pooped TGIF hugs to all. 29

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