It’s already hot, here in the CatBox. We set a record yesterday, and today will be even hotter, forecast at 99°. It may even top 100°. I need to take one more day off because of the heat, and because I still have to undo a bunch of changes I made in preparation for the move. I’m also tired, because there was a microwave fire in the building last night. I hope to be back in the saddle tomorrow.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:12 (average 4:51). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From Huffington Post: Biden, who is leading a crowded pack of Democrats hoping to unseat Trump next year, referenced criticism he had received from some of his presidential competitors for being, in his words, “stuck in the past” by talking about working with congressional Republicans on the campaign trail.
“With Trump gone, you’re going to begin to see things change. Because these folks know better. They know this isn’t what they’re supposed to be doing,” Biden said of Republicans in Congress at a Monday fundraiser in Washington.
Biden could not be more wrong. Republicans were anything but bipartisan, when America had a President (Obama), not just a fascist Resident, unless we go by the Republican definition of bipartisanship:
9 Responses to “Personal Update – 6/12/2019”
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Most or all of the gop bend the knee, and kiss dt’s feet. As evidenced by Jordan/Gaetz, and others yesterday at Dean’s hearing. They continue to ignore, and do nothing. They’re not going anywhere, nor thinking of you, not while McConnell is the Majority, and dt is bogus potus. C’mon, Joe, you can do better.
Cartoon: Ain’t that the truth?
Gee, I sure do hope that you get a chance to unwind, and rest/relax. DO take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “Trump will never be half the man his mother was.” ~ Jim S. ~
2. “New Trump sticker – “Worse than Nixon” ~ Bill K. ~
5:29 I don’t think Biden is low energy. I admit that I am. I’m also not running for anything.
WaPo – Yes, he’s wrong. I responded yesterday to an email from one of the candidates with four things I want to see in a candidate, why I didn’t see them im him, and who I did see them in (four different candidates). I also said that we don’t need a centrist, and that the very best service he could doe for his country – and his party too – would be to drop out, pick a progressive candidate to get behind, and throw his support behind that candidate. I doubt it will change anything, but it was good for me to write it. Not only did it feel good to put it out there, but it also helped me clarify my own opinions.
Cartoon – Indeed.
HP: it’s getting crazy listening to tRump calling Joe all sort of names/titles. Grown man acting like preschool age with his ugly mouth. How his followers can stand there and listen to his crap??? I’ll never understand. I would be ashamed of myself to say I was standing there listening to such garbage.
As for Joe living in the past, not good. He has to get with the new times/ages to keep up his popularity.
You must be getting the heat we had here for the past three days. It was in the high 90’s here. It’s back down today. Don’t look forward to when it will be that way all summer long. The humidity is what gets to me.
Just quickly touching bases — it was 35 C (95 F) today and miserable, but certainly Portland’s 99 F is worse. I hate heat!!!
I had a bunch of testing done on my hands on Monday. It seems I have carpal tunnel and damage to the ulnar nerve in both arms/hands. The left is the worst by far. The testing showed that the left ulnar nerve is almost totally dead which is why the muscles around my thumb and the outside heal of my hand are wasted and why I have numbness in my pinky. This also accounts for my lack of strength in that hand. I have been told that the muscles will never regenerate. The main option is surgery which does not excite me. Before that though, I will work with my physio which does not totally excite me since he said he’d use needles (similar to acupuncture needles) and I am needle phobic.
Sorry to hear that you got the Republican run around with the new place which is now in never never land! I hope another palatial place becomes available in short order.
Squatch, I’m so sorry to learn that your hands are in dich bad shape. Hugs and prayers!![18](
Can you teach your fur balls to take dictation?
Oh, dear, that’s too bad. I served with another woman officer who was needle phobic, and who needed some dental work. I don’t recall whether she ever got it done, but she certainly didn’t get it done the day I tried to help her get it. Is there any way you can find a hypnotherapist to help you deal with the phobia? A good one can work wonders Hubby got a tool from one, a post hypnotic suggestion to use when he needs to calm down, more than twenty years ago, which still works for him. I know not every one is equally competent,
Not a fan of heat, agree Biden is wrong…..sadly I heard one progressive radio host already asking if Biden has the nomination locked up….What the?????? Time for debates to show that he is name recognition only…..I think…..although will vote for him if he does win the nomination
Thanks and back at it hugs to all.![26](
Lynn, I am sorry to hear of your hand trouble; good luck with whatever path you take.
I am 2 days out of rt. shoulder replacement surgery, and recovering well, at this time; typing leftie.
Biden does not seem to realize the toxic impact of the Tea Party, John Boehner, and especially McTurtle have had on the GOPIGGIES!