This year, I shall not attack Democratic Candidates. However, when the behavior or a position of a Democratic candidate falls short of what I believe the party needs, I will say so with no attack intended. Joe Biden recently unveiled his climate change plan. It has two problems. First, segments of it appear to be plagiarized. Second, and far more important, the plan reflects the policies of the fossil fuel industry.
Sections of the former vice president’s plan, noted an observant climate campaigner, “looked like the type of thing the coal industry, trade groups, and coal companies themselves say.
Almost immediately after releasing a climate plan Tuesday that green groups slammed as woefully inadequate in part due to its embrace of industry-backed proposals such as “carbon capture,” presumptive 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden faced accusations of plagiarizing language from a number of sources, including a coalition consisting of major fossil fuel companies…
Josh Nelson, vice president of the progressive organization CREDO Mobile, was the first to highlight possible instances of plagiarism in Biden’s plan, noting on Twitter that the section “about carbon capture and sequestration includes language that is remarkably similar to items published previously by the Blue Green Alliance and the Carbon Capture Coalition”—two organizations backed by major fossil fuel companies and labor unions.
“Membership of the Carbon Capture Coalition, where some of Biden’s language seems to have originated, includes Shell, Peabody Energy, Arch Coal, and Cloud Peak Energy.”
—Josh Nelson, CREDO Mobil… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Raw Story>
On the issue of plagiarism, I don’t consider it a big deal. In all probability it was prepared by an aide, and Biden didn’t know. He has updated it with proper citations.
Biden’s support for CCS is far more ominous. There is a reason that there are no large scale CCS plants anywhere in the world. Such a facility would require so much extra fuel and energy to operate that to do so would be cost prohibitive, a probable increase of up 60% or more. That makes CCS the pie in the sky for the fossil fuel industry, an excuse to keep on pumping carbon as long as fools believe it’s coming real soon now.
Joe Biden has apparently been taken in, as I do not believe that he would intentionally feed corporate criminal bullshit to American voters. Nevertheless, he is doing so. If he wins the Democratic nomination, I will support him. However, I believe this position disqualifies him as a viable candidate for the Democratic nomination, and urge you support others.
11 Responses to “Has Biden Disqualified Himself?”
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Climate disruption is real, and deadly. Unfortunately, so are the voters who believe it a hoax. Actually, it’s not them I am most concerned about – it’s the far greater number of voters who realize, yeah, climate change, but have no idea what it can do (not entirely their fault – they are preoccupied with little things like staying financially afloat, dealing with huge debt, supporting their families, getting health care without going bankrupt – little things like that.) Even those of us who do realize – well, I admit my outrage has not caught up with my knowledge. I expect Joe is operating within that bubble. In reality, climate experts say that even the Green New Deal, which Republicans find so hysterical – that it’s actually too late for it, and far more drastic measures are needed.
Maybe the RWNJelicals do have one thing right – maybe we are staring the end of the world in the face (or at least the end of the human race.) Of course, if so, it won’t look anything like they think it will look like. And there for certain will not be any rapture. They will be stuck with the rest of us, dying from conditions of their own making.
Certainly I will support whoever the Democratic nominee is. But in view of climate, I’m leaning a little toward Jay Inslee.
Good post here. I certainly didn’t know about this. Thanks for the info, I will be passing this on.
I, too, will support whoever the Democratic nominee is!
I was unaware of this plan too.
I feel Joe needs to be re-educated about the proper way to address the Climate Change issues.
He seems to be still living in the stone age.
Hopefully someone will make him come up with a much better plan.
Democrats need a nominee who can kick tRump’s orange ass. They need to focus on WINNING, and they will do that by promoting genuine progressives like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, not corporate-owned pseudo-Democrats. No more of this moderate crap – we need a REAL left-leaner! We need someone who contrasts with Agent Orange and appeals to voters. We need to get youth and people in marginalized communities registered and motivated to vote. We need someone who can run a real campaign, not just “I’m With Her.”
Damn shame!
Speaking the Truth is not attacking!
When Joe Biden Voted to Let States Overturn Roe v. Wade
—————————————————————————————-Joe Biden campaigned for Michigan Republican ahead of midterms
—————————————————————————————-He’s been a strong Wall Street ally
He voted to gut welfare
He wrote the original ‘94 crime bill and has defended it ever since
He’s a proponent of the War on Drugs
He voted for the Iraq War
He voted and likely laid the groundwork for the USA PATRIOT Act
He voted for the 2006 border fence
He’s unreliable (at best) on Net Neutrality
He voted for NAFTA and supported the TPP
He allowed Anita Hill to be silenced and shamed
——————————————————————————————–Joe Biden Still Backs Hyde Amendment, Which Bans Federal Funds for Abortions
June 5, 2019
You know what i’m going to say next…. 😊
(TC, i didn’t include the links because they caused problems last time)
Animae, you can include up to three live links and your comment will be automatically approved. More than that and it will go to moderation. TomCat or another administrator will then approve it because it’s you, but there’s no guarantee how long it will be before it is seen. If you want to include more than three links and don’t want to wait, there are workarounds.
JD is spot-on. The easiest workaround is to make consecutive comments with three links each.
You can also add that Biden SUPPORTS the HYDE AMENDMENT!!!!!!!!
I cannot, sorry, I just cannot vote for a center-right, middle-of-the-road corporate bought whore. Never again.
DAWGSIE!! So good to see you here. 😻
Take care. a 3rd party vote is a vote for Trump.
Thanks and Hugs to all.